Igor has meltdown of the ages over Judges CA gun control ruling

LexusLover's Avatar
What's your point? Originally Posted by GastonGlock
You always seem to ask the tough questions!

..."on another person while not committing a robbery"...

I can't remember pulling a weapon on someone who was ....

... "committing a robbery"!

Since "robbery" is a felony in Texas, I would probably go ahead and shoot the robber to stop the felony in progress and protect the person being robbed. That would follow the Texas Penal Code provisions on defense of persons and thwarting the commission of a felony.
I'd love to see some hard statistics on it, as there's somewhere between 500k and 3M self defense shooting a year
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's your point? Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Lot of gun waving in here.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
How many of you Liberty loving patriots have actually shot another person as a civilian?

How many have pulled a gun on another person while not committing a robbery?

Just as I thought. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Kinda like always carrying condoms, but never having sex.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kinda like always carrying condoms, but never having sex. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
But talking about it.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
When you have idiot-U.S. Representatives wanting to ban 50 cal. AR!5's then it's not about "choices" when they claim that "military style" weapons should be banned Originally Posted by LexusLover
There’s only one such production model (50bmg AR) that I’m aware of. It’s like $5/round to shoot so nobody buys the thing (not that 223 is much better these days). Not sure if such specific stats are available, but the venture to say that the number of times one has been used in a crime are minuscule to none. Banning them is feelgoodism.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Gee a judge with some common sense in cali of all places
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'd love to see some hard statistics on it, as there's somewhere between 500k and 3M self defense shooting a year Originally Posted by GastonGlock
According to the FBI, an estimated 1.5 to 3 million people protect themselves with guns every single year. Most, like myself, never have to fire their weapon. Most, like me again, never report it. Which is why it is an estimate.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Someone tell YR that I have used a firearm to protect myself or others about 5 or 6 times.
I have a Remington 12 gage pump standing by my bed.

I have never had reason to have to use it in a defense situation.

But it’s there.
ICU 812's Avatar
Had a scare a few months ago:

I walk around with a white blind cane. While I am not entirely blind the cane really does help, and I can manage to get around town pretty well via buses and walking.

So there I was crossing Chimneyrock at Richmond. Waited for the light and the traffic. . .and stepped out into the street. This guy grabs my elbow and shouts at me . I try to pull away and tell him to let go. . . .and he holds tighter jamming my arm into my side with more shouting. I am being mugged in broad daylight.!

Visual impairment is not my only physical weakness; advancing age and arthritis mean that I'm not a mixed martial arts practitioner or anything close to it. My options are limited to catastrophic violence in a short burst.

I try to pull away more vigorously while protesting loudly . . . and he tightens up more. Now my free hand is going for a multi-tool in a belt pouch and its in my hand. Options are limited to throat slashing. We are in the middle of the road with a rank of three cars waiting for the light to change. I give my elbow another hard yank while shouting bad things at this guy and he lets go and runs off. And I stumbly my way acrtoss the street. In seconfs, ther light hanges and I turn around to see what this guy is doing.

He has picked up a bucket and is trotting off the other way looking scared.

Turns out he was a squeege guy offering to help a blind guy cross the street . . . . in Spanish. Like many people, he thought that being blind also means you are hard of hearing. I was sort of pidsed-off but more I was so relieved. Came "THIS CLOSE" to seriously cutting him up and messing up my own life too.

Who knew? I am so glad it ended that way.


In Texas we may legally carry just about any sort of knife. i choose a Leatherman Wave multi-tool. It has two blades that csn come out and lock with the flick of a thumb. It never got that far but was just a second away.

In England it is illegal to walk around with anything that has an edge or a point.
Lot of gun waving in here. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Kinda like always carrying condoms, but never having sex. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
But talking about it.

Hmmm... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As previously noted, there are 500k to 3m instances of civilians using firearms for self defense each year.

Do y'all not wear seatbelts? Have insurance on your home or cars?

What about public safety? Do you not think that an armed populace is more likely to deter assaults, rapes, and muggings?
Libs writing laws like:

pfunkdenver's Avatar
What about public safety? Do you not think that an armed populace is more likely to deter assaults, rapes, and muggings? Originally Posted by GastonGlock
I honestly don't know. Do you have hard evidence that it does?
winn dixie's Avatar
I honestly don't know. Do you have hard evidence that it does? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
With the protection under the Second Amendment the Constitution and our freedoms are secure! Mic drop

However libs hate this and are slowly taking it away