Charges, Arrests, Alerts, Safety, and Privacy

My 2 cents

1. I already posted on the other thread that not showing face shots in advertising would eliminate alot of the problem

2. If not here, if not BB, it will be posted somewhere else, and back-channelled all over the web, if you are in this business and arrested.

3. LE has historically been smart enough to not book 'turned' providers into the jail....because they know we look at their I'm not sure there is much risk of a provider on the JoCo site having been turned. But, I must admit that I do look at it. I want to know if a girl I'm with has had a recent brush with the law...because that black cloud has a tendency to follow people, and I don't want to get caught up in it.

Anyway, whether or not its out in the open on the board, arrests will always be back channelled to a majority of board members.
Yes I have been arrested, tried and convicted. I spent time in juevenile hall and other hell holes DD and my mom almost lost her daycare business because of my record. I was considerd a danger to society at the time. I am not angling for a discount or doing any whiteknighting. I was just stating my .2 cents so if you dont like it deal with it.

I may not be as old as you but I have been around the block a few times. I had my record expunged because it would have caused me alot of problems in my adult life. It also precluded me from serving my country like I wanted because of the seriouness and the amount of the charges against me.

I am done with this.
dirty dog's Avatar
"I may not be as old as you but I have been around the block a few times."

Age has nothing to do with this, experience does, when you spend time in Maximum security at a United States Pen, then talk to me about the block. Like I said, and have said he did not post her personal information, if you have a problem with personal information being posted write JOCO because that was where it was posted, he linked her ad. Regardless, just set back and let everyone else identify potential problems so you can use the information to avoid them and afterwards you can tell us how imoral and wrong we are.
DD i have done alot things I am not proud of in my life and yes several of them could have gotten me locked up in the big house for a long time. Call it luck, fate or whatever but I did not get caught. I have been close several times, but I can tell you I would not survive very long in the joint. I barely survived the State Hospital/juvie hall.

I was not calling or saying someone is immorral or wrong, I was just stating what I felt and belived.
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Oengnus, dont take what I say personal, I can understand your position, I understand paris's position, but I have also seen well reviewed providers who got turned by LE cause a lot of problems in the hobby, I dont agree that personal information should be put on the net, but at the same time, I do feel that we have a right to know when a provider is arrested. This started with Paris being upset that BB allegedly put her personal info on the net. He didn't as Bubbas post will indicate. Didnt mean to upset you or bring up your past. We all have one of those. Have a good day and like I said it's never personal. This response should cover both threads.