The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine

Jacuzzme's Avatar
All of those that are negative of the vaccine please tell me what the country should do? Nothing, in time it will go away?
That’s exactly what we should have done, short of protecting nursing homes, as soon as we figured out the demographics, which happened fast. It’s how we’ve historically stopped viruses and would’ve worked even better for this one since the chance of it hurting kids is immeasurably small. The kids pass it around at school, drag it home and pass it around there, some people get a little sick and poof, everyone is immune.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Double post.
berryberry's Avatar

WHAT IS GOOD THEN? Originally Posted by bypass
What is good. Letting people make their own decision. Provide them with unbiased information from the CDC or their doctor and let them decide. You know, like how all other medical decisions are typically made. Mandates are bad. The fucked up left bashing people for making a decision they don't like is bad.

Chizy was spot on when he said:

The government has no right to force u to or push companies to do so. The vaxd people on the left are the ones screaming for this and they happen to be virtually completely safe anyways lol

Fuck mandates, fuck masks, fuck fauci, he along with china are the starters of this nasty virus. He should be held accountable.

Love your life and enjoy it. Leave kids live a normal live.

Oh and fuck the extreme left for destroying my country
berryberry's Avatar
Democrats have successfully implemented segregation again through vax mandates in 2021

This is not a surprise, this is their party history
berryberry's Avatar
Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was caught on camera saying that she only wears a mask for political reasons.
So what everyone here is suggesting is get the vaccine only if you want, it’s my body my choice when it comes to Covid. When it comes to measles and less deadly diseases, well there is no choice with those. They were giving those vaccines for years, no choice with those. We only want a choice for Covid. We want Covid to linger forever and blame the fucking liberals at least till the next election. Do I understand this correctly?

We don't want the fucked up liberals to force anyone that don't want the shot that would at least slow down the virus forced we need them to make their own choices.

Lets force people to put seat belts on even though it’s only helping save their own life’s but don’t do a thing when it comes to saving everyone in the whole world.

I understand why no one else on here argues with you guys except me especially when you blame the people that are trying to help you. WOW
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Measles is not mandated, a 1 paragraph letter gets an exemption. It is also not the same type of vaccine. In fact, the Covid “vaccine” couldn’t be considered a vaccine at all until they changed the definition. The measles vaccine is a tried and true method, Covid is not. It is brand new technology and nobody has the slightest clue what the long term effects of it will be.

Not to mention that the very people who said they would refuse to take it are the same ones who want to ruin your life for not doing so.
I cant speak for other posters but I post facts that come from the cdc as much as possible. It is true your chances of dying in a wreck are astronomically higher than dying from the china virus. It is a cdc fact out of 70 some million kids, roughly only 300 to 400 have died and virtually all had other conditions. A cdc fact is if double vaxd u have only a 1 in 5 to 10,000 chance of getting reinfected and those that do will have minor symptoms. It is also a cdc fact that those that have had the china virus have a 27 fold better antibody count than those who are double vaxd.
It is also a fact that paper or cloth masks virtually provide no help in protecting you from the virus and n95 masks only provide around 57%

Draw your own conclusions, talk to a doctor

Mine is this.... get the vax. But government has no right to force u to or push companies to do so. The vaxd people on the left are the ones screaming for this and they happen to be virtually completely safe anyways lol

Fuck mandates, fuck masks, fuck fauci, he along with china are the starters of this nasty virus. He should be held accountable.

Love your life and enjoy it. Leave kids live a normal live.

Oh and fuck the extreme left for destroying my country Originally Posted by chizzy
I don’t disagree with most of what you say here. The only issue I have with it is excluding the extreme right as being just as destructive for this country. Some of those thoughts are bizarrely obvious in this forum. Extremes on both ends are trying to fuck up this country. I’m hoping the moderate, open minded, that make up most of this country can regain sanity.
Yep, that's why I like Trump. He's a Moderate fellow.

He surely urged people to get the vaxcines, but also
understood that people should have the right to choose.

### Salty
Yep, that's why I like Trump. He's a Moderate fellow.

He surely urged people to get the vaxcines, but also
understood that people should have the right to choose.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
1 Trump actually said it was another democratic hoax trying to make him loose the election.
2 Trump said the more people that get the virus that one day it will go away on its own.
3 Trump said can't they do something like use disinfectant somehow and inject it in the body and somehow insert a light, that works too.
4 Trump gets virus now everything changes.
5 Trump gets vaccine ready and tested at warp speed. It would take other administrations up to 5 years to do what he did in a few months. So its been tested and ready to go. Trump himself said so.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
1 Trump actually said it was another democratic hoax trying to make him loose the election. Originally Posted by bypass
Maybe you’d want to clarify what “it” is, because he’s not referring to Coronavirus.
2 Trump said the more people that get the virus that one day it will go away on its own.
This is 100% correct, and how viruses have historically been dealt with.
3 Trump said can't they do something like use disinfectant somehow and inject it in the body and somehow insert a light, that works too.
He didn’t actually suggest injecting bleach, and UV therapy is totally legitimate.
4 Trump gets virus now everything changes.
How does a video of him walking across the lawn equate to “everything changes”?
5 Trump gets vaccine ready and tested at warp speed. It would take other administrations up to 5 years to do what he did in a few months. So its been tested and ready to go. Trump himself said so.
So your opinion is that it’s not? Welcome to the club, but why is your opinion here contrary to what you’ve been saying ad nauseum in this very thread.
bambino's Avatar
Kissinger quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics,February 25th 2009: “Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, It’s GAME OVER. They will accept anything – Forcible blood or organ donation- “For the greater good”. We can genetically modify children and sterilize them- “For the greater good”. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a BIG win/win. We thin out the herd, and the herd pays us for extermination services” Henry Kissinger~


Original Article:

EugenicsDefinition. Coming from a Greek word meaning "good in birth," the termeugenicsrefers to a controversial area of genetic science based on the belief that the human species can be improved by encouraging only people or groups with "desirable" traits to reproduce, while discouraging or even preventing reproduction among people with "undesirable" qualities. It also seeks to greatly reduce the overall population through mass sterilization.
berryberry's Avatar
Maybe you’d want to clarify what “it” is, because he’s not referring to Coronavirus.

This is 100% correct, and how viruses have historically been dealt with.

He didn’t actually suggest injecting bleach, and UV therapy is totally legitimate.

How does a video of him walking across the lawn equate to “everything changes”?

So your opinion is that it’s not? Welcome to the club, but why is your opinion here contrary to what you’ve been saying ad nauseum in this very thread. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Nice job debunking more of his misinformation. It is pretty much all he posts. Quite laughable and why he has been called out for being so wrong so many times
berryberry's Avatar
More Americans have died from COVID-19 this year than from the virus in all of 2020. This, despite Senile Biden inheriting 3 vaccines, multiple therapeutics, ample supplies, ubiquitous testing, and every medical, scientific or financial resource he could ever need to fight the virus—including a full year of data on risk factors & comorbidities.

Senile Biden’s failure is total.
Apparently you guys can't hear either. Maybe you could get a transcript from those video's. I never said anything in that post of bleach disinfectant is what I wrote and if you listen the orange said disinfectant. So get those transcript it would be a different world for all of you.

PS Don't get that vaccine unless you are a liberal so we can win by even a larger margin than the 7 million votes we won by this election. GO BIDEN