pfmtony yea or nay

No research required, it's underneath that more annoying than PrettyFuckingMarvelous' avatar!
NearHauteRed's Avatar
No research required, it's underneath that more annoying than PrettyFuckingMarvelous' avatar! Originally Posted by phildo

The avatar is one of the avatars you can pick in the avatars to pick from on this site, if you do not like it, have it deleted by the owners of the site. But, what is it to anyone how much I post? Are we writing a book?
The baton has been passed ^^^.

The douche is dead.

Long live the douche!!!!
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
The avatar is one of the avatars you can pick in the avatars to pick from on this site ... Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Of the 210,098 members to log in to Eccie, you may be the only one to have landed on that particular avatar. I say you thus possess a truly discerning eye and therefore applaud your choice. (Raucous clapping!)

And please, post more not less. Don't let the spoil sports discourage you.

And please, post more not less. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
This ^^

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Of the 210,098 members to log in to Eccie, you may be the only one to have landed on that particular avatar. I say you thus possess a truly discerning eye and therefore applaud your choice. (Raucous clapping!)

And please, post more not less. Don't let the spoil sports discourage you. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
The avatar of the bear walking has been used in the past. Several times. Why that avatar would be a point of contention is beyond me.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
^^^ lol
NearHauteRed's Avatar
The avatar of the bear walking has been used in the past. Several times. Why that avatar would be a point of contention is beyond me. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Some people such as the two posters in 151 and 153 respectively, like to berate what others say/do to get a reaction. Because I am new with signing up this month, I will ask questions that probably have been asked many times before and they will be there analyzing my posts and then dissecting it, read between the lines, take it out of context, whatever, and then find fault.
firelips's Avatar
. Because I am new with signing up this month, I will ask questions that probably have been asked many times before and they will be there analyzing my posts and then dissecting it, read between the lines, take it out of context, whatever, and then find fault. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Bullshit. All of your recent posts are you giving your opinion and doling out knowledge spoken from experience. So you either assume to know what you speak of or you are not NEW , only your handle
Blessed be the thin-skinned

For he shall be fucked with....
Shep3.0's Avatar
Who is this guy Tony?
Who is this guy Tony? Originally Posted by Shep3.0
I don't remember.

Do you have nothing better to do than to look at another guy's profile? I did not know there was a limit of how many posts you could do a day, would you mind pointing that out to me? Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Whoa......this one is still going? Sure looks like that special someone or two who just can't let it go had a secret man-crush on ol tony and misses him dearly now?

While it's ironic that you guys are stilling hunting have to admit this shit is indeed funny! I think the term most applicable to the current situation tony has left some of you guys in is pwned...

Jeez...what will all the wimmen's think????

Shep3.0's Avatar
I don't remember.

Next.... Originally Posted by eccienewbie
ManSlut's Avatar
Truthfully, I feel pmsTony was the best POLL writer we've had on here in a long, long time.