To Hose or Not to Hose...

dirty dog's Avatar
First of all, the analogy is exactly accurate, because the city did not provide fire service, the fire service was a volunteer service which has to be paid for just like car insurance. Its called personal responsibility. The neighbor paid for his service but this man made a concieous decision not to pay for the fire service, you act as fire service is an enailenable right or something. You never answered my questioned, did the customer pay for the medication, did you charge the customer, you expected to be paid for your service right. You act like the man "just forgot to pay it", thats not the case, he made a decision to not pay for it, so it's not a mistake, once again its called personal responsibility. Maybe your facts are a little skewed so you can turn this into sometype of political issue. Politics had nothing to do with this. You dont know the politics of anyone involved. If your refering to me as a Republican I am going to tell you once again, I am an Independent. Stop trying to start a political war. I know that you guys are feeling a littlle desperate now, but at least find an actual political issue.

"You know what as time goes on I am really beginning to like Obamacare!!!!"

What Obama care, nothing has even started yet, not going to start until 2012 and later so whats there to love, geezzz.

Oh and one last thing, I believe if you read you would see that I have stated that I would have handled it differently, but even so, it does not mean their decision was actually wrong. I am done will leave this to you fine folks to hash out.
swarmyone's Avatar
What many of you libs are missing is the homeowner who took full responsibility. Paulette Cranick said the mistake was hers and she didn't blame or hold any ill will towards the firefighters. On top of that, they have declined offers of aid. She said that they have insurance and are simply happy that nobody got hurt. Wow...someone makes a mistake, owns up to it, takes responsibility, and declines a hand out. We could all learn something from this, but Keith Overblown and the rest of the freeloaders take the firemen to task. Unbelievable.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
First of all, the analogy is exactly accurate, because the city did not provide fire service, the fire service was a volunteer service which has to be paid for just like car insurance. Its called personal responsibility. The neighbor paid for his service but this man made a concieous decision not to pay for the fire service, you act as fire service is an enailenable right or something. You never answered my questioned, did the customer pay for the medication, did you charge the customer, you expected to be paid for your service right. You act like the man "just forgot to pay it", thats not the case, he made a decision to not pay for it, so it's not a mistake, once again its called personal responsibility. Maybe your facts are a little skewed so you can turn this into sometype of political issue. Politics had nothing to do with this. You dont know the politics of anyone involved. If your refering to me as a Republican I am going to tell you once again, I am an Independent. Stop trying to start a political war. I know that you guys are feeling a littlle desperate now, but at least find an actual political issue.

"You know what as time goes on I am really beginning to like Obamacare!!!!"

What Obama care, nothing has even started yet, not going to start until 2012 and later so whats there to love, geezzz.

