Bidenomics Workijg Just Fine

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is off topic so I can't really respond but will say you proved nothing of the sort.

We do have a replay of inflation although not as high as Reagan nor is unemployment as high as it was under Ronnie....but the playbook seems the all you Ronnie lovers should be praising Biden. He is doing the Ronnie shuffle Originally Posted by WTF

if you say so
bambino's Avatar
This is off topic so I can't really respond but will say you proved nothing of the sort.

We do have a replay of inflation although not as high as Reagan nor is unemployment as high as it was under Ronnie....but the playbook seems the all you Ronnie lovers should be praising Biden. He is doing the Ronnie shuffle Originally Posted by WTF
You’re off topic in your own threads. Biden’s economy is a disaster. But it’s by design. And not by Biden. He’s just a useful idiot. For now.
Farm we will agree to disagree. Mainly because you’re wrong in your assertion and likely the underlying assumption. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Nope I am right on the money. You are just plain wrong.
winn dixie's Avatar
bidenomics working?

11 bucks for a chicken finger meal
7 bucks hamburgers
over 5 bucks for eggs
65 bucks for levis
gas hovering at the 3 dollar a gallon mark
inflation still is staggering

And libs like this!
  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2023, 08:26 PM
Simply put, 3.4 unemployment is a great sign. Will it be temporary, sure maybe, but not likely in the short term. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Blackman, based on the suggestion of another venerable poster, I looked at unemployment rate and GDP growth back to 1948. The 3.4% unemployment is a terrible sign if it's temporary, that is, if the unemployment rate heads back up. Every time the unemployment rate troughed, going all the way back to 1948, the trough was shortly followed by negative GDP growth for one or more quarters, except in 2000/2001. And in 2001 YoY GDP growth bottomed at 0.2%, just a tad above zero.

Given inflation and Fed policy to control it, I think the unemployment rate will go up. Ergo we're probably in for a period of negative GDP growth.

I suspect it's unlikely, but maybe unemployment will normalize at levels last seen in the late 1960's. That would be good. And better yet if the labor force participation rate went up.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
bidenomics working?

11 bucks for a chicken finger meal
7 bucks hamburgers
over 5 bucks for eggs
65 bucks for levis
gas hovering at the 3 dollar a gallon mark
inflation still is staggering

And libs like this! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Sure the CPI is only up 6.97% if you don't count the things that people actual purchase like gas, food and medicines/health care, in which case it's approaching 9%
adav8s28's Avatar
bidenomics working?

11 bucks for a chicken finger meal
What franchise is this?

7 bucks hamburgers

You can get a regular hamburger at McDonalds for .99 cents. Where do you go to get a hamburger? Mortons Steak House?

over 5 bucks for eggs

The chickens caught the Aveion Flu. They could not lay as many eggs. That has nothing to due with Biden.

65 bucks for levis

You should buy your levis at Macys. They don't cost $65.00 at Macys. You can get some Levi Strauss 501 or 505 for $49.99. If you don't like that idea. Go get some Wranglers at the local Walmart.

gas hovering at the 3 dollar a gallon mark.

For 93 octane yes. But for 87 octane no. What state do you live in Johnny Reb?

inflation still is staggering

Prices are coming down. Just check the New York times Fact check of Bidens speech.

And libs like this! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Things are not as you say.
winn dixie's Avatar
Things are not as you say. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Wow! Your comparisons are not apples to apples

And your fact checkers should be using asterisk.
Inflation is still crippling
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Things are not as you say. Originally Posted by adav8s28

if you say so

Originally Posted by winn dixie
bidenomics working?

11 bucks for a chicken finger meal
What franchise is this?

7 bucks hamburgers

You can get a regular hamburger at McDonalds for .99 cents. Where do you go to get a hamburger? Mortons Steak House?

interesting since my quarter pounder with cheese and NO pickles cost me 6 bucks today. two years ago it cost 3 dollars.

over 5 bucks for eggs

The chickens caught the Aveion Flu. They could lay as many eggs. That has nothing to due with Biden.

