It's SAD but TRUE.
I've tested it for shits & giggles offering $pecials on another site where I'm still awaiting to be unbanned from the administrator.
The discounted rate bring in well how can I say this nicely without sounding like a bitch .
Here's a scenario :
Hobbyist number 1 pays desired rate has no problem at all with desired rate we are scheduled to meet at a certain time & location & everything works out nicely & he leaves happy with smile & relief.
Very Classy & Nice experience.
Hobbyist number 2
( And this is not all just 8outof10)
Sends the discounted prepayment & is constantly texting as if worried that I will run with money major turn off. Arrives & almost refuses to shower & insists he just had one
..( Hello I enjoy Rimming that is taking my slutty tongue up an anus)
& Ticking it during CW..🤫
So I have to spend 3-5 minutes flirting & insisting in a sexy manner that you might have more fun if you take a quick rinse sexy)
..it makes me wonder if they are used to providers that just take them in dirty yuck)
It's only fun if we start super clean.
Like they have A LOT to loose too & it's kind of a compliment that they are trusting me.
lastly , I don't feel awful about taking someone's cash that really can't afford to be playing .
It's Bold & I might get slot of Fuvk yous from this , but the truth
It's a different class.
I'm so sorry for being a little bit higher in rate just barely because I don't want to engage in any form of bcd activities with anyone that I'm not attracted to in a um social class .
I guess I'm a little bit if a bitch?
Just a little