Oh and one last thing, I believe if you read you would see that I have stated that I would have handled it differently, but even so, it does not mean their decision was actually wrong. I am done will leave this to you fine folks to hash out. Originally Posted by dirty dog
no to answer your question- we are not allowed in the State of Texas to charge for an emergency fill. We can only give the person a partial amount to hold them over until we can get in contact with the physician. I worked as a Pharmacist in Louisiana and they have a similar issue and we can't charge for emergency loaners. Also, I am not trying to make myself out to be a Good samaratian but there has been numerous and I can honestly say since I been a Pharmacist that i have paid for someone's prescription and/or the company has paid for someones prescription because of an emergency situation where they couldn't afford it. Now, me nor the company were not obligated to pay for anyone's prescription because we are not a charity but we have because we understand people are not perfect. Never once did I tell the persons whose prescriptions I paid for or who the company paid for that you should have better insurance, a better job or anything of that nature. Why the hell do we have to put a freaking value on anything? We are talking about someone's freaking house for God's sake. And just for the record there were firefighters who were saddened that they could not help the man. DD you seem to be missing the point- the man said the 75 fee was an oversight he said he would be glad to have paid it and had the money to pay for it. I work for a living and i personally have missed bills not because i am being cheap or a freeloader but because I am a human. If I saw man that was a member of the KKK and he was dying i could care less about his political views I would try to save that man if he needed assistance. this is where the country is going wrong is that people like the Republicans want to make it as if there values are better than someone eles's or that they are more "american" than others- and like I said they are supposed to be the Christian party lol! Again DD you think Jesus was asking people if they were Holy before he healed them?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
What many of you libs are missing is the homeowner who took full responsibility. Paulette Cranick said the mistake was hers and she didn't blame or hold any ill will towards the firefighters. On top of that, they have declined offers of aid. She said that they have insurance and are simply happy that nobody got hurt. Wow...someone makes a mistake, owns up to it, takes responsibility, and declines a hand out. We could all learn something from this, but Keith Overblown and the rest of the freeloaders take the firemen to task. Unbelievable. Originally Posted by swarmyone
Nope you got it wrong Olbermann actually mentioned that the firefighters wanted to put out the fire but the Chief said No. Mr. Cranick never blamed the fire department he said the miss payment was an over sight and that once he found out that the he didn't pay the fee he was willing to pay on the spot so if that wasn't the case why couldn't they take the payment on the spot? It would be a different can of beans if Mr. Cranick said come put out this fire and I will stay not going to pay your Bill. Guys are you telling me none of you ever missed a bill or been late on a payment? I assume all of you have perfect credit history with a score of 800 and never missed a bill either intentionally or unintentionally???
wellendowed1911's Avatar
DD one final question and be man enough to answer this honestly. If you were visting one of your loved ones- grandparents, parents, siblings etc and God forbid their house caught on fire and the local fire volunteer was dispatched to the location and when they get there you find out they can't put out the fire because a fee wasn't paid- are you going to honestly tell me and everyone else in this forum that you would turn to yuor loved ones and say:"granny, mom, dad,brother, sister, gosh they got to let this house burn you should have paid your fees like everyone else so I will stand here with you and watch it burn... Or are you going to be ecstatic and say :"how much do they owe I'll pay it right now just please put out this fire..."" Please answer that question DD.
It seems like everyone wants to point fingers and cast judgment about he should have done this or paid that and tough luck for him, but if it happens to you or a loved one I bet you have a different outlook on the situation!
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Anybody that thinks its okay to let a persons house burn over 75 is a asshole first what about public safty what the fire jumped to the next house. And common its 75 you let a person house burn for less than it cost to get a bj. Ans john what the hell dose obama or health care have to do with this umm last time i heard you go to the er & they do their thing then send you a bill. Plus dont our taxes pay for the fire department.
This has got to be a sign of the End of Times LOL.

