
daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
[ The Best lube I have ever came across is called "Gun OIL"" you can buy it online, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, some sex shops have it.
It comes water based or silicone. I prefer water based.
But it's safe to use on condoms.
It's safe on all toys.
It doesn't stain fabrics, so it's safe on all clothing, and bedding.
It isn't sticky before, during, or after.
If it starts to dry up, you don't even have to add more. Just spit on it, or wet it a bit and it lubes all back up again.
Plus it don't have a taste really, and what you do taste isn't a bad taste!
It's the only lube to use in my opinion.
Oh DLG!!!! It's been such a long time since we connected! I must make time to see you again! You would know about the lube quality situation, as you have always enjoyed toys, etc.
cmore197474's Avatar
daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
It has been a really long time! Yes I do love my toys!! I come up once a WK to Kansas City. So we should definitely try to get together!!
Bkbird650's Avatar
From what I have read, there is controversy over whether or not coconut oil damages condoms. Why don’t you do some experiments using coconut oil on several condoms but not in actual practice?
OMG thank you! Never heard of it. Sounds miraculous. Is it cheapest at Wally World?
Great idea! Unless the damage is microscopic or something!

From what I have read, there is controversy over whether or not coconut oil damages condoms. Why don’t you do some experiments using coconut oil on several condoms but not in actual practice? Originally Posted by Bkbird650