Great news in the fight of over population

Well considering your unwillingness to be the change you seek, it might take awhile. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised that you're not going with ye age olde: "killing two birds with one stone" approach. Supposedly, the Southern boarder "invasion" is reportedly people escaping climate change (from 160 different countries), apparently to our country which seemingly doesn't have the climate change - which you claim is caused by overpopulation. That is your stated "thought" process (sic) above. One could easily presume that they must be bringing the climate change with them. Why not solve the problem with a minor tweek to hunting bag limits in the Southern States for climate change carriers, aka the ones infested with the climate change? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
It all boils down to is Libs think they can play God.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It all boils down to is Libs think they can play God. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Well that seems galactically ironic in they think Easter is a time to celebrate some really weird chite. Maybe they should pony up a couple of bucks for a Trump Bible. I expect he might even sign it for them, most likely on this chapter:
Genesis 1:28 (King James Version). 28 And God blessed them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I thought this "500 million" clap-trap sounded eerily familiar. Just couldn't recall the Master Plan of it. Anyway, found it and it sorta makes the Communist Manifesto seem like a First Grade reader.

2030 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) hide a 6 armed scheme to gradually murder global population (7,5 billion until reaching their “sustainable” 500 million target) with:
  • Lethal “medicine”
  • Longterm harmful microwaves
  • Climate changing
  • Food and water
  • Nuclear irradiation
  • Choking digi-tatorship
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It all boils down to is Libs think they can play God. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Yet you think the MAGAS should.

It is reasoning like this that demnds population control.
winn dixie's Avatar
Closed minds ignore science and environmental signs.
God says to be fruitful. He also says gluttony is a wrong.
In other words. God wants us to be responsible with the earth he provided. We are not doing that.
Population control is the best plan to ensure the future of the human race.
Closed minds ignore science and environmental signs.
God says to be fruitful. He also says gluttony is a wrong.
In other words. God wants us to be responsible with the earth he provided. We are not doing that.
Population control is the best plan to ensure the future of the human race. Originally Posted by winn dixie
God said be fruitful and multiply. He also said "vengeance is mine". Let God deal with the Population control that's not your area or anyone else's.
winn dixie's Avatar
God said be fruitful and multiply. He also said "vengeance is mine". Let God deal with the Population control that's not your area or anyone else's. Originally Posted by Levianon17
No vengeance in population control.
Good grief!
Game set match.........
No vengeance in population control.
Good grief!
Game set match......... Originally Posted by winn dixie
You're running on empty with this population control bullshit. There's Wars, Disease, Abortion, Violent Crime and Fatal car Wrecks. The world isn't over populated. There is just too many dumb fucks that think so.
winn dixie's Avatar
You're running on empty with this population control bullshit. There's Wars, Disease, Abortion, Violent Crime and Fatal car Wrecks. The world isn't over populated. There is just too many dumb fucks that think so. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Look around. We're running out of natural resources and can't feed the billions we already have. That's just to start.
Look around. We're running out of natural resources and can't feed the billions we already have. That's just to start. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You have no perception at all. This short animation on Population might help you get a little understanding.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Population control is the best plan to ensure the future of the human race. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Let it begin with you and your family. Lead and more may follow. Plus it could make for a few interesting IDTV episodes. Be the change you believe in!

Sorry! We won't miss you ~ Bill Maher
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I wish people would read/educate themselves on this important subject...One day population control will be mandated. It will be too late then. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Permit me to help you help yourself.

Euthanasia Driven Depopulation Agenda
Published: April 15, 2024
Making people want their own demise and the demise of others, medically assisted dying programs, and mainstream media encouraging the elderly to "hasten their deaths".

The depopulation agenda is so overt once you become attuned to every sinister malevolent governmental act always posing as a ‘greater good’ - doctors and nurses stealthily coming for the mentally, physiologically, and emotionally vulnerable - like smiling assassins offering medically assisted dying.

The core tenet of the depopulation agenda has always been to make people want their own demise. Convince people that our earthly resources are finite and that overpopulation is an existential threat to humanity. Once this seedling takes route in the brain stem of a free-willed human being who is indifferent to evil - they knowingly or unknowingly choose evil. Not only do they then want their own demise, but they see humanity as a cancer on the planet. They drink the ecocide kool-aid. They actively seek instruction from their sociopathic government misleadership to direct their rage at whomever is categorised as a ‘useless eater’...

winn dixie's Avatar
The above is pure fear mongering propoganda and typical uninformed responses.
The above is pure fear mongering propoganda and typical uninformed responses. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Fear mongering has you believing the world is overpopulated.
eyecu2's Avatar
Well that seems galactically ironic in they think Easter is a time to celebrate some really weird chite. Maybe they should pony up a couple of bucks for a Trump Bible. I expect he might even sign it for them, most likely on this chapter: Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
A book written by men- to control men. Ok- When there is an instruction manual for you to follow- I see you want to follow it. That reminds me of those ppl who lack free will and need to follow some dictation of go forth and multiply. PPl who live on islands without christianity seem to also do that dont they? Perhaps it's just part of being a human that you don't need to follow a book of instructions- you just do what you need to do to survive and enjoy life- including fucking, eating and protecting yourself. Eye for an eye isn't novel for example.

Populations in Hindu' areas are exploding- they didn't read a bible. Just wondering why that Anglo-Saxon book means more to Merican's than being a good person who doesn't cheat, lie, steal or commit crimes against their fellow-man?

I mean- I don't think even little kids think those things are OK- despite not having been in sunday school or theologists!

BTW- a "Trump" association to the bible is an abomination, just as his name associated to any book, tax return or game- will result in said reference being- "all you're about to read is fiction". LOL