Family of Ashli Babbitt Files $30 Million Wrongful Death Action

berryberry's Avatar
Lt. Byrd, the murderer, knew he screwed up and tried to cover it up by filing a FALSE report.

At 2:45 p.m., or within one minute after shooting Ashli, Lt. Byrd made the following radio call:

405B. We got shots fired in the lobby. We got shots shots fired in the lobby of the House chamber. Shots are being fired at us and we’re sh, uhh, prepared to fire back at them. We have guns drawn. Please don’t leave that end. Don’t leave that end.

Approximately 35 seconds later, Lt. Byrd made another radio call, stating, “405B. We got an injured person. I believe that person was shot.”
Originally Posted by berryberry
Ask yourself, Why didn’t Liz Cheney and the bogus J6 soviet show trial reveal this?

This is the kind of white washing that happens in 3rd World countries

Again, these are the clear facts
onawbtngr546's Avatar
Ask yourself, Why didn’t Liz Cheney and the bogus J6 soviet show trial reveal this?

This is the kind of white washing that happens in 3rd World countries

Again, these are the clear facts Originally Posted by berryberry

Believe it or not, when you hear shots fired, and adrenaline is running through your veins, it is very easy to mix up which side of the fight the gunfire is coming from. Happens with cops all the time when they are trigger happy.

But in the video (which you refuse to watch and comment on, interesting!) showed the officer with a fair bit of discipline and not taking his gun out until the last minute when he was ordering people to stop breaking through the barricade (which you claim never exists, interesting!)

Still waiting on you to answer my questions lol
Ask yourself, Why didn’t Liz Cheney and the bogus J6 soviet show trial reveal this?

This is the kind of white washing that happens in 3rd World countries

Again, these are the clear facts Originally Posted by berryberry
... We KNOW why Liz Cheney didn't reveal it, mate.

She certainly wouldn't want to confuse liberals with the TRUTH.

#### Salty
rmg_35's Avatar
Believe it or not, when you hear shots fired, and adrenaline is running through your veins, it is very easy to mix up which side of the fight the gunfire is coming from. Happens with cops all the time when they are trigger happy.

But in the video (which you refuse to watch and comment on, interesting!) showed the officer with a fair bit of discipline and not taking his gun out until the last minute when he was ordering people to stop breaking through the barricade (which you claim never exists, interesting!)

Still waiting on you to answer my questions lol Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
You're right. Maga refuses to acknowledge the facts. They refuse to comment on the video because it doesn't parrot the bullshit being fed to them from the insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump and the radical far-right right-wing extremists.
chizzy's Avatar
You're right. Maga refuses to acknowledge the facts. They refuse to comment on the video because it doesn't parrot the bullshit being fed to them from the insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump and the radical far-right right-wing extremists. Originally Posted by rmg_35
ll answer for him as i did in the other thread but I guess its hard for you to comprehend.

1. noone i know of ever said the entire thing was a peaceful protest. those that entered the building and smashed windows and such should and did get charged. note that noone was charged with an insurrection because it wasnt.

2. felt his life was in danger??? did you notice in the video three or 4 officers standing right with the protesters at the doors? Did they look frightened? lol not at all

3. at no time in the video did anyone shout stand down to the protesters... thats a lie you guys are all trying to say and as i said in the other thread, if you guys could actually understand "stand down", that is not what is said to civilians, thats an order to police or military to police or military to disengage, to ease tensions , to not engage civilians

that cop DID NOT warn anyone. he hid in the corner and drew his gun and shot her. not only did he kill her, the dumbass could have easily missed and shot his fellow officers who were right behind her
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're right. Maga refuses to acknowledge the facts. They refuse to comment on the video because it doesn't parrot the bullshit being fed to them from the insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump and the radical far-right right-wing extremists. Originally Posted by rmg_35
ll answer for him as i did in the other thread but I guess its hard for you to comprehend.

1. noone i know of ever said the entire thing was a peaceful protest. those that entered the building and smashed windows and such should and did get charged. note that noone was charged with an insurrection because it wasnt.

2. felt his life was in danger??? did you notice in the video three or 4 officers standing right with the protesters at the doors? Did they look frightened? lol not at all

3. at no time in the video did anyone shout stand down to the protesters... thats a lie you guys are all trying to say and as i said in the other thread, if you guys could actually understand "stand down", that is not what is said to civilians, thats an order to police or military to police or military to disengage, to ease tensions , to not engage civilians

that cop DID NOT warn anyone. he hid in the corner and drew his gun and shot her. not only did he kill her, the dumbass could have easily missed and shot his fellow officers who were right behind her Originally Posted by chizzy

let's roll the footage and see who's narrative holds up shall we?

pay close attention to the second video it's clear that cop was in no immediate danger. that same cop once dropped a deuce in the Capitol building shitter and left his loaded firearm in the bathroom. nancy pelosi gave it back to him after she went into the Men's room to pee standing up and found it.

They were trying to break into a barricaded door. They were illegally trespassing, and they were warned repeatedly to stand down. Either "law and order" matters or it doesn't.

