Gift ideas to give to providers relying on oh2

winn dixie's Avatar
What to give providers that rely on that down website......

Here's some ideas......
Walking shoes
Light colored clothing
Padded shoe inserts
Glow in the dark clothing accessories
Body spray
Online classes
Grocery store pre paid cards
Pay their phone bill

What else yall got?

Wd cares
governmentguru's Avatar
Health insurance
Car repairs, if they have one
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 03-24-2025, 12:28 PM
Farce! I love it.
winn dixie's Avatar
Bus pass is great
governmentguru's Avatar
Bus pass is great Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thoughts and prayers.... any provider relying solely on that web site is gonna need it....
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
....and all you get is .... a finger. ... and not even up your ass!

Go say hello to Cracked Rosy Palm and save your hard earned penny.

Funny, how girls even barefooted can make cash and all of you are just dry heaving!!!


You go girls!!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Help the struggling providers in their time of need. They always need
Phone chargers
Even gifts that serve no real purpose but makes chicks feel good like pedicures or getting their hair done can brighten their lives during these bad times.
....and all you get is .... a finger. ... and not even up your ass!

Go say hello to Cracked Rosy Palm and save your hard earned penny.

Funny, how girls even barefooted can make cash and all of you are just dry heaving!!!


You go girls!!!! Originally Posted by Alexandra Sand

These are the guys who are constantly bitching about high rates, when the reality is that they're lucky any of these providers will fuck them at any rate. Who wants to fuck some old, fat, ugly, white guy who's oozing contempt for them out of every single pore? A real head-scratcher there.
winn dixie's Avatar
These are the guys who are constantly bitching about high rates, when the reality is that they're lucky any of these providers will fuck them at any rate. Who wants to fuck some old, fat, ugly, white guy who's oozing contempt for them out of every single pore? A real head-scratcher there. Originally Posted by Greented
Let's stay on topic with helping the struggling providers. What have you done to help?
Guys it's gonna be an epic salmon run with rent due soon. Please tip the gals a lil. Anything helps.
winn dixie's Avatar
Few more days till peek salmon run fellas. But in these times of need.
Bring a care package to the provider you're seeing.
governmentguru's Avatar
These are the guys who are constantly bitching about high rates, when the reality is that they're lucky any of these providers will fuck them at any rate. Who wants to fuck some old, fat, ugly, white guy who's oozing contempt for them out of every single pore? A real head-scratcher there. Originally Posted by Greented
Project much...?
winn dixie's Avatar
Project much...? Originally Posted by governmentguru
This thread is to help providers struggling.
O2 may be down a while?
A few mongers with time could start a meals on wheels for struggling providers.
governmentguru's Avatar
This thread is to help providers struggling.
O2 may be down a while?
A few mongers with time could start a meals on wheels for struggling providers. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I donated to Capitol Area Foodbank in their name
winn dixie's Avatar
Umbrella is another grand idea.
With today's rain out on the block.
And hey, it can be used to keep the hot summer sun off as well.
Again please pick safety colors for use at night as well.
Wd- cares