This is the question... For Anyone to responde to. (even WTF)
Have a go!

### Salty
LOL Salty. I think a better question would be whether Biden can finish out his 1st term before he just says to himself, "I don't need to be dealing with all of this shit at my age." Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yep. I do. And judging by who is POTUS now, I'm hardly alone in the "anyone but Trump" camp of wanting that narcissistic lying jackass out of office. I thought we have been over this already ad nauseam about what I think about Trump. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
the richer you get, the more your kids and grand-kids will suffer from Biden and the radical left's all out war on individual wealth in this country. your wealth and mine, not theirs.Hey, like my dad told me, be glad you are paying a lot in taxes. That means you are making a lot of money. Start worrying when you are not paying a lot in taxes because you are making no money.
think about that before you reply Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
and yet somehow you think this doddering old fool who's been compromised by everyone from the far left demonKKKrats to Putin to China is somehow better than Lord Donald the Great who saved America.Actually, a old lady’s used douchebag is better than Lord Donald the Great, but the two look very similar.
bhahahahahahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Actually, a old lady’s used douchebag is better than Lord Donald the Great, but the two look very similar. Originally Posted by Yssup Riderso you approve of the 100's of THOUSANDS of .. ILLEGALS .. many with the death plague being allowed into the US border on your tax dollar.
Not what I said, TWK.
What I said was:
“Actually, a old lady’s used douchebag is better than Lord Donald the Great, but the two look very similar.”
And I meant every fucking word of it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider