6 month Covid19 report card

Are you kidding me? Do you really seriously trust Trump more than Fauci? Originally Posted by brasil
Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Read this again - say it out loud - and let me know if you, deep in your fleeting soul, really believe it.
Of course... we were TOLD,by the NYTimes of all people https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/13/us/coronavirus-deaths-estimate.html that by now, there would be 200K - 1.7 Million deaths.... so I would posit that Trump has actually saved 1.5 million lives by his quick actions....
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Zuck removed someone’s opinion and free speech, but left us this tremendous signal to admire whew

Read this again - say it out loud - and let me know if you, deep in your fleeting soul, really believe it. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Did I stutter like a crazed and demented presidential candidate???
Did I stutter like a crazed and demented presidential candidate??? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

(Person, woman, man, camera....uhhhh....ummmm)
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Tremendous virus. Huge pandemic. Whew
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Tremendous virus. Huge pandemic. Whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
Strip clubs were shut down in Ontario today due to a covid surge.also last calls at bars is 11pm and it's out the door as 12 Originally Posted by HARDPNS
Ontario Canada
offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Savage sayin Gov Andy's new shutting down by hood zip code is BULLSHIT

Jewish hoods getting locked down that have less C19 than Black n Hispanic hoods near by not getting locked

its strange that polling in Jewish area also more change not in Biden's favor mmmmmmm
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Cuomo and Warren Wilhelm deliberately targeting Jews in New York City and the outlying suburbs.

The racist democrat party and their moron sheep actively discriminating against a minority group while at the same time nominating a descendant of slaveholders for vice president.

Of course, if you don't vote for Dementia Joe, you ain't black, even if you're actually black, unlike Dementia Joe, conqueror of corn pop the scary black man.

A lot of racism going on with these pigs.
Cuomo and Warren Wilhelm deliberately targeting Jews in New York City and the outlying suburbs.

The racist democrat party and their moron sheep actively discriminating against a minority group while at the same time nominating a descendant of slaveholders for vice president.

Of course, if you don't vote for Dementia Joe, you ain't black, even if you're actually black, unlike Dementia Joe, conqueror of corn pop the scary black man.

A lot of racism going on with these pigs. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
all true NBT but unfortunately

they don't care about anything but power and

whatever issue can be used as

a means to an end

your thinking rules or any sense of fairness or morality applies

that's why they can only attempt to sieze power through manipulation of mindless


unwitting poor through welfare programs and illigal alian criminals as voting block
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-10-2020, 04:40 PM
Of course... we were TOLD,by the NYTimes of all people https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/13/us/coronavirus-deaths-estimate.html that by now, there would be 200K - 1.7 Million deaths.... so I would posit that Trump has actually saved 1.5 million lives by his quick actions.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Where in that article does it say "by now"?

Beyond that, the only mitigating decisions being made about this thing are being made by the Governors in the states where the spread becomes an issue. Trump's only input is to serve as Patient 0. And your buddies are out there making plans to kidnap those Governors that are making the decisions that, thus far, have kept the numbers to 210,000 - with Trump's wink wink nudge nudge exhortations. Like the 2bit wannabe commandos that they are, reminiscent of their keyboard Comrades here on ECCIE.

Edit: And by the way, if we had the same per capita death rate that Germany has, we'd have between 50,000 and 60,000 dead right now. So tell me again how great Trump is doing. Or did China not lie to Germany?

Christ, if Hillary was President, we'd have 60,000 dead and it's all you brainiacs would be talking about until the end of time.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Where in that article does it say "by now"?

Beyond that, the only mitigating decisions being made about this thing are being made by the Governors in the states where the spread becomes an issue. Trump's only input is to serve as Patient 0. And your buddies are out there making plans to kidnap those Governors that are making the decisions that, thus far, have kept the numbers to 210,000 - with Trump's wink wink nudge nudge exhortations. Like the 2bit wannabe commandos that they are, reminiscent of their keyboard Comrades here on ECCIE. Originally Posted by Doove
"wink wink"no way.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-10-2020, 04:51 PM
unwitting poor through welfare programs and illigal alian criminals as voting block Originally Posted by JONBALLS
If Trump would stop hiring them, maybe they'd stop coming over here.

the wall s for that