Max of Wildflowers is a violent felon and the mods are covering for him!

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-05-2010, 07:41 PM
I trust Carl, that I am sure of. Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
Thank you, hon. I tryst you, too, completely. Oops. I meant trust. The y is right next to the u. But they're both trye. Oops, there goes that stupid keyboard again.

I appreciate the compliment. I believe that level of trust is based on consistency, and like McDonalds, our time together has always been consistent. Every time I've been fatty, my secret sauce tastes funny and when it's all over you feel a little ashamed for putting something so disgusting inside you.

But you always know what you're going to get.
Guest092815's Avatar
Silly Carl. I love your puns. You are way better than McDonald's, hun! More like a Dan's hamburger with everything, extra cheese & jalapenos. Yum! no shame!
I thought you trusted ME, Big Jake. I guess I was wrong.
I trust Carl, that I am sure of.

I did not intend to hijack this thread, but I can't seem to delete my post entirely. Pls forgive. Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
I do trust you... One hour at a time.

You but dial me to too much. hahaha

Guest092815's Avatar
The "butt dial" did happen, and I have apologized to you. ~ It won't happen again, promise. Now, I keep the keypad locked.

ok, point taken Big Jake. ~no worries will bee caused by this kitty ~
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-05-2010, 09:53 PM
Silly Carl. I love your puns. You are way better than McDonald's, hun! More like a Dan's hamburger with everything, extra cheese & jalapenos. Yum! no shame! Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
Damn, now I'm hungry and Dan's closes in 5 minutes!
I've never had an opinion on the heated controveries which seem to rage about you, but your post just caused me to loose all crediblity in you.

If you had made only a narrow denial that you were partners with Wildflowers then that would have flown, but when you make sweeping statements that you never profited financially from the hobby I think you're making a claim that runs against what every informed hobbiest in Texas has recently learned about you role in aspd.

Were you not the one in control of aspd during the period in which the new owners, their deceased daughter being the previous one, reported that all the revenue from its operations were missing?

Were you not dismissed by them?

Are you not the same CK whose Houston hooker market (oh, it's a "social") was busted by LE, and your partner there reported here that those two parties you organize (the SA one is now targeted by LE there too now) are money-making events...for yourself?

Are you claiming that while the administrator of aspd that you were uncompensated (except for shaking down girls for sex).

Sorry for the abrasive language, but your claims are so sweepingly, outrageously absurd that I am inspired to vulgarity here.

You're hubristic underestimation of the basic intelligence of the community is insulting.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Are you claiming that while the administrator of aspd that you were uncompensated (except for shaking down girls for sex). Originally Posted by honorable1
I was on the staff of ASPD for quite a while. I know quite a few of the inside details, undercurrents, etc. I can assure you that Amber wasn't paying any of the staff members, including CK. Amber herself stated multiple times that no one was paid, except a programmer who was not a hobbyist and only did technical stuff.

If you get your jollies from fantasizing other misdeeds by CK, enjoy yourself.
This thread has drifted from the OP's course. If we can't stay on topic, I will have to close it. Thank You!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 06-06-2010, 01:35 PM
This thread has drifted from the OP's course. If we can't stay on topic, I will have to close it. Thank You!
AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn

"... and the mods are covering for him!"

Did you miss the second half of the topic sentence?
yardape's Avatar
I can't see what difference any of it makes. Max is OK. Show him businesslike courtesy and he'll do the same for you.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 06-06-2010, 09:10 PM
I can't see what difference any of it makes. Originally Posted by yardape
From the LA Times about Heidi Fleiss:

"The police operation was complicated, like so much in Fleiss' life. But what triggered it was simple, the LAPD's Ackerman said: "Her own big mouth." When it comes to vice enforcement, the Police Department prioritizes according to "the three Cs"-commercial, conspicuous and complained about. Fleiss was all three and then some, police said. "

Max isn't Heidi, but the 3 Cs now apply to him. Do you want to be in his books if it falls appart? Even if he didn't do any of this, he is radioactive now.
ck1942's Avatar
For those folks who profess to have "heard" something about ck1942:

bull shit!

Lots of "something" in posts above are merely slander or rumor. The only reason I set the record straight is for those who may read on to get the facts from the front end of this horse not from those speaking from the "tale."

Agency links?

Never have I ever had ANY financial interest in the hobby. Period.

Nothing from agencies, nor from providers in the way of cash nor freebies nor even discounts unless those discounts are offered to all customers in a class (like old farts or military). Yes, I am probably "grandfathered" by some providers, but I usually pay the rack rate because I can afford to.

Event profits?

Never have I made any personal profit from hosting community events. Anything collected over whenever any door fee was always plowed back into future events.

Almost all events in the past 2 years in SA (and for several years in Austin, too) have been totally "self-funded" meaning the guests pay their own way directly to the venue; there is zero collection by me nor anyone except the venue and I pay my own way and routinely treat female guests to food and drink.

