Just a Reminder How Things We’re Under President Trump.

bambino's Avatar
Don’t worry. WTF says it’s no big deal!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2022, 04:50 PM
Don’t worry. WTF says it’s no big deal!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
The country was in lockdown when gas prices were 1.67....you want that again?

High gas prices mean a booming economy.

When people like you who can not afford it have to start walking, demand will fall and prices will come down....especially with more well coming online.

Settle down Baby Huey, the free market is at work.

Trump had no more to do with low oil prices than Biden has to do with high gas prices.

When you can get that through your head....you might be able to offset those high gas prices with some outstanding dividends and rising stock prices
winn dixie's Avatar
The country was in lockdown when gas prices were 1.67....you want that again?

High gas prices mean a booming economy.

When people like you who can not afford it have to start walking, demand will fall and prices will come down....especially with more well coming online.

Settle down Baby Huey, the free market is at work.

Trump had no more to do with low oil prices than Biden has to do with high gas prices.

When you can get that through your head....you might be able to offset those high gas prices with some outstanding dividends and rising stock prices Originally Posted by WTF
smdh Originally Posted by winn dixie
WTF………rootin’ for Putin
Well I can see that WTF off his leash again. The country was never in lock down. States and cities were in lockdown. The country was not except for that TWO WEEK PERIOD (to flatten the curve) back in May of 2020. That gas price nearer to the election.
Also, what professor is teaching a good economy leads to high gas prices? No one that I know. Carter, bad economy/high gas prices and rationing, Reagan, good economy/ moderate gas prices, Bush, good economy (though Clinton convinced people of a myth)/moderate gas prices, Clinton, I'll give him credit for a good economy/moderate gas prices, anyway, to cut to the chase, Obama and Biden both had struggling economies, both had climbing gas prices, and both predicted that prices would go higher. Both of them also did things by executive order to raise the price of gas by affecting the supply of oil.
bambino's Avatar
WTF………rootin’ for Putin Originally Posted by Jackie S
He doesn’t have a clue who’s he’s rooting for.
He doesn’t have a clue who’s he’s rooting for. Originally Posted by bambino
Sure he does. If we keep buying Russian oil rather than using our own, (and selling it to our Allies), he can continue spouting that revisionist history crap about Trump having nothing to do with the US achieving Energy Independence.
Putin winning helps prove his theory that Oil is an international commodity and we are at the mercy of the World Markets, not our own destiny.

It’s TDS at it’s best.
The country was in lockdown when gas prices were 1.67....you want that again?

High gas prices mean a booming economy.

When people like you who can not afford it have to start walking, demand will fall and prices will come down....especially with more well coming online.

Settle down Baby Huey, the free market is at work.

Trump had no more to do with low oil prices than Biden has to do with high gas prices.

When you can get that through your head....you might be able to offset those high gas prices with some outstanding dividends and rising stock prices Originally Posted by WTF
Lock downs ended in almost all States by June. Even before the Pandemic Gas prices weren't that high.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Lock downs ended in almost all States by June. Even before the Pandemic Gas prices weren't that high. Originally Posted by Levianon17

That $1.67 was still a 30% increase in a few months. I was paying $1.31 in April, 2020. Oil futures for May was NEGATIVE.

Anyone can lie about statistics. Trump did, when he bragged about May 2020 having the largest monthly jobs gain in history. He seemed to forget April had the largest losses in history.

Why try to twist facts to promote your right-wing outlook?
winn dixie's Avatar
The One that is H I M
That $1.67 was still a 30% increase in a few months. I was paying $1.31 in April, 2020. Oil futures for May was NEGATIVE.

Anyone can lie about statistics. Trump did, when he bragged about May 2020 having the largest monthly jobs gain in history. He seemed to forget April had the largest losses in history.

Why try to twist facts to promote your right-wing outlook? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
More revisionist history.

All in the hopes that in Nov 2022 people will forget they they elected a old, senile, stupid, inept lying corrupt piece of shit as President.

### Salty
That $1.67 was still a 30% increase in a few months. I was paying $1.31 in April, 2020. Oil futures for May was NEGATIVE.

Anyone can lie about statistics. Trump did, when he bragged about May 2020 having the largest monthly jobs gain in history. He seemed to forget April had the largest losses in history.

Why try to twist facts to promote your right-wing outlook? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I am not twisting any facts. The gas prices during the Pandemic were reasonable compare to what they will be. As long as this Ukraine/Russian conflict continues and as long as America keeps buying Oil from Russia Gas prices will continue to rise every few weeks. You haven't seen nothing yet and you better get tough because hard times are coming to this country.
But Levianon, know-it-all WTF swears that "high gas prices mean a booming economy" ..... seems to me like the economy (for average Americans anyway) was doing just fine when gas was $1.67 a gallon ..... maybe higher gas prices and the inflation that accompanies it predict an economy that may soon collapse if relief is not found soon .....