Doctor, do we have a doctor in the house?

And, and, and, and. For fucks' sake the word is AND. For crying out loud, I know not every one of us is a perfect speller, I am surely not, but can we at least fucking try????? My God, I want to shoot my damned screen after reading that shit. Have a little fucking self respect and pride. I wouldn't see her even if she wasn't a whack-a-doo, because her grammar and spelling tells me she isn't even trying. It's not the content of the ad that makes me nuts because there are people out there that are into that type of thing. But I shouldn't have to read a single sentence more than once in order to understand what the OP is trying to convey. Thanks for the rant. I'm done. Originally Posted by nickjaguar
Throws Nickjaguar in a tub of icewater and then climbs in naked with...
breathe in...breathe out... here baby... rest your head upon my breasticles.. it will be ok... let me rub your peepee and sooooth you...

That's exactly right. When I first stumbled across her posts I was intrigued .... not in a "I want her to be my new BFF" kind of way, but in a way like, "damn I'd love to hook her up to a brain scan" kind of way. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde

^^ that is the funniest damn response ive ever read.. i know several girls that i think that about!!
What bothers me most..... is all of the fetishes she offers some involving urine and feces but.....she does not generally kiss?!

Of all the things that bother her or make her uncomfortable, its kissing???
What bothers me most..... is all of the fetishes she offers some involving urine and feces but.....she does not generally kiss?!

Of all the things that bother her or make her uncomfortable, its kissing??? Originally Posted by JayceeRivers
but in one of her ads she wants u to stick ur finger up her ass and then let her lick it... think id rather kiss rot mouth then do that! Well.. id rather do neither but you get my point.
I like to believe I am open minded and prefer to think in a "to each their own"" fashion but my goodness. Lick feces but no kissing. It is mind boggling. How many psychologists would LOVE to get ahold of this woman.
[QUOTE=Devon Derriere;1055411038]Throws Nickjaguar in a tub of icewater and then climbs in naked with...
breathe in...breathe out... here baby... rest your head upon my breasticles.. it will be ok... let me rub your peepee and sooooth you...

Can I sign up for this?
What bothers me most..... is all of the fetishes she offers some involving urine and feces but.....she does not generally kiss?!

Of all the things that bother her or make her uncomfortable, its kissing??? Originally Posted by JayceeRivers
Perhaps she's just avoids kissing in an attempt to be considerate. She's saving you the hassle of getting poo on your tongue.
happybanana's Avatar
Maybe she thinks kissing is too intimate... or worried about what she might catch from a client.


What bothers me most..... is all of the fetishes she offers some involving urine and feces but.....she does not generally kiss?!

Of all the things that bother her or make her uncomfortable, its kissing??? Originally Posted by JayceeRivers
Throws Nickjaguar in a tub of icewater and then climbs in naked with...
breathe in...breathe out... here baby... rest your head upon my breasticles.. it will be ok... let me rub your peepee and sooooth you...

Can I sign up for this? Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
yes...come here... let me give you a dose of Devon Therapy...
BUT you cant stick your finger in my butt and then have me lick it... and you cannot shit on me in the tub....And kissing is a MUST!! Deeep Hot passionate French kissing like 2 teenagers that just snuck out of the house after being apart for a week......
[QUOTE=Devon Derriere;1055412997]

yes...come here... let me give you a dose of Devon Therapy...
BUT you cant stick your finger in my butt and then have me lick it... and you cannot shit on me in the tub....And kissing is a MUST!! Deeep Hot passionate French kissing like 2 teenagers that just snuck out of the house after being apart for a week...... Originally Posted by TigerSports

I'm definitely in on the kissing and definitely out on the shitting.
2wheels2fun's Avatar
Apparently Lynn is now channeling Sinead O'Connor.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Okkkaaayyy *best 'Hopper' voice* ....
Raw dog's Avatar
I bet her inbox is full
happybanana's Avatar
^^^^yep, all 3 "inboxes" are full I am sure...

She's not operating with a full glass...if you know what I mean.
No shit!?!