He stole classified documents. When does the FBI raid take place?

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-11-2023, 05:09 PM
They didn't need to raid his house. They voluntarily turned over what they had. 10 of them wasn't it? Not 300 that they begged Trump to turn over. No, I NOT GOING TO, NO OBAMA HAS SOME, NO, I DON'T HAVE ANY, NONE OF THAT. They called the authorities instantly. Turned them in instantly.

I understand why you guys are so excited. Trump has done nothing but break the law from the time he was born. Everyone can't be picking on him. Did you watch the real news lately, they are probably going to press charges in Georgia for asking them to cheat for him. Did you see how he cheated on his taxes. Did you see all the people that are in and are going to jail for him. But I do get it why you guys are so happy.

I personally don't like Trump or Biden. Both of them together couldn't make one decent president. They are embarrassing.

The democrats were excited they didn't lose as bad as they thought during the election. Still lost Congress. It only takes one person extra. That is what everyone here are excited someone else are as stupid as Trump. Who didn't know that? Originally Posted by Cody69
But how do you know ALL were turned over unless go you search all their shit, and then leak all types of bad mojo to the press.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Attorney General Merrick Garland must appoint a special counsel. Originally Posted by berryberry
Not a chance. The entire system is corrupt, both parties, and will never do something to put itself in a bad light. Trump wasn’t in the club, which is why they would do ANYTHING to get rid of him, regardless of how transparently bullshit it was.

Elections are meaningless, we’re so far down the rabbit hole that you can’t even vote these pieces of shit out of office. Just look at Arizona. Blatant, in your face fraud and nobody, on either side, gives a flying fuck.

The US is a corporate kleptocracy, and will only get worse.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
scandal 2.0 ...

Second batch of classified Biden documents discovered during extensive search


remember fellow posters that the far left (deep state assholes) .. well at least this asshole .. actually called for Trump to be executed. yeah he did.

‘Sounds about Right’: Ex-CIA Chief Michael Hayden Implies Trump Should Be Executed for Taking Classified Docs


so fellow posters .. who thinks Trump should be executed? or Joey??
Cody69's Avatar
But how do you know ALL were turned over unless go you search all their shit, and then leak all types of bad mojo to the press. Originally Posted by Devo
I am retired. I never had any kind of top secret documents at work. We were not allowed to take anything home let a lone top secret. There is no way Top Secret should leave the building where ever they are at. Prime example what is going on now between both parties.

I say wipe the slate clean and get all new people from congress to the President. They all need replaced.
chizzy's Avatar

oh my making a big batch of popcorn waiting for rmg to explain to us all how this is a ok for the lefties and biden lol
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

oh my making a big batch of popcorn waiting for rmg to explain to us all how this is a ok for the lefties and biden lol Originally Posted by chizzy

chizzy's Avatar
OH and lets not forget this tiny little item

The biden building where these classified documents were found......... it seems a certain donor gave over 50 million dollars to bidens think tank

now who could that be... hmmm oh yes china. I wonder why they did that?

rmg? Eye? maybe you guys can defend that please

Oh and isnt funny how these documents were first discovered on nov 2 before the elections but are just now being released hmmmm

no politics there right?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
OH and lets not forget this tiny little item

The biden building where these classified documents were found......... it seems a certain donor gave over 50 million dollars to bidens think tank

now who could that be... hmmm oh yes china. I wonder why they did that?

rmg? Eye? maybe you guys can defend that please

Oh and isnt funny how these documents were first discovered on nov 2 before the elections but are just now being released hmmmm

no politics there right? Originally Posted by chizzy

the VOX "explainer" for this should be ... interesting.

rmg_35's Avatar

oh my making a big batch of popcorn waiting for rmg to explain to us all how this is a ok for the lefties and biden lol Originally Posted by chizzy
Don't know why you're talking shit. I never said anything defending Biden having classified documents nor an I going to try to defend this. He needs to be investigated just like the tangerine turd that you always make excuses for. So get your facts straight for you post.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Don't know why you're talking shit. I never said anything defending Biden having classified documents nor an I going to try to defend this. He needs to be investigated just like the tangerine turd that you always make excuses for. So get your facts straight for you post. Originally Posted by rmg_35

far as i know .. you've never said anything good about Biden. just false negatives fed to you by the leftist press about His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse.

so just to ask .. do you approve of Biden's presidency?

inquiring posters want to know!!
berryberry's Avatar
They didn't need to raid his house. They voluntarily turned over what they had. 10 of them wasn't it? Originally Posted by Cody69
Voluntarily turned them over when? After 6 damn years !!!

And it was a lot more than 10. A second batch of classified documents was found at new undisclosed location. No one knows how many as there has not been a raid or search of Senile Biden's houses

In addition, Senile Biden left the VP position on Jan 20, 2017. The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement officially opened on February 8, 2018. Where were those classified documents kept for 384 days in between? It’s time for all of Biden’s homes to be searched.

Finally, Trump v. Biden document differences:

1. Trump, # of docs on varied topics consistent with chaotic nature of leaving office. Biden, # of docs on same or similar topics reveal specific intent.

2. Trump could declassify documents as President. Biden as VP could not.

3. Trump had his documents at home. One batch of Biden documents were at a private office, left vacant for years. the second batch of Biden documents they are hiding the location from the public which tells you all you need to know.

