OK here's what it costs to operate a sailing yacht

TryWeakly's Avatar
Is one long degree better than six short degrees? Originally Posted by dearhunter
It doesn't matter how long they are... it is the angle that counts.
Is one long degree better than six short degrees? Originally Posted by dearhunter
it can be...to some degree.
  • pxmcc
  • 01-31-2018, 01:19 AM
Is one long degree better than six short degrees? Originally Posted by dearhunter
It's not the length of the degree that counts, it's what you do with it. But I've heard that broader degrees are sometimes better than those more narrow types..
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You said you have "Ivy League" degree(s) - now you do not even know where they are located? Fucking Poser
Originally Posted by Mythos
Yes because people are impressed that I have 3 degrees from the Northeast. I'm glad that your stupid hooker ass knows what region the Ivy League schools are located, but my firm did not hire me because I have degrees from that region.They hired me because of the specific classification of the schools in that region on my resume. Quit being stupid hooker....a hooker posing as a man on a whore board. Yeah, I am the fucking poser LOL.
TryWeakly's Avatar
U done yet? Interesting how you HIJACKED this thread. Remember it's not about you.
dearhunter's Avatar
I would thinck that the whores want to be schooled by an insignificant poser degree from SFA over a massively invasive UT degree.
notanewbie's Avatar
Axe 'em
Fahrenheit or Celsius? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Well played

it can be...to some degree. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Would those be errant Ivy League degrees... you know the ones from the midwest or south?

Yes because people are impressed that I have 3 degrees from the Northeast. Originally Posted by Licks McNutts
No one here is impressed, everyone believes you're lying, fucking poser. But just to be clear, thank you for clarifying that the exact count of degrees from the Northeastern schools is three. LE, not to be confused with LL, appreciate any and all information you care to continue to share in this thread;

Caucasian male, back side of middle age, no church, dislikes his deceased father, divorced, two children with limited custody rights, needy of approval, (3) Northeastern degrees, partner in a global firm with over 200,000 employees either KPMG, PWC or Deloitte (someone want to check data on these companies?), CPA, CFA, series 7 and 63.

Unless of course you'd like to declare that everything you have typed is a lie? Fucking poser.

P.s. please keep up with the tummy Marie come back shit, not only does it perpetuate your obvious ignorance, overall stupidity, and lemming like manner, it's just funny to me.

P.s.s you have donkey boy as a fan, how fucking sad is that.

Axe 'em Originally Posted by notanewbie
Isn't that a cheap man spray as seen on TV?
^^^ insert weak ass TL;DR post here. Knowing full well you read the whole thing
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Egad, this thread went south, off into the Bermuda Triangle.

I just want to post pics of "yachting" chihuahuas!

chicagoboy's Avatar
No one here is impressed, everyone believes you're lying, fucking poseur. Originally Posted by Mythos

I just want to post pics of "yachting" chihuahuas! Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Why do I have a sudden urge for some stir-fry?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^ insert weak ass TL;DR post here. Knowing full well you read the whole thing Originally Posted by Mythos
Of course I did not read any of that bullshit you ignorant uneducated hooker. You probably are still rambling on about my "Northeastern degrees;" whatever the fuck that even means unless all of my degrees are from Northeastern University in Boston. What a dipshit hooker.
Now I have Mythos and GlobeSpotter insulting me. The former is an outing hooker posing as a fucking man and the latter is a silly old trick who is in love with an outing hooker. I've officially hit an all time low with people who try to insult me on this board. I need to step my game up and get a higher quality of people to try to insult me. Those two pathetic clowns are way too below my quality standards... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yep. He will never have any evidence cause there aint any evidence UITB .... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Are you sure about that ?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Are you sure about that ? Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne

I caint speak for Mythos, but I am 1000% sure that I aint no hooker...you should know that.