Fucking Gorillas

A tragedy no doubt. Thank god the child wasn't killed. I think the backlash about the gorilla is that it was incarcerated, minding its own business and died for being an innocent animal that shouldn't have been there in the first place. The zoo is at fault for making it remotely possible for a child to breach the animal enclosure. FUBAR.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 05-31-2016, 08:00 PM
here is the deal, the gorilla, was probably captured from the wild. some fucked up excuse for a parent got preggo, had a kid and took it to the zoo. the sperm receiver was busy fucking off, probably texting and her seed crawled, fell over or whatever got into a pen with a wild animal..............a wild animal. the the zoo, in their wonderful world of wisdom, killed the ape. now more that likely the seed carrier, ie mother, will probably sue the zoo and get paid because she was not watching her fucking kid. but hey lets not blame the bitch who had the kid.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Gorillas make much better parents than do humans.
here is the deal, the gorilla, was probably captured from the wild. some fucked up excuse for a parent got preggo, had a kid and took it to the zoo. the sperm receiver was busy fucking off, probably texting and her seed crawled, fell over or whatever got into a pen with a wild animal..............a wild animal. the the zoo, in their wonderful world of wisdom, killed the ape. now more that likely the seed carrier, ie mother, will probably sue the zoo and get paid because she was not watching her fucking kid. but hey lets not blame the bitch who had the kid. Originally Posted by motor
We won't blame your mom either.

I joke. But really, it's just like driving down the street and hitting a child. Even if the kid shouldn't be in the road, you're still responsible for not operating the car safely.

I absolutely think the mom should face penalties if it's shown she wasn't occupied tending to other children. That's the only legitimate reason I can think of for a mom to be that distracted in that environment.

Gorillas make much better parents than do humans. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
I don't know how every gorilla parents, but I would tend to agree with you. Lots of lazy human parenting going on these days in every form and function. From gorilla pits to constant video games and fast food. It takes all kinds.
Boltfan's Avatar
TexasDave555's Avatar
I blame Obama... and the gun control people. The Gorilla should have been able to defend himself but was denied his 2nd amendment conceal and carry rights......

Seriously though, this is just a sad case of multiple failures resulting in the death of an animal who was supposed to be protected. For the record, the Gorilla was born and raised right here in Texas. He was moved to the zoo in Ohio when he grew too old to continue to be part of his original group family. Watching the video the kid was clearly in danger, be it accidental harm or intentional, there was a clear threat. There have been a couple of interviews with people who were actually there where the mother is quoted as saying where is my baby? He was just here a moment ago. Several people saw him going into the bushes and that is when the panic set in. Before they could react and get him out, he went over the edge and dropped 15 feet into the enclosure. By that time it was too late.

The bottom line is that this was a cascade of errors, the fact there was no barrier prior to the drop off, other than bushes. The parents who are supposed to keep control of their children and didn't. I think that the parents carry the burden of responsibility in this case and should be held accountable. In a moment of inattention the unthinkable happened, it was not malice but it did result in the death of the animal.
i just had a flash back to 1800s..
I'm trying figure out when animals starting having the same rights as humans..
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Next time you have sex go all out
Do it gorilla style
Your welcome
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think the backlash about the gorilla is that it was incarcerated, minding its own business and died for being an innocent animal that shouldn't have been there in the first place. Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
substitute "Prisoners" for "Gorilla", and I can't help but think of this song, and the details that prompted its genesis..


anyway, as far as the Damn Gorilla? it really boils down to Shit Happens.. blame on many sides that led to the gorilla's demise.
bigbob38's Avatar
The bottom line is if you think its ok to put an animal in a cage for 17 years then some dumbass lets their kid fall into the cage the animal hasnt had any interraction with any other living being in 17 years .....Then some dumb mother fawker shoots you because you acting funny b/c this is something that terrifying to you as well......You are one sorry POS if you think there is nothing wrong with this!!!!! If this story doesnt make everybody furious you are just some uncaring piece of trash.....Same kinda people abandon dogs on the highways because they cant take care of them !!!! Garbage!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
This story is wrong on so many points =FUBAR , bad parents/ spilt second decision , that will be questioned for years wow
mrredcat43's Avatar
Maybe the child got into the gorilla cage, because the child IDENTIFIED AS A GORILLA HIMSELF. Did anybody stop to think about that, it is 2016
I think the zoo should take legal action against the family for forcing them to put down their animal. You have to respect the rules, and that is something that some of us are getting away from.

I read somewhere that the kids told his parent that he was going down there. Well he did. Now pay up! Originally Posted by Spurman19
I agree, Spurman. While most establishments open to the public are required to carry a great deal of insurance to cover accidents, mishaps, etc, they will usually post a list of rules and procedures that all patrons must abide while visiting said place of business. Most will try to cover most if not all bases to avoid suit (ie: McDonald's informs their customers the coffee they serve is HOT....and might burn them if spilled. Yuck yuck....that one still cracks me up.)

Anyways...another example (since the topic at hand is "a zoo"), while an avid outdoorsman may enjoy bagging a deer or two (while on a lease or private property) during hunting season, he obviously doesn't have that same latitude in strolling thru a nature preserve (ie: Fossil Rim in our own backyard) with a high-powered rifle and start dropping antelopes and gazelles (ie: carrying weapons / firearms on said property is prohibited).

Rules are rules and should one not be capable of following them properly there will usually be consequences (ie: legal action can and will be taken I believe is the term).

Most zoos have an ample amount of signage posted around their grounds stating DON'T DO this and don't do that (for their own protection and the animals).

Since zoos encourage family attendance, I'd like to also think it's clearly stated (to said parents) to watch your young children closely. That said, this woman chose (for whatever reason) to violate that rule (not to mention the maternal common sense of keeping a watchful eye on an active toddler). The results of poor parenting on that day mandated zoo officials to put down this unfortunate beast....sad but necessary just the same.

If this ends up going legal (parents of the child vs the zoo.....or vice versa) it will be talked and written about for some time to come. Negligence and accountability will be the theme.....who is to blame....and who will pay.
well, i for one am trying to understand how this particular situation is causing such an uproar.... when not too long ago A GROWN MAN decided to commit suicide by jumping into a lions den and two lions were shot and the man was saved...... but the KID who fell into the gorillas den is just so much more appalling? I'm just saying, whats really going on? how did this just become a thing all of a sudden?