Does anyone pay attention to the BIO PAGES?

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-25-2025, 07:26 PM
There is a bunch of fun stuff listed in a provider's bio page.

Favorite flowers, a glimpse of her personality, not just photos of her person...

I love when I see that a someone has paid attention to a small detail and brings it up in conversation. A tickle of surprise and appreciation pulse through me.

Ladies, have y'all taken the time to spruce up your Bio page?
I'll be honest.... I get distracted by the tits and ass. I'm not proud to say it, but it's true
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Below ladies logged in today. Pls update your bio pages and post on this thread when done ;-)

Peyton Daniella
Hell Katt
Jenni Snow
Julia Deluna
Sherry of DFW
Sierra Sinclair
TalliaThomas's Avatar
There is a bunch of fun stuff listed in a provider's bio page.

Favorite flowers, a glimpse of her personality, not just photos of her person...

I love when I see that a someone has paid attention to a small detail and brings it up in conversation. A tickle of surprise and appreciation pulse through me.

Ladies, have y'all taken the time to spruce up your Bio page? Originally Posted by ~Ze~

Oh hell-- I don't even think I set mine up after the name change.... damn it.
Wonder if any of these ladies are in the Addison or Irving area. Maybe they'll message me who knows
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Mine stays updated
I get to hobby only rarely. So, when I do, I want to maximize the experience. Anything I can do to ingratiate myself to the lady whose time I’m paying for, I’m going to (within reason) do. So, yes. I definitely pay attention to the Bios. If it’s gonna take my session from good to great, or great to all-time great, why the hell wouldn’t I? Call it enlightened self-interest.

As in most things in life, a little effort goes a long way.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Since the bio page has been down for quite a while, I’m sure some ladies might not even realize it’s back up. Along the same lines, I wonder if gents are aware it's back and that they can go take a look.
Ultimate Jessica's Avatar
I try to keep my Bio updated so that my hobby husband’s knows what my GFE specials are when I have them and for anyone that isn’t aware of my FREE 1 hour session I give away each month. I wish more gentlemen read our profiles. I get asked a lot of questions that are available in on my profile. 🤷🏼♀️
TinMan's Avatar
Since the bio page has been down for quite a while, I’m sure some ladies might not even realize it’s back up. Along the same lines, I wonder if gents are aware it's back and that they can go take a look. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
I think the latest oh2 outage is an opportunity to educate people who are seeking help making connections. This thread is one way to do that.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Below ladies logged in today. Hope they have updated their bio pages.

Sherry of DFW
Hell Katt
Peyton Daniella
Jenni Snow

NOTE: It appears Bio Page can contain links to P411, Tryst or other sites where more information can be made available.
There is a bunch of fun stuff listed in a provider's bio page.

Favorite flowers, a glimpse of her personality, not just photos of her person...

I love when I see that a someone has paid attention to a small detail and brings it up in conversation. A tickle of surprise and appreciation pulse through me.

Ladies, have y'all taken the time to spruce up your Bio page? Originally Posted by ~Ze~

Well, I would like to think most of them do. I do. Want to know the person before I meet. Its not all crash bang wallop LOL ! Helps to know what she likes or doesn't or what her preferences are. Personally for me , a descriptive biopage with quite a few pics ( and huge request , begging all providers - no pics with filters please LOL) is the way to go !
Ultimate Jessica's Avatar
Well, I would like to think most of them do. I do. Want to know the person before I meet. Its not all crash bang wallop LOL ! Helps to know what she likes or doesn't or what her preferences are. Personally for me , a descriptive biopage with quite a few pics ( and huge request , begging all providers - no pics with filters please LOL) is the way to go ! Originally Posted by delimex007

Can you give us ladies an idea of what a descriptive biopage should look like to help someone out like yourself??
Thanks, I just added some new pics
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-26-2025, 09:56 PM
Thanks, I just added some new pics Originally Posted by DallasBella

That black and blue teddy with you laying across the bed! OH MY!