Did the GOP blink?

OH I know, THANK YOU GOD. I voted for him and I stand behind him 100%. He is the first politician I've trusted since Reagan. Deal with it bitches. He will be an annoying thorn in your side until you realize he has support like no other in washington. Then he will be a sword in your side. ONE thing has gone right for the good guys. Ted Cruz.

PS. You asshats on the left actually have no clue. I mean I understand being uninformed or missing a story but you guys literally exist somewhere out in the twilight zone. I'm kind of jealous. If I could live there, and block out all truth and reality, I'd be so much happier. So in effect I'm a little jealous of your stupidity.

But since I do pay attention, I'd be mortified to be called a democrat. Well, I'd be mortified to be called a republician too. God they are some evil people. I used to think that democrats were evil and republicians were just trying to help the common man. NOPE. They are both slimy evil mutherfuckers that I want nothing to do with. Ever. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Well Ted did help the congress to get the stellar rating of 5% Hell Obie even got a 47%.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Well Ted did help the congress to get the stellar rating of 5% Hell Obie even got a 47%. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Not in the latest poll by the AP (who is certainly not conservative) where Obama's approval rating is down to 37%. Of course, they buried this inconvenient fact until about the 7th paragraph.

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  • CJ7
  • 10-10-2013, 03:23 PM
well lets use a poll that is conservative ..


As the government shutdown continues and the debt ceiling debate escalates, the president’s job approval ratings are again on the rise to levels not seen consistently since last spring.

Carry on rightwingers, your shit is blowing up in your face
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do these folks look like they don't know their demise is nigh.

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well lets use a poll that is conservative ..


As the government shutdown continues and the debt ceiling debate escalates, the president’s job approval ratings are again on the rise to levels not seen consistently since last spring.

Carry on rightwingers, your shit is blowing up in your face Originally Posted by CJ7

Who knew you were such a fan of Rasmussen Reports?

That's a pretty bold statement to make based on one poll. The RCP average poll on Obama, which includes all major polls taken in the last 3 weeks, still shows Obama upside down with an approval/disapproval ratio of 44% to 50%. A new Reuters poll shows Obama with an approval/disapproval ratio of 40% to 54%. And a new Gallop poll shows a 43% to 50% ratio.


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  • CJ7
  • 10-10-2013, 04:06 PM
Who knew you were such a fan of Rasmussen Reports?

That's a pretty bold statement to make based on one poll. The RCP average poll on Obama, which includes all major polls taken in the last 3 weeks, still shows Obama upside down with an approval/disapproval ratio of 44% to 50%. A new Reuters poll shows Obama with an approval/disapproval ratio of 40% to 54%. And a new Gallop poll shows a 43% to 50% ratio.



Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

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Originally Posted by CJ7

Just as I figured, you got nothing!
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  • CJ7
  • 10-10-2013, 04:15 PM
Just as I figured, you got nothing! Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

nothing but a conservative poll that got an immediate kneejerk reaction from a rightwing excuse machine ...
NiceGuy53's Avatar
nothing but a conservative poll that got an immediate kneejerk reaction from a rightwing excuse machine ... Originally Posted by CJ7

Is this more CBJ7 logic?

Deflect all you want to, but I cited 3 recent polls which disputes the 1 poll you cited.
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  • CJ7
  • 10-10-2013, 04:30 PM
Is this more CBJ7 logic?

Deflect all you want to, but I cited 3 recent polls which disputes the 1 poll you cited. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

gimme a fuckin break ... if the Rasmussen poll had even the slightest negative report about negative #'s from this admin, you'd cum in your pants, and normally you deem the polls you quoted as liberal rags .. you're a hack and a joke.

have a nice evening
NiceGuy53's Avatar
gimme a fuckin break ... if the Rasmussen poll had even the slightest negative report about negative #'s from this admin, you'd cum in your pants, and normally you deem the polls you quoted as liberal rags .. you're a hack and a joke.

have a nice evening Originally Posted by CJ7

And you are an Obamatron to the max. And oh yeah, are you still claiming to be a "registered independent" in a state that has open primaries?

And you sure need someone to "gimme a fuckin break". But it ain't gonna be me pal.
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  • CJ7
  • 10-10-2013, 04:43 PM
And you are an Obamatron to the max. And oh yeah, are you still claiming to be a "registered independent" in a state that has open primaries? Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

got your ass handed to you by an obamatron
NiceGuy53's Avatar
got your ass handed to you by an obamatron Originally Posted by CJ7

Only in the fantasy world that you live in dipshit!

When they were passing out brains, you must have thought they said trains, because you missed yours.

And thanks for admitting that you are an Obamatron. Like there was ever any doubt. LOL.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-10-2013, 04:55 PM
Only in the fantasy world that you live in dipshit!

When they were passing out brains, you must have thought they said trains, because you missed yours. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53


as usual, you morph into kindergarten mode when you get your ass handed to you ... did I mention deflection ?

handing rightwingers their ass is like passing out party favors at an idiot convention.
NiceGuy53's Avatar

as usual, you morph into kindergarten mode when you get your ass handed to you ... did I mention deflection ?

handing rightwingers their ass is like passing out party favors at an idiot convention. Originally Posted by CJ7

Yeah with you it's always "kindergarden mode" when someone does it to you but never when you do it. You are a hypocrite!

And you are living in a fantasy world, if you really think you just handed me my ass.