Narcissism, Misogynism, and Johns

John has negative connotations as apposed to client. Originally Posted by roscoe14850
thicken your skin and grow a spine, nancy boy...
Bash a hobbyist, and your name is mud. Originally Posted by Doove
like my grandfather always used to say - "flack is thickest when you're over the target"
roscoe14850's Avatar
thicken your skin and grow a spine, nancy boy... Originally Posted by ms_elizabeth
Personally, your comment doesn't bother me at all. I have to consider the source. An interesting choice of words from a hooktard, er, prostitute, er, escort or whatever you want to be called that is so worried about etiquette. I am surprised that you would resort to name calling. Your overall demeanor suggests you might want to check into this whole NPD thing.

BTW- It saddens me that I am no longer on your ignore list, but I guess all good things come to an end.
boardman's Avatar
I've seen better disagreements in KC forums...ijs

Here's the deal. Where I come from Fucktard, Hooktard, Modtard, and Admintard are all terms of endearment....until they're not. The offended party must choose to be offended.

I find Cattard to be highly offensive.
roscoe14850's Avatar
I've seen better disagreements in KC forums...ijs

Here's the deal. Where I come from Fucktard, Hooktard, Modtard, and Admintard are all terms of endearment....until they're not. The offended party must choose to be offended.

I find Cattard to be highly offensive. Originally Posted by boardman
Your overall demeanor suggests you might want to check into this whole NPD thing. Originally Posted by roscoe14850
Since you are so interested in personality disorders I thought you would enjoy these relevant articles...

"Moore also found that while many flamers deliberately incite problems, flaming is "more often intended to express disagreement or as a response to a perceived offense by others."...Users feel anonymous and believe that they will face no consequences for their words and actions...When an individual feels that they had poor customer service or a product was not what they expected, they'll sometimes write inflammatory posts in the reviews sections or on message boards...Dr. Andrew Campbell wrote in a recent article that certain personality types are drawn to flaming and trolling. Campbell theorizes that people who lack power in face-to-face social situations often find flaming to be an outlet. While in the real world these people may fear criticism and feel awkward, online they can be socially combative with no repercussions. He also found that many flamers and trolls are young teenagers, and that teenagers are testing their boundaries and social skills. Their immaturity is evident in their inflammatory posts...some flamers and trolls are genuinely angry and enjoy instigating others."

"Dehumanizing a person is a potent recipe for aggressive behavior...From the comfort of our computer chairs, people often feel an exaggerated sense of self, a form of self-aggrandizement...We tend to feel a little bigger, a little more confident, and we find our own opinions a little more fraught with significance online. As a result, we're more likely not only to vocalize our views, but to do so with bravado...To better understand, imagine a situation where, winding around a curve as you drive home at night, you notice a cat jaunting across the road. Most of us slow and correct our course so as to avoid causing the cat harm. However, you may know someone who speeds up and steers directly towards the slinking feline. To the flamer, an online post that spurs his ire is a target, frozen with wide doe-eyes, waiting to be maimed."

"Some psychologists have suggested that flaming would be caused by deindividuation or decreased self-evaluation: the anonymity of online postings would lead to disinhibition amongst individuals (Kiesler et al, 1984). Others have suggested that although flaming and trolling is often unpleasant, it may be a form of normative behavior that expresses the social identity of a certain user group (Lea et al, 1992; Postmes et al, 1998)."

I notice also that you and your co-conspirators tend to get very defensive when any of you feel you are being accused of something, even if none of you are specifically named. Did you know that people who are trained in lie detection and/or interrogation are taught that sort of response indicates guilt?

Knowing is half the battle...


offshoredrilling's Avatar
gee I find hobbyist offensive. But then that is true for the term gentleman to me also. Its like ok roller over, play dead, ok its now ok for you to beg.
Perfect Gentleman's Avatar
I'm still searching for a provider that will accept personal checks.
NOW THAT would be my definition of a LADY.
Ok so the easiest way i see around this, is if we agree to call the Escorts Ladies or Girls and the Johns as we are call us Gentlemen and we would all be happy and could move on with this!!!
roscoe14850's Avatar
Since you are so interested in personality disorders I thought you would enjoy these relevant articles...

"Moore also found that while many flamers deliberately incite problems, flaming is "more often intended to express disagreement or as a response to a perceived offense by others."........ Their immaturity is evident in their inflammatory posts...some flamers and trolls are genuinely angry and enjoy instigating others."

"Dehumanizing a person is a potent recipe for aggressive behavior...From the comfort of our computer chairs, people often feel an exaggerated sense of self, a form of self-aggrandizement..."

I notice also that you and your co-conspirators tend to get very defensive when any of you feel you are being accused of something, even if none of you are specifically named. Did you know that people who are trained in lie detection and/or interrogation are taught that sort of response indicates guilt?

Knowing is half the battle...


Ps. Originally Posted by ms_elizabeth

You mean like starting a thread with an insult to the group of people who are potential customers? Sounds counterintuitive to me but you go gurl! Once again you can call me anything you want really, you lost your credibility with the title of this thread. I have to get back to my co-conspirators now with our plans to take over the world.

Ps. That fool learned the err of his ways. (pssst... actually I was bipolar 'til I killed him!)
Guest042416's Avatar
peace and love boys.
pyramider's Avatar
I've seen better disagreements in KC forums...ijs

Here's the deal. Where I come from Fucktard, Hooktard, Modtard, and Admintard are all terms of endearment....until they're not. The offended party must choose to be offended.

I find Cattard to be highly offensive. Originally Posted by boardman

Plus you are always getting pissy when a hooktard has a NCA policy.

Does anyone else get a woody while they read psychobabble?
roscoe14850's Avatar
peace and love boys. Originally Posted by bjwstw
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Guest042416's Avatar
roscoe marticone bendejo vita bora, cabron tu piscio in tu cu a nota tel loga. marticone.
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