Houston Vs. Dallas

Grace Preston's Avatar
That damned syntax gets them every time. Its so hard to change up your natural syntax style. It is almost like a signature in the digital age.
That damned syntax gets them every time. Its so hard to change up your natural syntax style. It is almost like a signature in the digital age. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I totally agree
CurvyKatie's Avatar
That damned syntax gets them every time. Its so hard to change up your natural syntax style. It is almost like a signature in the digital age. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
It's almost like it's just better to let someone else write your reviews.

Oh wait, isn't that what we are supposed to do?

Slitlikr's Avatar
Meow lmfao
CurvyKatie's Avatar
tiatate's Avatar
Where is your "Masters" degree from? Clown College??? Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Lol you must not be working at all today. You have waayyy too much time on your hands. Like I said before, my confidence level has you women rolling in your graves. Go suck some dick, go make some money. Editing my bio can't possibly be paying your bills.
I have my MS whether you like it or not, and yes I'm only 25. It's called drive babe. GET SOME.

Tiatate, I bet if I turned off your showcase until you answered the fucking question you could come up with an answer right quick.

Wait, let me go look at your site. So, you can have my IP address. Originally Posted by dearhunter
If you were a professional MOD you would have sent me an PM long ago. Sounds like you have lost your reigns for your lack of professionalism. Maybe why that new one was appointed a few days ago.

I am waiting for that confirmation from the fat whore's pimp that he has my IP address. Originally Posted by dearhunter
That's been captured boo.
Damn. She thinks she's invincible
CurvyKatie's Avatar
That's right. Go after the mods now.
This is getting good keep digging ahahahaha
That's right. Go after the mods now. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
I think her need to be right and to have the last word is what's digging her deeper. Amongst other things.
dearhunter's Avatar
Excellent. I will go turn off your showcase and you let me know when you have removed all vestiges of ECCIE ROS information from your site.

With your Masters Degree, I am sure "vestiges" is right in your wheel house.