Maricopa County Election Judge Speaks Out

Figures that you support election fraud by the crazy libs Originally Posted by berryberry
Proof, MFer. You have zero proof. Nobody on trump's side has ANY PROOF of election fraud. You just keep crying. Well, go cry more. Don't come back until you have PROOF.
eyecu2's Avatar
There is an article by an actual election judge detailing fraud. And one of your buddies on the left laughed at it. Yeah he is supporting election fraud Originally Posted by berryberry
I was looking at the terms for Maricopa county- and they have names like clerk, marshal, judge and Supervisor- all for the same job- a clerk. They just do things like announce time, or closure of the election etc; mostly administrative ppl, (not that means anything), but it would be interesting to know if this person was a GOP or DEM affiliate, or perhaps independent- and that might be a better reason to suggest that there is merit to the claim. Again, I'm not discrediting the statements, but even the Kari Lakes out there, are willing to accept victory; but not defeat, and that mentality has a habit of trickling down to the party members unlike the trickling down of economics.

Ideas and money don't always flow in the same direction.
HDGristle's Avatar
Eye, she's known to be a local MAGA-leaning local podcast host. Def partisan.

The role of election judge is described as follows:

Backup for Inspector. Charged with the same responsibilities as Inspector. Assists with check in process and supports Curbside Voting and use of Accessible Voting Devices while monitoring the Ballot Drop-Off and Tabulator.
berryberry's Avatar
" why does it take that long to count" and the reality is each state is different and if it takes 5 or 10 days afterwards, that's what it takes. Originally Posted by eyecu2
And yet prior to 2020 it never took more than Election Day to count votes and declare a winner in the vast majority of areas.

In 2016 The NY Times did a video on how crazy it was to not have the results of an election on the day of the election.

Six years later the crazy corrupt leftists have brainwashed ill-informed people to believe that winners can’t be determined on election day because they know that the left can keep cheating and creating the votes they need to win with every extra day that goes by
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-15-2022, 10:29 AM
For Elections, paper ballot, boxes beside the candidates names, no party affiliation listed, and, you put your thumb in permanent dye, and place your thumbprint ON THE BALLOT.

IF you are not going to force ID, which should be mandatory anyway, the thumb print is all you need, seeing you believe minorities are too stupid to aquire an ID card.

Hand count, let each party count the votes if they want, its that easy.

Eliminate mail ins with the few needed exceptions, military, poor health, strictly NEED to mail in, and make it mandatory ID to get one.

No more mass mail out of ballots or other chicanery, and, if its inconvenient to get to the polls, oh well, find another hobby, its your REPSONSIBILITY TO GET TO VOTE, not the goverments to find YOU and bring you a damned ballot.

And, 8PM election night, there should be NO REASON, not to have a vote count ready to be taken, mail in ballot not there, oh well, learn some fucking responsibility for a change.
berryberry's Avatar
Hard to win when the officials running the election start a campaign against you and shut down 30% of voting machines on election day AND your the person you are running against oversees the vote counting process.

Now it all makes sense why Hobbs wouldn’t debate Lake despite being down in the polls. She knew she’d already won.
rmg_35's Avatar
Love to see the continued whining and crying about election fraud, mail-in ballots and lack of voter id from the maga far-right election denying extremist fools. Keep watching faux and reading the far-right propaganda to stay woefully misinformed. Love how they screamed about the red wave, the red tsunami because they listen to the propaganda from idiots and fools.

THERE WAS NO ELECTION FRAUD. DEMOCRACY WON OVER EXTREMISM. Moderate candidate won over election denying right-wing extremist maga asshole candidate.

But keep whining and crying, it's good for a laugh.
Love to see the continued whining and crying about election fraud, mail-in ballots and lack of voter id from the maga far-right election denying extremist fools. Keep watching faux and reading the far-right propaganda to stay woefully misinformed. Love how they screamed about the red wave, the red tsunami because they listen to the propaganda from idiots and fools.

THERE WAS NO ELECTION FRAUD. DEMOCRACY WON OVER EXTREMISM. Moderate candidate won over election denying right-wing extremist maga asshole candidate.

But keep whining and crying, it's good for a laugh. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Definitely good for a laugh. But truly, truly pathetic. Some of these snowflakes only believe election results if the GOP wins. Lol. And trump gonna throw his hat (monkey wrench) back into the ring tonight. Again. Get ready to keep losing, MAGAts. Lose. Lose. Lose. Get used to it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LoL. There are no longer elections. All it is now is activists pounding on doors “helping” people, who have no clue whatsoever, vote for their candidate. If republicans don’t get with the program and start to employ their own vote collecting brute squad, they’ll never win another election. Stealing elections is now legal and perfectly acceptable, actual democracy is dead.
rmg_35's Avatar
LoL. There are no longer elections. All it is now is activists pounding on doors “helping” people, who have no clue whatsoever, vote for their candidate. If republicans don’t get with the program and start to employ their own vote collecting brute squad, they’ll never win another election. Stealing elections is now legal and perfectly acceptable, actual democracy is dead. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
There are no elections being stolen. It's the Republicans keep selecting election denying maga maggots extremist assholes and then wonder why they are not winning.
I believe the words and direct observations of a Maricopa County Election Judge who was on-site witnessing the fraud take place carries a lot more weight than your words Originally Posted by berryberry
I would expect anything else from you, since I don't want points, I'll leave it at that
And yet prior to 2020 it never took more than Election Day to count votes and declare a winner in the vast majority of areas.

In 2016 The NY Times did a video on how crazy it was to not have the results of an election on the day of the election.

Six years later the crazy corrupt leftists have brainwashed ill-informed people to believe that winners can’t be determined on election day because they know that the left can keep cheating and creating the votes they need to win with every extra day that goes by Originally Posted by berryberry
+Why is Alaska, still not finished, why are you not complaining about that? Double standard?
The same Maricopa Bill Gates and Stephen Richer who in 2021 started a political action committee to stop MAGA candidates?

That Bill Gates?

Actions speak louder than a party ID in name only to get elected.

The shady Maricopa officials disenfranchised voters by spreading misinformation & suppressing votes in GOP areas. Originally Posted by berryberry
MEGA doesn't equal Republican, as the midterm election proved
I can't wait until Trump loses the primary, I wonder who he going to blame, on fixing the election
pittlicker's Avatar
They can’t. Still sucking on the Trump tit. Wait till the big announcement tonight. Orgasms! LOL