the irony of Putin

VitaMan's Avatar
Putin claims to be concerned about invasions of Russian territory.

What he could have done was create his own peacekeeping force on his western border.
Instead, he is the one who decides to invade. Almost a million Russians dead or wounded.

That would have made a nice peacekeeping force.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
He should be concerned.
If a 2nd or 3rd rate country can't be overrun in over 2 years by his forces, would not a 1st rate country just roll on into Russia easily if they got involved?
VitaMan's Avatar
There was no threat by a western country to invade Russia.
On top of that, Putin could have deployed a security peacekeeping force on his borders..
Instead, what did he do........invade Ukraine.
Now a million Russians are killed or wounded.

A far worse outcome than if a western country invaded and Russia had to defend.

All these deaths are on Putin......the worst since WW2.
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
Do you know what irony means?
VitaMan's Avatar
Anything to post on the topic ?
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
Your post is uncertain. Clarify it.
In the past 160 years, two of the greatest armies ever assembled attempted to invade Russia, and paid dearly.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...What he could have done was create his own peacekeeping force on his western border... Originally Posted by VitaMan
You do actually know that he did that. Right? FWIW: Ukraine has been hemorrhaging lives as well.

He amassed a large force on the boarder when Ukraine started getting uppity by hammering the Donbas region and basically taking a whiz on the Minsk agreements, with President Auto-Pen cheering him on and slipping a few hundred billion of your tax dollars in to his grubby paws.
Extraordinary piece in THE HILL. The truth is finally coming out about the Ukraine war.

The author explains why Trump is right about Ukraine; the war was completely unnecessary; Biden and Zelensky played significant roles in provoking and escalating it; and Western media has continuously lied about it.

The author writes:

“I rarely agree with President Trump, but his latest controversial statements about Ukraine are mostly true. They only seem preposterous because western audiences have been fed a steady diet of disinformation about Ukraine for more than a decade. It is time to set the record straight on three key points that illuminate why Ukrainians and former President Joe Biden — not merely Russian President Vladimir Putin — bear significant responsibility for the outbreak and perpetuation of war in Ukraine.

“First, as recently documented by overwhelming forensic evidence, and affirmed even by a Kyiv court, it was Ukrainian right-wing militants who started the violence in 2014 that provoked Russia’s initial invasion of the country’s southeast including Crimea. …

“Second, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky contributed to a wider war by violating peace deals with Russia [known as Minsk 1 and 2] and seeking NATO military aid and membership. …

“Third, Joe Biden too contributed crucially to the escalation and perpetuation of fighting. … Biden raised false hopes in Ukraine, needlessly perpetuating a war that has killed or wounded hundreds of thousands in the last two years alone during which the frontlines have shifted by less than 1 percent of Ukraine’s territory. …

“Even more tragic, whatever peace deal emerges after the war will be worse for Ukraine than the Minsk accords that Zelensky foolishly abandoned due to his political ambitions and naďve expectation of bottomless U.S. support.”
ICU 812's Avatar
You can tell who he is by what he does.
the greatest armies ever assembled attempted to invade Russia, and paid dearly. Originally Posted by Jacky S
Before the US and allies opened a western front to split German forces, Soviet Union was going to lose. Coming soon an updated photo of Trump, Putin and Zelenskyy

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

Napoleon did not have one of the greatest armies.

The key reason for the Russian invasion failure was the French failure to supply troops, quite a bit of which was the British blockade of ports all along the northern Europe seacoast.

The 1805 sea battle at Trafalgar could be presented as a key indicator of the war. The Brits sinking 20 plus ships of the combined French & Spanish fleet allowed the ongoing blockades to continue and expand to the northern European coast.

From Sun Tzu's Art of War, Chap 2, statement 3:
if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

Do we not see this developing in the Russian / Ukraine conflict?
Russia failed in the march on Kiev.

Btw, WW2 comment by Admiral Yamamoto
“A military man can scarcely pride himself on having ‘smitten a sleeping enemy’; it is more a matter of shame, simply, for the one smitten. I would rather you made your appraisal after seeing what the enemy does, since it is certain that, angered and outraged, he will soon launch a determined counterattack.”
My point should have been, both were great Armies until they started to starve to death, and then freeze to death.
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
Cold and famine had more to do with both failures than the Russian military. The Russian military has always been crap expecting wave attacks and manpower to carry the day.
Cold and famine had more to do with both failures than the Russian military. The Russian military has always been crap expecting wave attacks and manpower to carry the day. Originally Posted by Schwarzer Ritter
And a shitload of artillery.

Which is only good if you actually hit something of consequence.
Before the US and allies opened a western front to split German forces, Soviet Union was going to lose. Coming soon an updated photo of Trump, Putin and Zelenskyy

Originally Posted by LayingPipe
History is showing that toward the end of WW-2, FDR was just avoiding funeral expenses.
And Stalin took advantage of it.