Man inserts fork into his.....

Final outing of IB Hankering. stick a fork in there he is done. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I have to disagree. The fork was inserted in the urethra.

Now, if it was shoved up the guy's ass, then I definitely would agree it was IBFucked-by-Trannies
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  • CJ7
  • 08-22-2013, 05:17 PM
I have to disagree. The fork was inserted in the urethra.

Now, if it was shoved up the guy's ass, then I definitely would agree it was IBFucked-by-Trannies Originally Posted by ExNYer

a tranny having a fork for a dick is right up IB's alley, especially since he eats shit..

ponder that
In Bred Hankering can be found on line @packmyfudgecom User name is Iameasy.
There you have it folks! The dumb Yankee jackass admitted to his reprobate perversions! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oooohh! Isn't that clever and witty! Editing someone's quote to make it look like they said something different. You must be the life of the party.

Post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money, tranny fucker.

And you're still a catcher, nancy-boy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have to disagree. I B Fucked-by-Trannies Originally Posted by ExNYer
There you have it folks! The dumb Yankee jackass admitted to his reprobate perversions! . . . .

a tranny having a fork for a dick is right up IB's alley, especially since he eats shit..

ponder that Originally Posted by CJ7
More of that 'brilliant' 'substantive' 'intellect' you were bragging about, CBJ7. You're a lame-ass hypocrite, CBJ7.

Iameasy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
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  • CJ7
  • 08-22-2013, 06:03 PM
Oooohh! Isn't that clever and witty! Editing someone's quote to make it look like they said something different. You must be the life of the party.

Post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money, tranny fucker.

And you're still a catcher, nancy-boy. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Im surprised you're just now noticing it ... fucker does it all the time
Typical, takes 4 Ozombies to try and fuck with a Patriot. Ozombies lose again...LOL
Typical, takes 4 Ozombies to try and fuck with a Patriot. Ozombies lose again...LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

You mean the tranny fucker that regrets the South losing the Civil War?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oooohh! Isn't that clever and witty! Editing someone's quote to make it look like they said something different. You must be the life of the party.

Post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money, tranny fucker.

And you're still a catcher, nancy-boy. Originally Posted by ExNYer
If you imagine for one moment that any of your perverted posts are "witty" or "clever", you dick-sucking Yankee mick, you are quite delusional.

Im surprised you're just now noticing it ... fucker does it all the time Originally Posted by CJ7
An encore performance by CBJ7 who once again demonstrates his repertoire of "intellectual" and "substantive" debate techniques.


You mean the tranny fucker that regrets the South losing the Civil War? Originally Posted by ExNYer
You've already admitted that that is your choice of perverted pursuits, you dick-sucking Yankee mick.
If you imagine for one moment that any of your perverted posts are "witty" or "clever", you dick-sucking Yankee mick, you are quite delusional.

You've already admitted that that is your choice of perverted pursuits, you dick-sucking Yankee mick. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ah, so now your editing of my post constitutes an "admission"? Are you truly that desperate?

On the other hand, we all saw the pictures of the butt-ugly hookers you frequented in Nawlins. Trannies, every one of them.

You mean the tranny fucker that regrets the South losing the Civil War? Originally Posted by ExNYer
No tranny fluffer. I mean a new york carpetbagger playing like he is a conservative. He is really a "Republican in name only", you know a RINO.

All his friends are Ozombies and he is the ring leader, who voted for Opromqueen and I'm talking about YOU!

Now go back to FLUFFING some TRANNY...LOL
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ah, so now your editing of my post constitutes an "admission"? Are you truly that desperate?

On the other hand, we all saw the pictures of the butt-ugly hookers you frequented in Nawlins. Trannies, every one of them. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You're an ignorant, lying, dick-sucking mick, you dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

You're an ignorant, lying, dick-sucking mick, you dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How conveeeeeeenient.

No pictures left in your tranny reviews. They have all expired links.

Want to see hot real women? Try one of these two sisters:

Oh, wait. You don't have that kind of $$$, do you?
No tranny fluffer. I mean a new york carpetbagger playing like he is a conservative. He is really a "Republican in name only", you know a RINO.

All his friends are Ozombies and he is the ring leader, who voted for Opromqueen and I'm talking about YOU!

Now go back to FLUFFING some TRANNY...LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Blah, blah, blah. Stupid ... has ... spoken!!! Again.

You equate "Republican" with "racist", just like the lefties on this board. The difference between them and you is that they mean it as an insult, not praise.

Now try to date someone other than your sister, Bubba. Put some branches in that family tree! i know you can do it if you just try.
Blah, blah, blah. Stupid ... has ... spoken!!! Again.

You equate "Republican" with "racist", just like the lefties on this board. The difference between them and you is that they mean it as an insult, not praise.

Now try to date someone other than your sister, Bubba. Put some branches in that family tree! i know you can do it if you just try. Originally Posted by ExNYer
TsFLUFer is losing it...LOL