I, for one, am glad law and order does matter. Sorry not sorry, Ashli. FAFO.
berryberry's Avatar
... We KNOW why Liz Cheney didn't reveal it, mate.

She certainly wouldn't want to confuse liberals with the TRUTH.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Indeed Salty, indeed. As Jonathon Turley, a respected constitutional law expert noted "I have previously raised concerns over the shooting as conflicting with governing standards on the use of lethal force. I also noted contradictions in Byrd’s own statements and the government’s conclusion that this was a justified killing. The complaint below adds some troubling facts to these prior concerns."

Cheney and the soviet style sham J6 committee ignored the evidence or worse, covered up this out of control officer murdering Ashley Babbitt and then making a false report to try to cover up his actions

Those are the facts. The false report is all there recorded by the Capital Police. His own fellow officer has stated Byrd did not follow protocol, did NOT identify himself as a police officer, did not give Ashli any warnings or commands before murdering her. Byrd himself admitted he did not see a weapon or an immediate threat from Babbitt

Byrd broke every single protocol and murdered her and tried to cover it up with a false report
berryberry's Avatar
ll answer for him as i did in the other thread but I guess its hard for you to comprehend.

1. noone i know of ever said the entire thing was a peaceful protest. those that entered the building and smashed windows and such should and did get charged. note that noone was charged with an insurrection because it wasnt.

2. felt his life was in danger??? did you notice in the video three or 4 officers standing right with the protesters at the doors? Did they look frightened? lol not at all

3. at no time in the video did anyone shout stand down to the protesters... thats a lie you guys are all trying to say and as i said in the other thread, if you guys could actually understand "stand down", that is not what is said to civilians, thats an order to police or military to police or military to disengage, to ease tensions , to not engage civilians

that cop DID NOT warn anyone. he hid in the corner and drew his gun and shot her. not only did he kill her, the dumbass could have easily missed and shot his fellow officers who were right behind her Originally Posted by chizzy
Well said Chizzy. Not sure why some here continue to ignore the facts. You also point out another important fact in that there were multiple officers who were right behind Ashli Babbitt, who certainly did not feel there lives were in danger from her or anyone else. And this moron Byrd blindly shot at them hiding behind a door. Byrd could have easily killed one or more of his fellow officers with his reckless actions.
... THIS would all come out at trial.
But IF I were to guess - they'll come up with 3 or 4 million
and close the settlement... As the FBI/DOJ want no part
of the FACTS coming out.

#### Salty
Iceman's Avatar
She should not have been climbing through the window. She also should not have been shot.

What I have taken away from the videos that I have seen is that the police/security were poorly trained and unprepared for this type of situation.
rmg_35's Avatar
ll answer for him as i did in the other thread but I guess its hard for you to comprehend.

1. noone i know of ever said the entire thing was a peaceful protest. those that entered the building and smashed windows and such should and did get charged. note that noone was charged with an insurrection because it wasnt.

2. felt his life was in danger??? did you notice in the video three or 4 officers standing right with the protesters at the doors? Did they look frightened? lol not at all

3. at no time in the video did anyone shout stand down to the protesters... thats a lie you guys are all trying to say and as i said in the other thread, if you guys could actually understand "stand down", that is not what is said to civilians, thats an order to police or military to police or military to disengage, to ease tensions , to not engage civilians

that cop DID NOT warn anyone. he hid in the corner and drew his gun and shot her. not only did he kill her, the dumbass could have easily missed and shot his fellow officers who were right behind her Originally Posted by chizzy
Nothing is hard to comprehend when you don't get your news from the radical far-right conspiracy theory extremist news media. Try it sometime.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
She should not have been climbing through the window. She also should not have been shot.

What I have taken away from the videos that I have seen is that the police/security were poorly trained and unprepared for this type of situation. Originally Posted by Iceman

I agree. But on the flip side, if you are an armed security guard inside the capitol building, likely having to deal with an attempted coupe of the government and a mob of violent civilians breaking in and threatening the lawmakers, isn't something that is likely going to be at the front of your mind, or even something that one in such a position would be trained for.

The man who fired the shot may had been under or untrained, but at the time and place the shot was fired was the right one.

If I break into someone's home and try to force my way through their front door, which is locked shut, and the homeowner inside says 'STOP OR ILL SHOOT', and I continue, I will get shot. Rightfully so.

Flip the scenario around and the MAGAs won't comment on it. If shooting someone trying to break and enter into your home, when you are fearing for your life, is 100% OK, so is someone part of a violent mob getting shot while they are breaking and entering and the guard fears for his life.
chizzy's Avatar
Nothing is hard to comprehend when you don't get your news from the radical far-right conspiracy theory extremist news media. Try it sometime. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Lol u picked the perfect avatar. Suits ur posts perfectly
berryberry's Avatar
Nothing is hard to comprehend when you don't get your news from the radical far-right conspiracy theory extremist news media. Try it sometime. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Please kindly explain to us in detail how the author of this article is a member of the "radical far-right conspiracy theory extremist news media"