Iran Responds to Massive U.S. Armada (25 Countries) Gathering in the Persian Gulf

Guest123018-4's Avatar
As long as the people are living under the insanity of the so called "religious" leaders there is no telling what the outcome will be.

An enigma, wrapped up in a conunbrum. The people cannot speak against the zealots because that would be to defy the story book. Sharia law keeps them imprisoned within their religion.

I recall there was a move to oust the Iranian government but when you have the only religion allowed controlling everything to do with the government and the people, it is futile.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Hey, are you standing on your head?

. . . You seem to have everything upside down!

The vacuum of space is cool ... and somtimes "level and cool" is an appearance brought about by a condition of indecision based on not knowing what to do.

I'm not banking on his "level and cool" head .. I am banking on a pragmatic recognition by those much more analytical than he ... (which is about 95% of the population) that waiting any longer for Iran to "stand down" on its nuclear arsenal is a dangerous and foolish foreign policy.....much like announcing a time line for withdrawal and then downsizing the military readiness of this country. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey, are you standing on your head?

. . . You seem to have everything upside down!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
No. It just appears so when you are upside down.

You're just experiencing vertigo.

You apparently were not "around" when the Cuban missile crisis happened. Fortunately Kennedy was not empty headed like the current CIC, and he had the balls to butt heads with someone/some country that makes Iran look like mickey mouse that it is. (Sure he made a trade, but it wasn't much of a trade based on our fast growing technology, AND the conciliation was made AFTER the Soviets pulled out their missiles .. NOT BEFORE.)

Save the "ink" by refraining from posting any more "cutsy remarks" ..
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-17-2012, 07:12 AM
I agree Meir Dagan. Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to weigh in on our Presidential Election because he is friends with Mitt Romney. I think this will backfire on the both of them politically.

Who is ready for a massive tax hike and a huge spike in gasoline prices to go to war with Iran?

I say we sell them arms like Ronnie Reagan did!

We need to go to war with Iran about as much as we need LovingKayla teaching Political Science to the masses...

Meir Dagan, a former head of the Israeli Intelligence service Mossad, says that an attack on Iran would be the "stupidest idea [I've] ever heard."
Speaking to '60 Minutes' Dagan said: "An attack on Iran now before exploring all other approaches is not the right way how to do it [sic]."
LovingKayla's Avatar
Ommm wtf that happens No matter who's president. Thanks to the build up of shit since Clinton.

I predict Iran invades Israel if O wins and not if he doesn't.

And what sort of people believe we should leave Israel to it's enemies? They are our ONLY friends over there. Thank God most of them know the bulk of americans are for them and the towel head in the WH does not speak for us.

Ok I know that was less hearts and flowers than usual but Israel is very close to my heart. Some things are just worth fighting for.
LexusLover's Avatar
Some people are just worth fighting for. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
There. I fixed it for you.

When we needed Israel they responded. They have always been our allies in the region and the only reliable foot hold in the area. (We learned how reliable Turkey is!) Now since our Genius-CIC dismissed Egypt we will not be able to rely upon them.

If I'm in a fire-fight, I don't have to like the guy that's willing to stand with me, and when he is in one I certainly am not going to turn my back on him!

BTW: The only one I saw saying anything about "going to war with Iran" was WTF. I certainly didn't post anything about "going to war" with Iran."

I suspect there are plenty of Persians on the ground in Iran who will step up to the plate and extract the crazies oppressing them ... hopefully this time we will at least drop some leaflets telling them thank you!

As was asked and not answered by Obaminable or "Bighten" .... if we can jump on Lybia what's the fuss about stepping and stomping on Iran?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-17-2012, 09:05 AM

I predict Iran invades Israel if O wins and not if he doesn't.

r. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Besides mental retardation, wtf do you base that on?
LexusLover's Avatar
... wtf do you base that on? Originally Posted by WTF
She has an incall at a .............!

I don't think Iran is gonna try to invade Israel .. regardless of who is in office.

What Iran will do is load up commercial passenger planes with civilians, including women and children, and fly them toward U.S. warships and towns in Israel and thereby force the U.S. and the Israelis into shooting down a passenger airliner full of civilians ... women and children .. to avoid a 911 scene.

A moral delimma for civilized people ... a "propoganda/war tactic" for animals.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-17-2012, 01:55 PM
She has an incall at a .............!
I don't think Iran is gonna try to invade Israel .. regardless of who is in office.
. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Come on LovingKayla, pray do tell us where you got that piece of info that Iran is invading Israel if Obama wins?

I don't think Iran is gonna try to invade Israel .. regardless of who is in office.
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not unless they want the loving shit kicked out of them.
CJ7's Avatar
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  • 09-17-2012, 02:13 PM
last I heard we provide foreign aid to Israel, in turn they buy planes and military weapons from us ..

what happened to the good ol survival of the fittest from the rightwingers?

let those two go head to head, winner take all ... unless anyone fucks with us, shit on them all.

Nobody wants to fuck with us either
Last time i met an Iranian, he said there were more Iranians outside Iran than inside. All the intelligent middle classes have left.

So how can an internal opposition party flourish?

p.s. I hope somebody mentions that little issue of Palestine when talking about Israel. To make out that Israel is full of goodies is a gross distortion.

LK, why don't you go take a holiday in Palestine one day soon?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-17-2012, 02:53 PM
She needs to take a holiday from the Tea Party. They have polluted the poor womans brain.
They are our ONLY friends over there. Thank God most of them know the bulk of americans are for them and the towel head in the WH does not speak for us.
. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Ah, but are the Israelis really our friends through thick and thin? If you look at the record dispassionately, many of their actions have been very counter to our national interests. The U.S. has a highly romanticized, highly propangandized image of Israel, rooted mostly in what it was before the 1973 Yom Kippur War, not the way it is now. For example, the Israelis were going to sell an AWACS plane to China containing American technology until protests stopped them. And then there is Jonathan Pollard. Don't forget the U.S.S. Liberty. And oh, not only did they again resume building settlements in the West Bank after we asked them not to, but they announced the decision while Biden was in the country. And then there was Bibi reaming out the U.S. for not doing enough about Iran with our SecDef standing right next to him. And in return, they have done what for us? Besides take our money, that is. Although it would aid the U.S. considerably and we have repeatedly requested that they stop, the Israelis continue to construct settlements all through the West Bank, in a kind of creeping ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Israel may be our ally, but only because we have mutual interests right now.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Last time i met an Iranian, he said there were more Iranians outside Iran than inside. All the intelligent middle classes have left.

So how can an internal opposition party flourish?

p.s. I hope somebody mentions that little issue of Palestine when talking about Israel. To make out that Israel is full of goodies is a gross distortion.

LK, why don't you go take a holiday in Palestine one day soon? Originally Posted by essence
"Palestine" and "Palestinians" are gross distortions created by the anti-Israeli factions in the region.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We see what happens when we partner up with Afghans. We can trust Natalie Portman and Gene Simmons.