The Swiss guard told the Pope to fuck off
I see a lot on here are in that stage of their lives of trying to be right all the time. You will grow out of that one day, hopefully. Some don’t. We have all been there at one time in our lives. Usually it comes with your voice changing and getting a little deeper. Some call it trying to become a man, others say they have a low self esteem.How much did u pay for that penetrating rant?
If it is low self esteem you will notice it only makes you feel good about yourself for maybe 15 minutes. Then after that time it is back to the same old you, you don’t feel like an equal. I have worked with guys like that. The snide remarks, trying to be political correct, know everything, everyone is wrong except them. Getting punked down daily. Some grew out of it some didn’t.
On here for now and being I am not near anyone, go for it. I don’t mind. If you feel better about your self’s for those 15 minutes, I am cool with that. It don’t bother me for the ones on here looking to be right.
That is probably why you guys love Trump so much. He was stupid he actually read with his finger, I seen that for myself.
So if making fun of me and others you don’t agree with makes you feel better. Go for it, make fun. I see it every day. If you feel you need to post a lot to get things off of your chest or need a reaction from our colleagues to feel better, do it. We can save you money from getting a hooker to make yourself feel better.
The main topic on here that some ignore is how can we get people vaccinated or whatever it takes so we can go places like we use to without worrying of giving it to anyone including the older and younger people or getting the virus ourselves.
Peace. Originally Posted by bypass
I see a lot on here are in that stage of their lives of trying to be right all the time. You will grow out of that one day, hopefully. Some don’t. We have all been there at one time in our lives. Usually it comes with your voice changing and getting a little deeper. Some call it trying to become a man, others say they have a low self esteem.We will pretend you're right for 10 minutes if it makes you feel better, ok?
If it is low self esteem you will notice it only makes you feel good about yourself for maybe 15 minutes. Then after that time it is back to the same old you, you don’t feel like an equal. I have worked with guys like that. The snide remarks, trying to be political correct, know everything, everyone is wrong except them. Getting punked down daily. Some grew out of it some didn’t.
On here for now and being I am not near anyone, go for it. I don’t mind. If you feel better about your self’s for those 15 minutes, I am cool with that. It don’t bother me for the ones on here looking to be right.
That is probably why you guys love Trump so much. He was stupid he actually read with his finger, I seen that for myself.
So if making fun of me and others you don’t agree with makes you feel better. Go for it, make fun. I see it every day. If you feel you need to post a lot to get things off of your chest or need a reaction from our colleagues to feel better, do it. We can save you money from getting a hooker to make yourself feel better.
The main topic on here that some ignore is how can we get people vaccinated or whatever it takes so we can go places like we use to without worrying of giving it to anyone including the older and younger people or getting the virus ourselves.
Peace. Originally Posted by bypass
WOW, Lindsey Graham wants all of you to get the vaccine. Hang around he will change his mind again.Who gives a fuck what he says. Originally Posted by bypass
The main topic on here that some ignore is how can we get people vaccinated or whatever it takes so we can go places like we use to without worrying of giving it to anyone including the older and younger people or getting the virus ourselves.Actually the topic is why people don’t want the vaccine
Peace. Originally Posted by bypass
I know a lot that have had the virus, a lot of them ended either in the hospital or at least under doctors care. Out of them some missed as much as a month of work.I cant speak for other posters but I post facts that come from the cdc as much as possible. It is true your chances of dying in a wreck are astronomically higher than dying from the china virus. It is a cdc fact out of 70 some million kids, roughly only 300 to 400 have died and virtually all had other conditions. A cdc fact is if double vaxd u have only a 1 in 5 to 10,000 chance of getting reinfected and those that do will have minor symptoms. It is also a cdc fact that those that have had the china virus have a 27 fold better antibody count than those who are double vaxd.
At seventy I know no one personally that has ever died from the flu. I personally have had the flu numerous times and was sick maybe 3 to 4 days at most. Out of all the people that I have known that died from an auto wreck, the odds are far greater of the people that I know that's had the virus in the past year and a half. I also know out of all that were really sick with the virus were in decent shape. not disgusting fat. Some worked for UPS moving around daily exercising delivering packages.
That is why they have said social news is the main reason of people not getting the vaccine, untrue facts.
All of those that are negative of the vaccine please tell me what the country should do? Nothing, in time it will go away? It has gotten worst over the past year, its not going away on its own. Everyone has an answer why masks, shots or whatever is no good.
WHAT IS GOOD THEN? Originally Posted by bypass