Shiela Jackson Lee’s Fiasco

HedonistForever's Avatar
I'll go you one better than that. Down here in South Florida, the medical fraud capital of the world, a couple of fraudsters decided to set up a tent, dressed in full hazmat gear offering COVID-19 tests for a mere $200 and believe it or not, they had plenty of takers. Of course in this day and age, it was all filmed on camera phones and at the end of the day, these fraudsters took off all their gear, threw it all in the back of a pickup truck and the next day showed up again, put on the same gear from the back of the pickup and started testing again.

There is a sucker born every minute.

Nobody without symptoms should be tested. Just because you test negative doesn't mean you didn't pick up the virus from the crowd you were in. In a couple of days you could be sick as a dog looking at your negative test from previous days.

Don't get tested unless you show symptoms.
  • oeb11
  • 04-07-2020, 03:04 PM
HF - I agree.

A caution to those susceptible - scams abound in times of turmoil. Even the elitist know-it all DPST's can fall prey!!

The reason to test asymptomatic folks is to check for convalescent antibodies - which is a focus for research in retrieval and administration to folks with serious disease.

Atechnique used for over 100 years - was used in the Spanish flu 1918 pandemic.