Obaminable's War on Cops Continues in Dallas

Randall Creed's Avatar
How could you possibly know what is "stupid"?

Once you resolve your inferiority complex issues perhaps you will find peace.

Your opinion about me is meaningless. Haven't you figured that out by now?

All you have going for you is your loud mouth talking trash to people on here!

You're as ineffective as that "incredible hulk" from Colorado who came crashing into the forum with her "racist" bullshit .... simply worn out race cards and name-calling as all you have left ... both of you. As for "your man" in the People's House he's done nothing but set back for years the opportunity for another Black President ..... to put it succinctly .... He's no Jackie Robinson of Presidential Politics! He can't field or hit. He's a do nothing, but talk.

He's not even a good cheerleader! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wow. Just when I'd figured you'd maxed out on stupid points.

Mighty Obama only exposed...EXPOSED, how racism is really just right below the surface of too many people in this country. Fuckers literally threatening the President, grown ass politicians, even (who should be locked the fuck up, btw, for doing so), taking every opportunity to block his policies, despite overwhelming evidence, shitbag judges and police chiefs are letting rogue cops go (who, btw, are killing people of all races for bullshit reasons).

He merely EXPOSED what was buried a mere inch below the surface. Not all white people are racist, but TOO MANY of them are, and not a damn thing's being done about it. These are the fuckers who are fucking up this country. Progress blockers, who think their skin color makes them superior to anyone. Who the fuck is that stupid!?!

Exposed, bro. That's all Obama has done. Exposed you bastards. You all hate on Michelle Obama. Let's just make something clear. Michelle Obama is the FINEST First Lady in the history of first ladies. She's beautiful. Tight body. Works out and shit. If she happened to not be married to the Pres-o-dent, she could get any man she wants. She's THAT fine. Educated. She engages with the People instead of just being a recluse like other first ladies. Michelle took First Lady-ism to a new level, and you jagoffs HATE that.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Looka dat dere!!!!

Just beautiful!!!

Go ahead and soak it in, boys. Soak it in.
Obama makes racist judgements
Randall Creed's Avatar
Obama makes racist judgements Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Nope. He's only RESPONDING to what's already out there.
he's been proven wrong in his racist judgments to date
LexusLover's Avatar
Fuckers literally threatening the President,

That's all Obama has done. Exposed you bastards. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
I guess you got all choked up when President Bush was threatened.

Or is he White, so that's ok?

That second irrelevant statement you made just about sums it up!

"That's all Obama has done. Exposed you bastards."

That was what he was elected to do for his two-terms of office ....

... point out the racists!!!!! Errrr.... the White Racists that is!!!!

You're a loser. Drowning in your own self-pity. How do you function?

You justify the slaughter of cops because they are "racists"?

I hope you don't have 911 on speed dial!
LexusLover's Avatar
he's been proven wrong in his racist judgments to date Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Do you actually believe Creedless will agree with you? According to him Obaminable shits gold bricks .... the only problem is .... the poor Blacks don't even get a sliver off the corner of one of the bricks. And they still praise his arrogant, narcissistic ass!
LexusLover's Avatar
Looka dat dere!!!!

Originally Posted by Randall Creed
She still looks ashamed to be an American.

I'm not! Because it's almost over!
Randall Creed's Avatar

You even hate that she's so beautiful.

Tsk. What a shitty way to live, LalaLoser.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I don't find michelle attractive in the least

she harbors hatred and unreasonable anger just below the surface

perhaps counseling would help but its likely due to racist feelings

she's had to keep a lid on them the last 7 or so years after a few revealing blurts and stumbles early on
I B Hankering's Avatar

"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country..." Michelle Odumbo
Randall Creed's Avatar
Here's another!!

What a doll!!

Randall Creed's Avatar
I don't find michelle attractive in the least, but then again, I like taking it deep in the ass, so what do I know.

she makes me jealous of her, and I harbor hatred and unreasonable anger just below the surface

perhaps counseling would help me, but its likely due to racist feelings

I've had to keep a lid on them the last 7 or so years after a few revealing blurts and stumbles early on Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Fify, buddy!!

You're welcome.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Here's another.

He dresses like a dictators wife