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  • JS42
  • 08-20-2013, 10:22 AM
I understand where you are coming from Allie, I really do. It's a Catch 22 situation.

From a guys point of view (since I'm a guy) I think the good far outweighs the bad on this one. I think Sins hit it dead on when she posted....."Men may have been aware of PersianLilly's stringent screening, but I am certain they were not aware how much of their information was being collected and saved, and in my opinion every man has the right to know before contacting her what they are getting into."
Good doesn't outweigh the bad... The good women of this board were mad because we wanted to tell the guys but could not because if rules. She wanted to be the one to tell just like she did when she leaked Info before. It is great the knowledge of this horrible screening got out but its still not good pleasant surprise cares so little about rules or keeping things private that are said in private i mean why would she? She doesn't need this site for Anything other than entertainment.
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  • JS42
  • 08-20-2013, 10:33 AM
Again, I totally understand the ladies viewpoint on this, but how was the guys suppose to of found out about this? Maybe on down the road when a hobbyist might of stumbled across the info by her being careless? Possibly, but by then it might of been too late for many that had went and seen her. I am only coming at this strictly from a guys viewpoint and how critical this info is to us.

Let me emphasis again though, I do understand the ladies viewpoint of this leak and the rules pertaining to it.
I didn't see the original post but have been able to deduce what it might have been about.

It seems the ladies have joined the ranks of the gentlemen in that their version of a "white knight" has shown up...would this type of lady be referred to as a white knightress?

Helicopter206's Avatar
The question is how does Surprise know she has all this information, has she seen it in person.
weird when Lilly has you pull into her garage how will she get the tag information color make, model, key code.
So it looks like Surprise doesn't like someone on here. by the way anyone figure out how Surprise got Verified on here yet.
No Reviews or Show Case... It just takes one so called friend to make this happen. someone pucked up on the rules...

So what about the providers that have the client park in a certain area at a hotel.
bring or carry some thing so they can tell who you are.
I am sure there are NO notes in their phone about each client. see or don't see.
nice, nice tip, no tip, cheap, fat, stinky, bad breath, dirty, nice car, nasty trashy car, dressed nice,
bought gifts, and the list goes on and on, anything and everything you could find on the client for safety... and letting your back up safety manager or friend, who is showing up at your place...
Really no Notes on the Clients... I am not falling for this one, one bit...
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  • JS42
  • 08-20-2013, 10:40 AM
You don't have to fall for anything Copter. She pulled a direct quote from PersianLilly on how she goes about collecting personal info on clients. No matter how you slice it, you can't get around that.
Personally I'm glad that all of this information my shared. And my opinion I think she is a beautiful lady that is in the wrong profession. She poses a threat to both hobbiests and ladies.
dirty dog's Avatar
Oh what a tangled web she weaves when she practices to decieve, the police will read this history stored and sit and wait to bust those of this board.
If a guy had copied and pasted something like this onto the board for everyone to see, he would've been crucified, even if it was just information that would have helped some ladies to stay out of trouble.
The information about Hunny Bunny/PerisanLilly, whatever she wants to call herself, would of came out in the wash as all dirt is bound to do sooner or later. Most likely by word of mouth, then I'm sure it would have been posted in the men's area as a warning to the guys. That is how it SHOULD have happened anyway. Not direct quotes from a PRIVATE providers only area.
This is obviously yet another attempt by PS to kiss ass to potential clients and make herself seem as though she is on your side. SMH.
There is no catch 22 in this case.

Like Allie said, if a guy had outted locker room info, y'all would've hung his ass out to dry even if it benefited us ladies.

Infoshare is private for us ladies and its been proven over the last few months not to be trusted and especially now after what this chick did.

There was and is a way for a warning about a chick or a guy to get around, its called back channeling.

Condoning what she did means that you have no problem with private info being posted.

What the hell happened to discretion in this business????
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  • JS42
  • 08-20-2013, 02:04 PM
Private info is leaked from the Mens Lounge all the time from WKs', and to be perfectly honest, we also know that some eccie ladies have gained access to PA to see what's said. We can't prove it (only on rare occasions) but we know it's there. So "discretion" has never stopped at the Mens Lounge door, ever! It is what it is.

Was what PS did wrong? Yes. Do I understand the ladies viewpoint on this? Yes. Am I glad I and every other guy knows what PersianLilly does now though? Hell yes. Bottom line, the cat has been let out of the bag. This benefited the guys, and although I understand the ladies anger here, you are doing exactly what you said we would do, and that is, hanging her ass out to dry. the way anyone figure out how Surprise got Verified on here yet. Originally Posted by Helicopter206
Is she actually truly verified, though? I notice that, unless the provider has customized their user title like many of us guys do, all of the provider user titles say "Verified Provider".

All hers says is "Verified". Did she edit that herself in order to appear to be legit?
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  • JS42
  • 08-20-2013, 02:18 PM
Well she has had to of been verified somehow because she has access to the womans only sections.
Yeah, good point, duh...
noleftturn's Avatar
I agree with Pleasant Surprise in the posting of this information but disagree with where it was posted. I believe it should have been posted in the Alerts Section because this information could cause many members problems down the line. To wait until it leaks out puts many more people at risk. Many that might use her services don't have PA and may not know these files even exist. I am not a WK for PS but I do think she put herself out there to take a bunch of crap to keep guys from going someplace that is not safe. Everyone on this board promotes safety or at least should. PS took one for the team by this post. If you want to crucify someone make it the poster from the powder room.