The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine

Charley, how is this a false statement? Not once did I speak of any percentage of people having or not having the vaccine, which you are using as a reference… please learn the difference between someone’s opinion and stating a fact. You can disagree with an opinion, but that does not make it false. Originally Posted by frankbillings724
You said “the reason why most people don’t want to get the vaccine”.
Maybe I misinterpreted somehow, but it reads like more then half(most) the population doesn’t want to get the vaccine, which isn’t true. If my interpretation was wrong, my bad.
berryberry's Avatar
How much credibility did the medical establishment lose when it decided that you had to live in a cave except when attending BLM protests?
Funny thing - you'll surely notice that we never are told WHICH members of the House of Congress and Senate are vaccinated or un-vaccinated.

Yet people are being FORCED to get the nick.

### Salty
You said “the reason why most people don’t want to get the vaccine”.
Maybe I misinterpreted somehow, but it reads like more then half(most) the population doesn’t want to get the vaccine, which isn’t true. If my interpretation was wrong, my bad. Originally Posted by Charley3
This is referring to the population of unvaxed people, my apologies if that part was confusing
berryberry's Avatar
This is referring to the population of unvaxed people, my apologies if that part was confusing Originally Posted by frankbillings724
I think any reasonable person read the statement and understood what you were saying. There was nothing confusing about it
berryberry's Avatar
NYC Restaurateurs: Business Down 40 to 60 Percent Due to Vaccine Mandate
I think any reasonable person read the statement and understood what you were saying. There was nothing confusing about it Originally Posted by berryberry
Dude. STFU! You are nothing but a fucking troll. I apologized and he accepted. Wtf do you care about it??!!
This is exactly why everything that comes from you 90% of people reading it disregard it as complete bullshit! Without even reading it!!
Go get a fucking life.
This is how batshit crazy this is becoming (I’m not saying I’m for or against getting the vax, I feel it is a decision you should make with your doctor and I support each person’s individual decision. My issue is when people start telling complete strangers what to do.), take San Fran for example. You have to show your vaccine cards to get into a restaurant. I have worked in the restaurant industry before in my life and at least when I did, there were a lot of drugs/drinking among the employees. So in theory, I would have to show my medical records to a crackhead to eat there??? No fucking thank you. I’m not showing a medical record to anyone other than a medical professional on principle. This is getting way out of control and is a direct violation of HIPAA laws, yet that coverage is never mentioned in mainstream media.
Here is a question for everyone, should the government have the power to make children get vaccinated before starting school? They have that power now. There child should they have a choice?

Should people that don't get any kind of vaccine and end up getting the virus and know they have it but come to work anyway and infect most that work there should they be liable? Especially if someone ended up dying.

Should the government make people wear seat belts like they do now or should people have a choice? There body that would get harmed no one else's.

Should the military be allowed to make the solders get the tons of shots they give them have a choice? As it stands now they all have to get shots. More or less it is designed to protect the solders. Should solders have a choice?

Should we have a choice on what vaccines we have to get and no choice on others? Shouldn't it be all or none? Especially when a lot of the complaints are more political views not medical views. As it stands right now, our country is basically shut down for going on two years. Should we let it go into another depression just because of our political views? As it stands right now this virus is never going to go away if everyone don't do something.
HDGristle's Avatar
I’m not showing a medical record to anyone other than a medical professional on principle. This is getting way out of control and is a direct violation of HIPAA laws, yet that coverage is never mentioned in mainstream media. Originally Posted by frankbillings724
I'm interested in what the direct HIPAA violation would be if you're game to explain.
COVID-19 deaths eclipse 700,000 in US as delta variant rages
snoopy75's Avatar
Is there anywhere non-biased (toward anything) that you can get the statistics and demographics of those who are vaxxed and non-vaxxed?
bambino's Avatar
Nobody gets rich off of natural immunity.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Here is a question for everyone, should the government have the power to make children get vaccinated before starting school? They have that power now. There child should they have a choice?
Far more kids drown in swimming pools than from coof. Maybe we should require swimming lessons to attend school.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Natural immunity is proven better than vax immunity, in fact some CDC statements actually refer to natural immunity as super immunity.
So why can’t I show my positive Covid test results that I recovered from to eat in San Fran?
Because that isn’t benefitting politicians pushing agenda.

Can’t compare this vax to ones currently required by schools. Those are fully vetted vaccines, this is NOT, no matter how hard the left is tying to spin it. No other vax or drug for that matter gets full FDA approval in a year.