Need advise on missing hobby phone at home

Eightincheshard1976's Avatar
I noticed my hobby phone is missing from a bag I have that I keep it in. I’m worried that my significant other might of found it. It has a code on it and I have not hear anything from here. I’m in limbo as what to do other than wait and see. Any advise?
can you tell her it's a work phone?
I assume it's powered off and/or there's no way to see location - otherwise you would have done that by now.

How likely is it that you would have lost it doing hobby-shit? Is there another scenario where it was lost?

Anything else incriminating in that bag? I have a stash of stuff that might as well include my divorce papers in it.
Eightincheshard1976's Avatar
Nothing in bag except that. It is passcoded and dies quickly when it is not charged. If it comes to it I was going to say it was a old phone of my kids that I kept and did use for phone sex
Eightincheshard1976's Avatar
No I can’t . She acts like everything is fine. I’m going to figure I left it out and she threw it away. I’ll play it cool since I searched the house and could not find anything. I cancelled my pof account
Say you found it in your car, or at work…. Just ask, did you happen to see a small phone laying around the house or in my bag? It’s only when you worry about something that you look suspicious. Just ask casually. If you ask, she’s going to know that it’s not something you’re being secretive about
AmishGangster's Avatar
You found it at a store and forgot to take it to lost and found there
rhino86's Avatar
"Hey have you seen a phone around? Jimmy left it in my car the other day I thought I put it in my bag but can't seem to find it."
onawbtngr546's Avatar
Android or iphones should have some way to see the last known location of it. Won't help if the phone is off and was moved

Worst case, just remove it from your google or apple account and say it was a phone you found. Shouldn't be any risk if the phone has a boot passcode, won't be able to get any info from it if it is unlocked, assuming notifications are set to hide. Don't want them to turn the phone on and get a message that says 'hi Eighinches u got my pussy money today hon?'
  • Mplay
  • 07-15-2022, 04:26 PM
Come clean tell your partner the truth.
pittlicker's Avatar
Come clean tell your partner the truth. Originally Posted by Mplay
Fuck that. You do that yourself.
Play it cool and never admit anything. Have a story ready if she confronts you. Just say you found it and forgot about it. Be calm, cool and collective and don't dwell on it if confronted. Stick to your story.
  • Typo
  • 07-16-2022, 07:22 AM
Print out a page or 2 from or similar site and leave it on the counter or somewhere in the open. When she sees it and asks you about it, tell her you have a couple of old phones you were wanting to sell to them rather than just throw them in a landfill. Tell her you found one of them, but not the other. Then, tell her you must have misplaced the one you found again because you had it, but can't find it again.
Eightincheshard1976's Avatar
Thank you for all the help in this stressful time. Crisis adverted I found it in my non daily driver.