4. Trump Russian collusion proven false. Hunter Biden- China collusion evidence becoming difficult to ignore.

5. Trump: No evidence of any foreign influence at his home. Biden: think tank office linked to China with massive financial contributions.

6. Trump and National Archives in negotiations when DOJ raided home. Biden claims docs discovered right before mid-terms but did not reveal it until yesterday.

7. Trump, DOJ conducted a public raid and appointed a special prosecutor to to punish a political opponent. Biden, DOJ has covered it up for over two months now and has not to date appointed a special prosecutor showing the blatant hypocrisy of the left
Cody69's Avatar
Voluntarily turned them over when? After 6 damn years !!!

And it was a lot more than 10. A second batch of classified documents was found at new undisclosed location. No one knows how many as there has not been a raid or search of Senile Biden's houses

In addition, Senile Biden left the VP position on Jan 20, 2017. The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement officially opened on February 8, 2018. Where were those classified documents kept for 384 days in between? It’s time for all of Biden’s homes to be searched.

Finally, Trump v. Biden document differences:

1. Trump, # of docs on varied topics consistent with chaotic nature of leaving office. Biden, # of docs on same or similar topics reveal specific intent.

2. Trump could declassify documents as President. Biden as VP could not.

3. Trump had his documents at home. One batch of Biden documents were at a private office, left vacant for years. the second batch of Biden documents they are hiding the location from the public which tells you all you need to know.

4. Trump Russian collusion proven false. Hunter Biden- China collusion evidence becoming difficult to ignore.

5. Trump: No evidence of any foreign influence at his home. Biden: think tank office linked to China with massive financial contributions.

6. Trump and National Archives in negotiations when DOJ raided home. Biden claims docs discovered right before mid-terms but did not reveal it until yesterday.

7. Trump, DOJ conducted a public raid and appointed a special prosecutor to to punish a political opponent. Biden, DOJ has covered it up for over two months now and has not to date appointed a special prosecutor showing the blatant hypocrisy of the left Originally Posted by berryberry
See the difference between normal people and people who drank the kool-aid is we want justice. If Biden is guilty put him in jail. Maybe him and Trump could be cell mates. Trump could tell Biden how many pussies he grabbed and Biden could tell the orange POS how many women he groped.

You can write a book instead of paragraphs as far as I am concerned of how innocent the orange POS was and is with all the crimes he committed. Only those who want to turn the other way instead of listening to the truth would stand with them.

Trump is the worst President the US has ever had and he is no different than Bernie Madoff and El Chapo combined. We have Biden because of how bad of a President Trump was. Shame to say he was actually the better out of the two. That is hard to say.

There is no comparison between Trump turning his stolen Top secret documents in compared to Biden. Biden's people turned them in as soon as they found them. Trump ignored subpoena's over and over and over to turn those documents in. For well over a year.

So if you want people that know what has been said and to believe your constant bashing of Biden being so bad, be truthful, maybe you will have more than ten people following you. Those that believe all that you write don't watch real news programs. That watch the make believe news posts and facebook. A real news worthy place to get news.

I have done research of all of your news groups. All extreme far right. All of them. I see Fox is weaseling out of what they said of the stolen election in court. What is up with that?

Those that said the election was stolen. You remember that right, now they mostly say no it wasn't. Or we just give out the news. We only go off of what others say. That only has come about after no one is standing behind Trump. Most that he sponsored lost. People have moved on.
HDGristle's Avatar
1. # of docs by either is questionably material

2. Trump/Biden ability to declassify is immaterial and a red herring

3. Trump had documents in multiple locations throughattestation,including his personal office and personal residence which is also a country club he agreed can'tbe his permanent residence. We don't know where the other docs were found for Biden so we don't know everything we need to know. We also don't know if either has turned over everything.

4. Trump/Russia and Hunter Biden are red herrings regarding the question of inappropriate possession and handling of government docs.

5. Multiple foreign agents were found to have visited Mar-a-Lago. Docs were found in locations where Trump often hosted visitors. Both require a legitimate security assessment.

6. Active negotiations, but clear evidence of a lack of good faith in the search and in returning the docs. Claims of transparency questionable. Shifting explanations and justifications. Improper atteststions. Evidence of active concealment enough to justify a search warrant. On the other side, a clearly longer period but currently no evidence of knowledge were there.

7. Raid occurred after over a year of stonewalling. Special prosecutor wasn't immediately appointed. Case regarding Biden is an infant by comparison. Special prosecutor should be appointed as well.
This was found out by the FBI before the last election, now we are just finding out.
Is this similar to Hunters Laptop.

Wonder why all the news channels are not reporting the raid on Biden’s home, is the raid a secret. It would be nice to know what they found in Jill’s closet, if anything. Originally Posted by Chase7
I somehow missed all the reporting of the raids on Biden’s home or homes. Would somebody please direct me to the in the dark raids. Was it ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, Fox, CNN.

How did I miss reporting on Biden raids. Any news who was picked as Special Counsel of the Biden’s.
chizzy's Avatar
Don't know why you're talking shit. I never said anything defending Biden having classified documents nor an I going to try to defend this. He needs to be investigated just like the tangerine turd that you always make excuses for. So get your facts straight for you post. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Get your facts straight. I don't make excuses for anyone, including you. Don't think you are kidding anyone. All your hate filled comments are directed at Republicans not any democrats. Try to be mature and show your true colors. Maybe that will gain you some respect.