ron jeremy rape charges

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wrong forum.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-19-2021, 08:30 AM
Wrong forum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just wait....bambino and Salty will work this thread into stop the steal/voter fraud thread.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If anything, it’ll be because of Jeremy’s JUNK.
winn dixie's Avatar
If anything, it’ll be because of Jeremy’s JUNK. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ron Jeremy has made a lot of money with his "Junk". You have had to pay a lot of money to have yours inspected, lol.
All of the alleged victims testified for the grand jury, with many saying Jeremy used his status as a pop-culture icon to disarm their defenses, according to transcripts of the proceeding obtained by Rolling Stone.

Hmm... They were "defenseless" to his pop culture icon status. Ron Jeremy invites you to a restroom... What did you THINK was going to happen.
Grace Preston's Avatar
In interest of fairness....

I've met this man numerous times (not in the capacity of a BCD session). He has long been problematic at camgirl conventions-- to the point where he has been banned from at least two of them due to his aggressive behavior and tendency to not take no for an answer when it came to groping ladies that did not want to be groped.

He was also a regular client at several of Dennis Hof's brothels (they were good friends). He was more well behaved in that capacity-- but I have to assume it was because he knew that no matter what-- he was getting laid.

The dude is a creepy, aggressive, isn't good at taking no for an answer asshole-- but the "disarm their defenses" line... ehhhhhhhh
LexusLover's Avatar
In interest of fairness....
..... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Not in the least meant to excuse any of his wrongdoing and/or criminal activity, I suspect his inability to adjust to more civilized behavior in the presence of civilized and/or disinterested memebers of a social event is the consequence of years of having been given a "license" to act in that offensive manner toward "bought and paid for" victims who tolerated him with the believe he was a rung on the ladder to stardom.

Occasionally there is a theme in reviews reflecting the perception of "johns" that the modest fee they pay justifies their offensive and offending mannerisms and "preferences."
bambino's Avatar
If anything, it’ll be because of Jeremy’s JUNK. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You’re the one who posts his videos. So you would know all about him. Thank god you can’t post them anymore.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-19-2021, 02:52 PM
You’re the one who posts his videos. So you would know all about him. Thank god you can’t post them anymore. Originally Posted by bambino
I heard except for penis size, Ron Jeremy and you could be twins
I heard except for penis size, Ron Jeremy and you could be twins Originally Posted by WTF
... And if it wasn't for Ron there,
YOU and his penis would be twins.

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
I heard except for penis size, Ron Jeremy and you could be twins Originally Posted by WTF
Did YR tell you that? Mine actually works, unlike yours.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
In interest of fairness....

I've met this man numerous times (not in the capacity of a BCD session). He has long been problematic at camgirl conventions-- to the point where he has been banned from at least two of them due to his aggressive behavior and tendency to not take no for an answer when it came to groping ladies that did not want to be groped.

He was also a regular client at several of Dennis Hof's brothels (they were good friends). He was more well behaved in that capacity-- but I have to assume it was because he knew that no matter what-- he was getting laid.

The dude is a creepy, aggressive, isn't good at taking no for an answer asshole-- but the "disarm their defenses" line... ehhhhhhhh Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Do their disarm claim have any merit?
You’re the one who posts his videos. So you would know all about him. Thank god you can’t post them anymore. Originally Posted by bambino
But they are near and dear to his heart...
A more simple charge to prove would assault with a deadly weapon,