Avian flu where? in China? not in the US. if you want to know why egg prices are high the US you might want to google "egg farm fire" and then ask "why all these fires to our US production"?

65 bucks for levis

You should buy your levis at Macys. They don't cost $65.00 at Macys. You can get some Levi Strauss 501 or 505 for $49.99. If you don't like that idea. Go get some Wranglers at the local Walmart.

Walmart. Wranglers and Levi. made in China. see the problem???

gas hovering at the 3 dollar a gallon mark.

For 93 octane yes. But for 87 octane no. What state do you live in Johnny Reb?

inflation still is staggering

Prices are coming down. Just check the New York times Fact check of Bidens speech.

And libs like this!

if you say so
adav8s28's Avatar
@Waco Kid, the Avian Flu happened right here in the USA, millions of chickens.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
@Waco Kid, the Avian Flu happened right here in the USA, millions of chickens. Originally Posted by adav8s28

so you are saying no avian flu in the same time range didn't happen elsewhere?

it's always China. don't forget that.

Why China is the source of the disastrous avian flu (bird flu) outbreak

outbreak of avian flu (bird flu) – the worst ever known
Published: January 16, 2023 at 8:04 am note the DATE AVA ..... tryin' to edumacate ya?

There’s no need to send another World Health Organization mission to China. The last time we did that (to unearth the source of Covid-19) the Chinese authorities delayed and censored the inquiry. Besides, this time we know the origin of bird flu: the strain currently running amok on four continents originated in intensive poultry farms in southern China.

"15.74 billion poultry birds were slaughtered in China in 2021"

Bird flu is a contagious disease caused by a virus loosely related to human influenza. As with other viruses, it evolves rapidly into different strains. Most cause little or no harm in infected wild birds, but the latest strain is far more deadly.

In summer 2022, we experienced the worst outbreak of avian flu ever witnessed in the UK, with countless thousands of birds dropping dead around the country. Overall, more than 60 species have tested positive (including six species of raptor). But northern gannets and great skuas are the worst hit and many more of our internationally important (and already beleaguered) seabird populations have suffered particularly badly. Similar catastrophic stories are being reported across the globe.

A great skua that succumbed to avian flu in Shetland. © Ashley Cooper/Getty

Meanwhile, as many as hundreds of millions of poultry birds have been infected in Europe, North America, Africa and Asia (nearly 50 million chickens died in 2022 in the US alone, due to infections or culls). It’s just a matter of time before it reaches Central and South America and Australia – and, heaven forbid, Antarctica.

"the most significant cause of the global spread has been intensive factory farming"

But it’s the origin of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1, to give it its proper name, that really worries me. There is speculation that wildfowl and other migratory wild birds are the main cause of the virus spreading; indeed, they can spread it over long distances and between neighbouring countries. (Please don’t tell those responsible for the badger cull – or they’ll want to make a scapegoat of our wild birds and cull them.)

The truth is that the most significant cause of the global spread has been intensive factory farming combined with the unrestricted movement of poultry and poultry products.

In China, factory farming of chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese is growing vigorously. The scale of the industry is already staggering – 15.74 billion poultry birds were slaughtered there in 2021 – and several new gargantuan factory farms and slaughter complexes (each housing 100 million birds) are in production.

Such large-scale factory farms inevitably provide the perfect environment for a mutating virus – closed to the outside world, dimly lit (UV light can harm viruses), crowded, stressful and unsanitary. It’s a perfect storm of our own making.

But China is not alone. Driven in part by supermarket pressure to keep prices low, and consumer demand for cheap meat, the march of mega-farms continues apace in the UK. We pretend to know better, yet we have more than 1,500 industrial-sized poultry farms – seven of them housing more than 1 million birds. No fewer than 1.14 billion poultry birds were slaughtered here in 2021.

here is the Biden economy a gift from the progressive Dems who never passed on a way to waste money on budget bullshit and fuck the economy

adav8s28's Avatar
@Waco_kid you asked where? The point is Birds/Chickens in the USA got infected. It doesn't matter where the original outbreak was from. Once the USA birds get infected, they aren't going to lay eggs thus lowering the supply.

