Mooshell’s ass!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Article says “showing off her stunning figure”!
bambino's Avatar
Was that her Balls hanging from her panties?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Was that her Balls hanging from her panties?

BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino

why is it always grabbing it's junk?

bambino's Avatar

why is it always grabbing it's junk?

bahahahhahhaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The same reason dogs lick their balls. Because they can!!!!!!

Jacuzzme's Avatar
She looks like Nick Chubb. Her stunning figure is a rectangle.
berryberry's Avatar

why is it always grabbing it's junk?

bahahahhahhaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Perhaps Mooshell needed to adjust his tranny tuck ?
... Crikey! ... How 'bout that! ... And all-along I surely thought
Barrack was Mooshell's ass!

#### Salty
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-30-2023, 03:15 PM

why is it always grabbing it's junk?

bahahahhahhaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Turning around to pull out her penis and take a piss.
DNinja69's Avatar
I would wager a cold Bud Light that nobody in this thread has a wife near or over 50 who would win in a bikini contest vs the former first lady.

Pardon me for not seeing humor in trying to gay shame someone I don't see a person as less than human because they have a different sexuality or gender identity than mine.

I am also not threatened by strong women. I don't agree with her politically but Mrs Obama does not rank high like Hilary does on my Dem d-bag list for sure
winn dixie's Avatar
Not sure why some posters insist on posting a thread about moochelles ass and discussing it?
Moochelle is a dude. I don't care to see pictures of that. But I support true free speech
The reason I posted is do to the article saying she has a “stunning figure”, that may be one of a few that feel that way.

Guy or girl, he or she doesn’t have a “stunning figure”.
DNinja69's Avatar
Seems you are also enjoying the gay shame aspect of the OP but on the 'stunning figure' I would ask is Mrs Obama not in the top 10% of women over 55 with respect to figure? I sure don't see many women her age looking much better.
They say "showing off her stunning figure" because when you see it, your body freezes in fear.
Look at the photo of to hanks drying off. His face looks like he just saw a snake.