Yes, there have been and continue to be once or twice a year SA events in our very private venue for which I collect the door fee, all of which collection goes to the venue and to the food and to the refreshments.

Events targeted?

While the Houston event obviously was targeted, there have been ZERO convictions and almost a dozen dismissals. The organizers were not collecting the cash, the venue was, with the exception that $10 donations/or toys were set aside for the Xmas Santa project and were ultimately delivered there as well. Those who didn't follow the rules were the targets, not the event, and well, "you can beat the rap but not the ride" and a dozen got a ride while 120+ got a pass.

As for SA events being targeted, that's news to me.

To the best of my knowledge, not once in any of the years since the first SA event in 2003 has any LE shown any interest in any of the dozens of events themselves. And why should they? Absolutely zero tolerance is shown for any illegal activities and I am pretty sure LE knows that. I have have, from time to time, heard from folks who profess to have "information" that SA events have targeted. We have never canceled, nor moved nor done anything more or less than we always do.

Those who want to come to events are screened and vouched as valid members in good standing in the greater community and sent the rules and they are required to accept those in order to receive an invite.

"In charge" of what?

Never was I "in charge" of aspd, at the end nor any other time. Nor did I ever consider myself as such.

I'll accept some credit for conceiving and thus creating many of the on-going forums after I was appointed to the support team in 2002, but much of that was in direct consultation with the board owner and other admins and staff. Credit much of that to what and and other websites have adopted. is open to all in the community who can follow the rules there. Exception: those who proved elsewhere they couldn't accept the greater community's rules get no pardons and no second chances. Not my rule, per se, but I support it.

While in recent years I was perhaps the most active of any of the admins (being on the support team) I had no more "juice" with Amber than any of the other 9 or 10 active admins. I just did more work on a routine basis.

Misconduct issues with Amber's family?

As for stealing any money from aspd, that's difficult to accomplish when one has zero access to a anything financial, all of that being controlled by Amber or by her immediate family for the previous several years.

Prior to that, the only staff member that I know of who had anything to do with collections was diamondjohn who had access to the mail lockbox in Houston. Which ended when he passed away several years before aspd's demise.

As to any family accusations about my "misconduct," well, I don't recall anyone ever named directly in that.

As for my removal, Amber could have fired me anytime she wanted to, for actual behavor, suspected behavior or mere rumors. She did not. Why that would be her request in her final hours is a mystery to me.

As for the family's "supposed" issues with me, I have never been told of any, not by them nor by anyone who might have direct access to them. I was sent a third-party PM when I was removed from staff. And later, an email saying that the board owners were exercising their right to exclude anyone from their board they wanted to exclude when I was banned.

About ck1942

Been "hobbying" more than four decades and became a moderator to "give back" to the community.

Ditto for the community events.

Ditto for the assistance to members of all stripes, genders, creeds and colors.

Many folks can validate the above, but there's no need to do that here nor anywhere else.
ck1942's Avatar
"Max isn't Heidi, but the 3 Cs now apply to him. Do you want to be in his books if it falls appart? Even if he didn't do any of this, he is radioactive now."

This is not in defense of Max nor Wildflowers, but a mere statement of facts:

Many folks in the business of providing, be they an individual or an agency, keep "records."

Whether those records are true data or untrue data is up to those who keep the records.

I regularly instruct those who might keep records to "salt" those records with plenty of "real data" which is easily available from public records. Like names of city officials, legislators, judges, cops, firemen, etc. Other upright folks, like ministers, business leaders, etc.

If you cannot understand my intent above, well, neither can those who might obtain a provider's records or an agency's and thus those records are not easily admitted as evidence in a court room, nor, for that matter, do they easily justify any open investigations.
"... and the mods are covering for him!"

Did you miss the second half of the topic sentence?
Originally Posted by 78704
I'm positive his statement was directed toward those off topic posts.

Unfortunately there will always be a group that thinks repeating a lie often will make it turn into truth.

#22 - ECCIE Staff will go to great lengths to avoid editing, deleting, or censoring our members posts or threads...unless absolutely necessary. Forbidden topics such as underage sex, illicit drugs, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, or images not in compliance will be removed from public view. Controversial, troublesome, or objectionable posts may draw staff attention or in some cases disciplinary action, but the offending post will not be removed from the view of our membership in any but the most extreme cases. Often times you will find directions, footnotes, or other guidance from staff edited INTO posts which draw our attention. These are for the purpose of educating the readers of what is and what is not acceptable as well as informing others about how these issues have been dealt with. Members are encouraged to RTM posts which include rule infractions or objectionable material if it appears that staff has not already becomed involved with the thread or post in particular.
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Above is from our guidelines, with an open posting policy we often encounter posts that are pure speculation or fantasy, we do welcome any proof of members misconduct and you are welcome to send such proof to us.
nuglet's Avatar
Sure CK, whatever you say....
deny or say whatever you like, you're a charmer for sure.. NOT