The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine

Well what you posted has zero to do with this thread topic, but are you referring to these facts?

The number of illegal ballots found in Maricopa County alone is over 4 times the current amount separating President Trump and Joe Biden in Arizona as a whole. This is ONE COUNTY !!!

Try reading, oh you know, the actual facts in the report rather than the spin the mainstream media puts out to deceive people like you

Originally Posted by berryberry
Thanks I will have to remember that.
mrmxmr's Avatar
[QUOTE= That way there will be more democrats to vote next time.[/QUOTE]



and thats the kovid we will sadly never be rid of !
Well what you posted has zero to do with this thread topic, but are you referring to these facts?

The number of illegal ballots found in Maricopa County alone is over 4 times the current amount separating President Trump and Joe Biden in Arizona as a whole. This is ONE COUNTY !!!

Try reading, oh you know, the actual facts in the report rather than the spin the mainstream media puts out to deceive people like you

Originally Posted by berryberry
Arizona report in, actually Biden got 99 more votes and Trump lost 261 votes. That is CBS facts.
bambino's Avatar
Arizona report in, actually Biden got 99 more votes and Trump lost 261 votes. That is CBS facts. Originally Posted by bypass
If you want facts, watch the video
If you want facts, watch the video Originally Posted by bambino
That video is two days old. The real report came out today. That is the facts I give today from that giant news company CBS and it was broadcast TODAY.

That report on the Video can't be right Amishm**** said dead people voted. The report that you got said nothing of that happening. So which is it, dead people voted or didn't the dead people vote?
bambino's Avatar
Senator Kelly Townsend reacts to the Arizona Election Audit Report
Phoenix, AZ
September 24, 2021

I am thoroughly shocked, yet not surprised, at the product that was delivered to the people of Arizona by the hands of Adrian Fontes regarding the 2020 General election. Although the raw numbers of votes show a similar outcome to the official canvass. The important outcome is that the votes that were counted could be trusted as actual and true voter submissions, according to Arizona State law.
However, what we learned today that there was a myriad of issues with the counting process that undermine the confidence in the true and accurate count of this election. The election system simply does not balance. Some of the issues that jump out immediately to me are as follows:
• Deleted / purged files - The timing and deletion of files the day before the 2/2/21 audit. Maricopa county purged the machine records the day before the audit started. Many .exe and .dll files (approximately 1500) were either deleted or modified.
• No security or credential management. There were shared accounts and passwords which made the identification of those deleting or purging files difficult, but not impossible.
• Duplicates ballots were grossly mismanaged, and our laws were broken regarding this important part of our election process.
• Chain of custody was not accurately kept, making it impossible who touched what and when.
• Envelopes without signatures, images of ballot envelopes with an apparent approval stamp behind the basic graphics of the envelop, suggesting tampering.
• Connectivity to the internet has been established, in violation of Arizona law and contrary to what we have been told about the system.
• Sloppy caretaking of ballots, missing batches in boxes, batches in boxes not listed on the box or county list.
These are just a few of the many issues brought up today and necessitate a dramatic change in the way we oversee our elections, and how we hold those accountable who have broken our laws. Most importantly, whenever there is malfeasance and skullduggery, we must both nullify that election and repeat it with one more securely conducted, and we must move forward with indictments of hose who perpetrated this fraud against us.
bambino's Avatar
Wendy Rogers: The audit has been referred to the Arizona Attorney General for further action.

Another AZ Senator
AmishGangster's Avatar
That video is two days old. The real report came out today. That is the facts I give today from that giant news company CBS and it was broadcast TODAY.

That report on the Video can't be right Amishm**** said dead people voted. The report that you got said nothing of that happening. So which is it, dead people voted or didn't the dead people vote? Originally Posted by bypass
Dead people voted. Lots and lots of them. CBS=liberal as fuck
Do you really expect the mainstream media to release definitive proof of actual election fraud? As I stated before the consequences if that happened are incredibly harsh. This is the same reason Hillary didn’t truly ever challenge Trumps win. The validity of our elections are the basis of our democracy. This is exactly why the libtards continue to violate them, they know proof will never be given to the public no matter how obvious it is. Kind of like the government denying Area 51s existence for half a century
Dead people voted. Lots and lots of them. CBS=liberal as fuck
Do you really expect the mainstream media to release definitive proof of actual election fraud? As I stated before the consequences if that happened are incredibly harsh. This is the same reason Hillary didn’t truly ever challenge Trumps win. The validity of our elections are the basis of our democracy. This is exactly why the libtards continue to violate them, they know proof will never be given to the public no matter how obvious it is. Kind of like the government denying Area 51s existence for half a century Originally Posted by AmishGangster
So don't believe CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSN even though they cut up Biden as much as they do Trump, just Fox, The Pillow Guy, and all those radical made up back yard twitter accounts? That"s why I have had problems with all these radical comments and couldn't understand why. So it must be true also that we really didn't land on the Moon. . Now I know where the problem has been.

So I guess Trump is going to be president again for Thanks Giving cause the pillow guy said that today. But that was also from one of those lying fake news networks. We will just have to wait and see.
berryberry's Avatar
Arizona report in, actually Biden got 99 more votes and Trump lost 261 votes. That is CBS facts. Originally Posted by bypass

LOL CBS - please. They are so far up senile Biden's ass it isn't funny. I posted excerpts from you know - the actual damn report. Those are the facts - not the bullshit CBS and their colleagues report to low information voters.

The Fake News media fixated on one small piece that took approximately 2 minutes of the multiple hours long hearing to cover.

Why? It is the only piece they could spin favorably for senile Biden

As people have told you before - when you simply keep counting fraudulent ballots, you keep getting the same total. That is why recounts never undercover fraud and all CBS reported is the results of counting the same fraudulent ballots over again. But that simplistic recount doesn't tell you how many ballots should have NEVER been counted in the first place! That is why they did an actual audit. And why the hearings presenting the findings of the actual audit went on for several hours. That is why the actual report is lengthy (I excerpted parts of it for you before) The auditors presented all the fraud that was uncovered and proved why the results of the election are not accurate

That is what ALL THE REST of the findings of the audit showed. Way more ballots than the margin of victory that were tainted - just in one damn county !!!

Next time try educating yourself and read the actual report or listen to the actual hearing explaining the findings instead of mindlessly listening to the lies mainstream media spreads.

I am sure you won't. It seems you have an aversion to the truth and real facts. But try reading the report for a change, you will be surprised what you can learn

bottom line - the Democrats cheated and

Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen this thread is way off topic. The topic is people getting the vaccine

Gentlemen this thread is way off topic. The topic is people getting the vaccine

Thanks Originally Posted by Dr-epg
I guess it all started with comment 18. I probably should have let that comment go instead of responding. I get tired of hearing the same old same old.. I will try and let that kind of comment go and stay on the topic I originally started.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I believe getting the vaccine has given bypass brain damage, although its possible he already had it and I just never noticed before.
Scores of dead Democraps vote in every election Originally Posted by AmishGangster
How is that brain dead when I responded to this comment that had nothing to do with getting the vaccine.
AmishGangster's Avatar
How is that brain dead when I responded to this comment that had nothing to do with getting the vaccine. Originally Posted by bypass
I saw it today during a report on CBS regarding vaccine side effects. Since it was on CBS it must be true