Who in this thread is claiming that Hamas didn't do what Israel claims they did?
Of course what Israel's doing is measured. It's measured in abundance, to kill as many Palestinians as they can. If they could get away with completely eradicating the Palestinian people they would, but the world is waking up. The people of the world are showing their support in abundance to the Palestinians.
As for civilized? It's telling that you think killing 12,000+ mostly innocent Palestinians, including 4000+ children is civilized, that you think that cutting off water, electricity, etc. to civilian hospitals is civilized, and that you think destroying more than 40% of Palestinian homes is civilized. By definition, that is terrorism.
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
HAMAS, was elected by their own people in Gaza, and, sometimes you get exactly what you voted for.
I just made the exact same statement about NYC and the Mayor begging for the rich to step in pay for the costs associated with the illegal immigrants that are overunning the city.
I watched Palestinians dancing in the streets after 911, when the BIG Satan finally got theirs, and, I'm sure quite a few were dancing when Little Satan got theirs on October 7th.
When, you face crazed people, as we did in WW2, with the Japanese, chaining pilots into their planes, and packing them full of explosives to Kamikazee into our ships, or, with the Nazis who did their best to kill Jews, Homosexuals, and the other hated groups, you have to either fundamentally change the society that created such a monstrous entity, or eridicate it from the face of the earth.
That occurs either by total destruction, Dresden, Hiroshima, for example, or, the complete eradication of the power structure that allows it to exist, and the minds of the people have to be torn away from their past actions, with the remaining people who survive so traumatized, they will never repeat those actions again.
And that is EXACTLY what we did, and both those nations have learned forever, well, at least for now, that going down that path again, is insanity.
Gaza, the Palestinians and Hammas are the Nazis, or the Imperial Japanese Government, and Israel has learned the lesson again, that only completely removing the cancer is the only way to save a sick society, or, to let the society die, and disappear from the face of the earth for ever.
This is where we are today, I have no sympathy for the same people who danced while other Americans and Israeli Jews "Got theirs".
Fuck them, let them blast every building off the face of the earth in Gaza, then salt the fields, and maybe then, Islam, and its hatred of all other religions will understand, that this isn't just words in a book, its real, and your hatred and killing has consequences.