Did the gop really say fuck you to its base???

Voted against health care to protect disabled vets and voted against lower drug cost for seniors???

Dah wtf is wrong with this picture? Do they really think America is that stupid???
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They're aginners.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Both parties have been saying FUCK YOU to their bases for quite some time now.
And the gop old white men have said fuck you to women.

Dah...women should have no rights. Just sit down and stfu and be a woman of the 50's and serve your man
Precious_b's Avatar
GOP seems to want people on their deathbed before doing everything to drain their bank accounts.

Also do their best to block preventive maintenance in health care, which leads to less cost in the long run.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
those sound very nice until you look in whats inside the bill.
HedonistForever's Avatar
GOP seems to want people on their deathbed before doing everything to drain their bank accounts.

Got any statistics on how many women die in child birth?

Also do their best to block preventive maintenance in health care, which leads to less cost in the long run. Originally Posted by Precious_b

And abortions certainly lead to less costs, right? Just ask corporations who are more than willing for their pregnant employees to get an abortion and get back to work avoiding paternity leave and increased health care costs.


As economists warn about the long-term impact of restricting abortion on employees and the bottom line, even more firms are likely to take a stand, said Shelley Alpern, head of corporate engagement at Rhia Ventures, a U.S.-based social enterprise.
"Once it really sinks in that abortion restrictions hurt their workforce and talent pool, and that silence doesn't put them in a good light, they will speak up more, if not publicly then in private conversations with lawmakers," Alpern said.

"The key factor to creating a successful business is hiring, training, resourcing, and retaining talented people. Texas' abortion law endangers that process," she said in emailed comments, noting businesses are struggling to fill vacancies as the U.S. economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The last thing businesses need are state laws that infringe on women's rights and put employees in the position of having to quit their jobs or carry out an unwanted pregnancy," said Jackel.

Rachel J. Robasciotti, founder and chief executive of Adasina Social Capital, an investment and financial activism firm, said "abortion is an issue that businesses in the U.S. can no longer afford to ignore".

Yes sir, businesses have a vested interest in making sure they only lose a couple of days of work with an abortion and not months of maternity leave and additional health care costs. Yeah, they are concerned alright, they are concerned about their bottom line and they don't want anything to change that dynamic and if they have to say they are concerned about these women in any way other than their ability to stay on the job and keep making money, they will.
they voted against 400 billion of additional spending over the next ten years that has nothing to do with veterans or healthcare. Don't post in ignorance.
The proof is that Schumer is willing to pull that to get the bill to pass since it is not in the HOuse bill.

So Schumer was using the veterans and screwing them (and us) at the same time.
It occurs to me that Tranny just did an OP where the military and veterans are the base of the GOP and not the base of the dems. What's that say about dems in general.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Dems pull about 5% support from anyone south of O5, so the op is finally right about something.
texassapper's Avatar
If I had a dime for every time the GOPe fcuked their base, I'd be a very wealthy man... not insider trading Pelosi rich, but rich none the less.

The point the OP hasn't understood is that this is only tangentially a left vs. right issue. It's more properly understood as a global elite vs. the rest of us paradigm. The problem is some of the rest of us WANT what the elites want because they figure to be minor functionaries in the control of their peers. The Sonder kommando of humanity as it were.

The great unwashed masses are expected to lower their standard of living, reduce private travel, reduce air travel, suffer food shortages, the resulting rioting and chaos all in the name of population destruction and energy preservation. It's the spoken motivation for the WEF, UN, Globalists group think to reduce the number of people on the planet and more importantly to preserve energy resources for the select few who will get to continue their lifestyle because... well they are simply better than you.

I think it's impossible to stop it now... there are too many enemy inside our own camp that are keeping the masses divided. We see the results where they fail to contain the masses - Sri Lanka, The Netherlands.

We all should be grateful that we got to live in the last truly free era's of humanity for potentially a very long time. We should also be ashamed that we're allowing it to be taken from us.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If I had a dime for every time the GOPe fcuked their base, I'd be a very wealthy man... not insider trading Pelosi rich, but rich none the less.

The point the OP hasn't understood is that this is only tangentially a left vs. right issue. It's more properly understood as a global elite vs. the rest of us paradigm. The problem is some of the rest of us WANT what the elites want because they figure to be minor functionaries in the control of their peers. The Sonder kommando of humanity as it were.

The great unwashed masses are expected to lower their standard of living, reduce private travel, reduce air travel, suffer food shortages, the resulting rioting and chaos all in the name of population destruction and energy preservation. It's the spoken motivation for the WEF, UN, Globalists group think to reduce the number of people on the planet and more importantly to preserve energy resources for the select few who will get to continue their lifestyle because... well they are simply better than you.

I think it's impossible to stop it now... there are too many enemy inside our own camp that are keeping the masses divided. We see the results where they fail to contain the masses - Sri Lanka, The Netherlands.

We all should be grateful that we got to live in the last truly free era's of humanity for potentially a very long time. We should also be ashamed that we're allowing it to be taken from us. Originally Posted by texassapper
Sundance over at CTH (on of the best researcher’s out there IMO) just put out a good piece in the same vein.

Yssup Rider's Avatar

Just listening to Rep. Dan Sullivan of Alaska. He is a reserve colonel and has been an advocate of veteran's health for years. He voted against this version of the bill. He voted for the original, but he said that this one has too many gimmicks put in my Schumer.
There's your guilty party...Chuck Schumer who will use the veterans and fuck them at the same time.
FYI, if Schumer removes the gimmicks, Sullivan indicates that he will vote for the bill.

The OP should be ashamed for advancing lies and being a political hack.
The gop was just pissed off a dems for being the smart people in the room.

Dah...so fuck you vets and seniors. We showed those dems lol n omg the gop is so fucked