The Chiefs are undefeated (at least until they play the Colts tomorrow), and for the first time.....I agree with you Cheaper
So let me see if I have this right....You who say he should pay the fee or suffer the consequences....Since its the law to pay the 75 fee and he didnt for whatever reason the "Volunteer" Fire Department said to bad we cant help you...And you all support this? Also know this the reason his nieghbor was willing to also pay the fee for him was because the "Volunteer" Fire Department was there to put out the nieghbors house that was on fire due to his nieghbors house being on fire....But its the Law that you are saying is right? And again you support this?
So since its the law that is right then you must support the building of the
"Ground Zero Mosque" which is neither at ground zero or a mosque, which is beside the point....but you law abiding folks now have to support thier right to build the Muslim Community Center 2 1/2 blocks away from outer perimeter of the world trade center...So do tell us which is it the law or the right thing to do that you support...BTW for all you law abiders, and honest taxpayers its all just a dream right? You wouldnt knowingly break any law or not pay all of your taxes right? Or run a red light or a yellow light? Wouldnt allow your under 21 year old child to drink at home or ??? I could go on and on and on with all your hypocritical ways but I have a dream to attend to!!!!!!
dirty dog's Avatar
Anybody that thinks its okay to let a persons house burn over 75 is a asshole first what about public safty what the fire jumped to the next house. And common its 75 you let a person house burn for less than it cost to get a bj. Ans john what the hell dose obama or health care have to do with this umm last time i heard you go to the er & they do their thing then send you a bill. Plus dont our taxes pay for the fire department. Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
Cheaper that was not john it was Wellendowelled
dirty dog's Avatar
So let me see if I have this right....You who say he should pay the fee or suffer the consequences....Since its the law to pay the 75 fee and he didnt for whatever reason the "Volunteer" Fire Department said to bad we cant help you...And you all support this? Also know this the reason his nieghbor was willing to also pay the fee for him was because the "Volunteer" Fire Department was there to put out the nieghbors house that was on fire due to his nieghbors house being on fire....But its the Law that you are saying is right? And again you support this?
So since its the law that is right then you must support the building of the
"Ground Zero Mosque" which is neither at ground zero or a mosque, which is beside the point....but you law abiding folks now have to support thier right to build the Muslim Community Center 2 1/2 blocks away from outer perimeter of the world trade center...So do tell us which is it the law or the right thing to do that you support...BTW for all you law abiders, and honest taxpayers its all just a dream right? You wouldnt knowingly break any law or not pay all of your taxes right? Or run a red light or a yellow light? Wouldnt allow your under 21 year old child to drink at home or ??? I could go on and on and on with all your hypocritical ways but I have a dream to attend to!!!!!! Originally Posted by kcmark
First of all the neighbors house did not catch fire, they stopped it in the yard.
dirty dog's Avatar
Anybody that thinks its okay to let a persons house burn over 75 is a asshole first what about public safty what the fire jumped to the next house. And common its 75 you let a person house burn for less than it cost to get a bj. Ans john what the hell dose obama or health care have to do with this umm last time i heard you go to the er & they do their thing then send you a bill. Plus dont our taxes pay for the fire department. Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
In rural areas the citys taxes may not pay for fire service, in this case it didnt which is why the volunteer fire department asks for the $75.00.
First of all the neighbors house did not catch fire, they stopped it in the yard. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Yard or house makes no difference....they showed up....they put out one not the other....but good try
dirty dog's Avatar
So let me see if I have this right....You who say he should pay the fee or suffer the consequences....Since its the law to pay the 75 fee and he didnt for whatever reason the "Volunteer" Fire Department said to bad we cant help you...And you all support this? Also know this the reason his nieghbor was willing to also pay the fee for him was because the "Volunteer" Fire Department was there to put out the nieghbors house that was on fire due to his nieghbors house being on fire....But its the Law that you are saying is right? And again you support this?
So since its the law that is right then you must support the building of the
"Ground Zero Mosque" which is neither at ground zero or a mosque, which is beside the point....but you law abiding folks now have to support thier right to build the Muslim Community Center 2 1/2 blocks away from outer perimeter of the world trade center...So do tell us which is it the law or the right thing to do that you support...BTW for all you law abiders, and honest taxpayers its all just a dream right? You wouldnt knowingly break any law or not pay all of your taxes right? Or run a red light or a yellow light? Wouldnt allow your under 21 year old child to drink at home or ??? I could go on and on and on with all your hypocritical ways but I have a dream to attend to!!!!!! Originally Posted by kcmark
Actually Mr 5 posts, if you had been around when the Mosque was discussed you will find I did and still do support their right to build it. First of all Mr uniformed, its not a LAW its a service, just like the service you pay for trash removal, if you dont pay they dont come. So know your facts before you spew your rant.

For the last freaking time read my originial post, I did not agree with what they did, I thought it could have been handled differently. But I do agree with the concept that if you dont pay for a SERVICE then you should not receive the service. Drive you car without insurance, have a wreck and then see the insurance company will let you buy the insurance on cover the accident.

Wellendowelled, you can call me out all you want, I have no intention of getting into a BS shit debate with you over this and your perceived political implications. You can read my first post, it shows what I feel and what I think and if that doesn't satisfy you then perscribe yourself some Xanex.
dirty dog's Avatar
Yard or house makes no difference....they showed up....they put out one not the other....but good try Originally Posted by kcmark
Actually once again you dont have your facts, they were already there, they did not show up to put the neighbors yard out, they were already there to put out a fire at the neighbors if they had to. Obviously no one lives int he country because if you did you would know that you have to pay for the services you take for granted in the city.
Tell me Mr.1272 post...what fact is admit they were that fact isnt wrong. I live in the country...i serve at least 5 volunteer fire fighters a day at work....they all have said it was wrong...yet you support the law oh excuse me service fee...and you seem to avoid answering most questions put forth to you directly...which btw I didnt directly ask your opinion of anything...but I will now...if it was your family or family member as wd ask would you still say the same thing? Lets try another one for you if you were in an accident in the county and didnt live there and your car was on fire should they put it out....or provide EMERGENCY services since you didnt pay the sevice fee? If you have noticed i havent said whether its a conservative, liberal, republican, democrat, or independent thing...its called being a decent human being....