Your quarter pounder at McDonalds cost $6.00. How much was a regular hamburger selling for at the same franchise? In North Dallas you can get a Regular Hamburger at McDonalds for $.99 cents.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
@Waco_kid you asked where? The point is Birds/Chickens in the USA got infected. It doesn't matter where the original outbreak was from. Once the USA birds get infected, they aren't going to lay eggs thus lowering the supply.

Your quarter pounder at McDonalds cost $6.00. How much was a regular hamburger selling for at the same franchise? In North Dallas you can get a Regular Hamburger at McDonalds for $.99 cents.

i got what i said i ordered, a quarter pounder with cheese and no pickle. go buy that and tell me what it costs you.

Originally Posted by adav8s28

yes, it does.
Hi Blackman,

I never even thought that your astute (honestly) analysis of legal issues on this board was something you pulled from MSNBC. Now I may not read the Journal of Financial Economics before breakfast, like LustyLad and Texas Contrarian, but I do use economics almost every day in my work. And I don't listen to Fox News for economic info. What I said about employment and inflation actually came from listening to David Rubenstein's interview with Fed Chairman Powell yesterday. And regurgitating something an economist said on CNBC the other day.

I read your post this morning and was going to provide a lengthy reply. But Lusty Lad has already addressed your points. I shall repost them here. And I'll give him a taste of his own medicine! I'll change a few words of his, to make a couple of posts more diplomatic. Seriously, I've found anything he and Texas Contrarian had to say about economics worth reading.

The one thing I'd add is that the labor force participation rate went from 62.7% when the TCJA corporate tax cut became effective in January, 2018, to 63.3% in the months before COVID. It's currently back down around 62.4%. I suspect it would be lower without the improvement in business conditions that resulted from lower corporate tax rates, and other provisions of the TCJA that encouraged companies to invest and add jobs here in the USA instead of foreign countries.

Please note LustyLad's comments about the increase in government revenues after the tax cuts. Also the chart showing annual deficits from 2009 to 2017. Both are particularly enlightening.

Changes from the original text, to make it more diplomatic, are in red.

[COLOR="red"] Originally Posted by Tiny
Without getting into the minutiae. I didn’t ever say inflation was caused by the war in Ukraine. There are other factors which were outlined as well. Supply chain. I suppose that’s Biden’s fault. And I guess he had control over China shuttering their warehousing, shipping and manufacturing. Don’t be blinded by Lusty’s fancy charts or the inevitable strawmanning.

Increased revenue after the tax cuts may well be coincidental to an already spry economy. Without the tax cuts the revenues would likely have been even greater since the economy was growing at essentially the same rate for the prior years as well. You’re the main one that argues that when it’s a democrat in charge all good metrics are accidental or not based on their policies. Like recessions under republicans aren’t their fault and there’s as much relationship between good economic occurrence for democrats as AFC teams winning superbowls. Be consistent my friend.

And though I may have misphrased, during Obama the deficits shrunk. Had negative growth. Got smaller. Were reduced. What did they do during the Trump years. Grew. Got bigger. And that was prior to Covid. What does growing deficits mean. Spending more than what’s coming in. Overspending. Having not enough revenue.

In my book shrinking deficits are better than growing deficits.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-09-2023, 11:54 AM

Excuse Tiny, he cries about deficits when a Democrat is in the WH and sits on his hands fingering his anus when Republican Presidents run huge deficits.

Hypocrisy is a strange sexual partner. I've never been able to sleep with it.

It all stem from the supply side brainwashing Ronnie gave them all in the 1980s!

This is where lustylad quotes me and promises to hit the rtm button on me!