Google Voice Warning...

Now, now MsE....

Could your post have more to do, with another thread??
Originally Posted by vkmaster
I am enjoying this, VK! Keep it up! How's the Gatorade this afternoon?

T-minus 2.5 hours until we have lift off...and what a beautiful, beautiful day to play!!!!

And really scrop, I really, really am not trying to do anything more, than just have some honest dialogue

There has been way more than enough "poke him/her" stuff lately on the site. Not to say, I don't tend to contribute to that stuff.

But my last couple of posts are merely intended to just exchange ideas and thoughts,,,and thanks..

Good or bad...I'm sure I'll have my other moments subsequent to this or another lift off, lol
T-minus 2.5 hours until we have lift off...and what a beautiful, beautiful day to play!!!! Originally Posted by vkmaster

It is T-minus 5 hours and counting for me! Maybe slightly longer!

Engaging in discussions, intimate conversations and the like, and helping our 'friends' enjoy the light side of the moon is what you and I were made for, eh brother?

Both of you VK and it.

As much as I do adore the "poke him/her" for the fun of it. My comment on this thread had nothing to do with the other thread.

Wouldn't you want to know who is outing a hobbyist so you can stay away from her? Unless that's the kind of danger that gets you off. I do understand that right now he's in a bad place and he's afraid of what could happen next.

All I was saying that it would be nice to know who it was. I believe someone else said that before, but yet you singled me out. Oh I know....I know, it was all part of your "poke her/him" fun.

It was so much better when you posting your disbelief for agreeing with me.
BottomFeederKC's Avatar
GV is awesome.

I haven't used a burner in years. I call that period in my Hobby life "The olden days".

Hiding ghetto phones, swapping-out SIMs and batteries, dealing with extra chargers, remembering numbers, dealing with carriers, and their gimmicky "Top-up" scams. Fuck that shit.

Pisses me off when Provider's forget to "add 'mo money" to their burners (or use that excuse for NC/NS).

GV (and VOIP in general) is indeed powerful technology. With power comes responsibility.
MsE...when I stated the poke was not meant as a poke at you. OK, lol???

I meant it as the general overall drama stuff that has been particularly active in the threads...nothing more, nothing less

However your comment that somehow "that danger might get me off"...just a little bit of a poke there, lol
But no big deal, you generated a chuckle from me,

The only reason I posted towards you, was I thought your post might be a carry over from the over thread. You say it is, I accept it.

We have had our moments...but as I said to scrop, right now I'm just posting some of my thoughts. Definitely not poking just trying to do a little interaction. So please, and I ain't poking, don't be so sensitive and please no more zipping, those words said without warning sends chills down us guys back....however, Archie Bunker would be it Edith, lol

And although I can not say with 100% certainty, I think I could take an educated guess as to who the person is. And to you other ladies (see I'm not zeroing in on you MsE) posting an educated guess is not the same as posting indisputable truth.

As a side note, hope retirement is treating you well... as someone else living the dream, it sure can be swell, no?

And now that special time in the week....CHEERS

And so as not to get into any trouble with the fun police, as Bottom says, GV rocks!!!!
To be fair, I didn't like google voice when I tried it. It does connect and disconnect itself whenever and for no reason, therefore giving out your actual phone info when a person calls. My personal phone vm message used to say "please leave a message for 316-xxx-xxxx". And when my stupid gv would disconnect (on its own) my personal phone number was released to whoever was calling and getting my vm. I refused to ever try it again.

The only thing that confuses me is, isn't hitting 'ignore' the same thing as 'sending to vm?' Originally Posted by Gemma34
Ignore just lets it keep ringing until phone goes to VM.

In GV settings you needed to set up GV voice mail option or your cells VM.

It has more newer options now and I like "Do Not Disturb" option.
That's not what I said... I said hitting ignore IS the same as sending to vm. Lol I know what happens when i ignore my phone. And I set mine all up properly, however I didn't have good luck with it... Just as a few others haven't. I'm glad it successfully works for those who say it does. And its been over a year since I utilized it so I'm sure not aware of the new features it has. Glad it works for you though.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
That's too bad friend. You've been a pretty good member around here. Unfortunately, some shitheads live to blow up other peoples spots just for fun. Feel free to keep in touch w/ me at yahoo with this name.

It was meant to give you a chuckle. We have had discussions off the board and I know better.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-23-2013, 04:46 PM
Watch it people, Barney Fife will come rolling in guns blazing to shut this thread down if you veer off course one iota. Like he did on the WTF thread.

Gave us zero time to get it back to the subject matter.
Both of you VK and it. Originally Posted by MsElena
Now, now Ms E, I don't believe you have the authority to stifle communication, but nice try. Stop in now and then to see the valuable information VK and I share. I have always enjoyed your perspective on these things and appreciate that you share also!

For example, I use Google Voice with success when it is called for. I don't like it, but hey, there are a lot of things in this world I don't care for. I do care for young, sexy, slender girls!
growler's Avatar
He does seem to have control issues lol.

Watch it people, Barney Fife will come rolling in guns blazing to shut this thread down if you veer off course one iota. Like he did on the WTF thread.

Gave us zero time to get it back to the subject matter. Originally Posted by JS42
Redwolf's Avatar
Now would be a good time for all of the back channeling to occur that was talked about in another thread.

Good luck, man.