
eccieuser9500's Avatar
[QUOTE=Jackie S;1
Lady…..”I meant me”.[/QUOTE]

Yes, "me. Am I going to survive the delivery, doc?"

The reality of the situation kinda got to you.

Something is going to die, and that something doesn’t get to vote.
The absolute beginning of life is when you breathe your own oxygen. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That's impossible.
The absolute beginning of life is when you breathe your own oxygen. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
No one makes their own oxygen. So by your definition no one is alive.
The reality of the situation kinda got to you.

Something is going to die, and that something doesn’t get to vote. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The real problem you seem to be stuck on (in both your posts in this thread) is the power imbalance between who can and who cannot vote. Clearly, you wouldn't suggest a fetus should get to vote. The only way to reach your just balance is for women to be stripped of that right (a la Arizona reverting to laws from not the last century, but the one before that). Looks like you're aiming to solve a whole host of problems.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The reality of the situation kinda got to you.

Something is going to die, and that something doesn’t get to vote. Originally Posted by Jackie S

You dont have to give me a reality check. The board is clear on that.

That's impossible. Originally Posted by Levianon17
No one makes their own oxygen. So by your definition no one is alive. Originally Posted by farmstud60

Oxygen is. For the taking. Unless you take it, or it's given to you, you don't live.

Not to wax too poetic. Right?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
As suggested by Vitaman, Salty and Biomed, here's a thread to debate the Good, Evil and Politics of abortion. Vitaman's excellent thread was limited to the Arizona Supreme Court decision.

You could address the following,

Let's go!

1. Is abortion murder?

No. A medical procedure.

Why or why not?

That's none of your fuckin' business.

Talk to the Ethics department.

2. Should government regulate abortion?

No. The ethics board. SPARE ME THE SELECTION PROCESS QUESTIONS. The Americslan Medical Association can decide.

If so

No so., how? Where do you draw the line?

The consensus of doctor and patient.

No contraception? No Plan B (morning after pill)?


Limit abortion to the first 6 weeks? 15 weeks? 24 weeks? Not at all?

No limit. Absurd circumstances.

3. Should bans allow exceptions for rape? Incest? Health of the mother?

It is between doctor and patient. None of your fuckin' business further.

Fetuses that will have birth defects?

Come on! More fodder for Dumpster?

4. Should abortion laws be set at the local, state, or federal level?

Federal level.

Or a combination?

Let's get down right to the "right alley", shall we?

"You have to go down two blocks and turn right at the alley to have a legal, quick stop, abortion.

Was the Dobbs decision that invalidated Roe vs. Wade and returned the decision making to the states good or bad?


5. Should states or municipalities have referenda to determine whether abortion will be banned or restricted?

Depends on the tax bracket for the neighborhood governing body.

Or should this be left up to the legislatures?

Neighborhood association by way of paper rock scissors.

6. What effect do restrictions on abortion have on electoral politics?

If you consider half the planetary population valid, then significant. Otherwise, as per doctrine.

Do Republicans stand to lose or gain more votes by favoring restrictions on abortion? Originally Posted by Tiny

What's in it for them to further restrict human right? Tax free labor?

winn dixie's Avatar
I might also add from my first post. Abortions , and all contraceptives and morning after pills should be free. Paid for by govt.
  • Tiny
  • 04-13-2024, 07:55 PM
Rock, paper, scissors, by the neighborhood association, ROTFLMAO!!!

I see where you gentlemen (eccieuser and Winn Dixie) are coming from. You believe the decision should be left up to the women and their doctors. And presumably they’ll make rational, moral decisions most of the time. I imagine late term abortions are few and far between, and done almost always for health reasons.

Winn Dixie, I suspect your view on abortion is flavored by your concern about overpopulation?
winn dixie's Avatar
txdot-guy's Avatar
As suggested by Vitaman, Salty and Biomed, here's a thread to debate the Good, Evil and Politics of abortion. Vitaman's excellent thread was limited to the Arizona Supreme Court decision.

You could address the following,

1. Is abortion murder? Why or why not? Originally Posted by Tiny
Of course it isn’t. The definition of Murder is: The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Right now there are laws against abortion but no laws that I am aware of labeling them as murder. If there were we would be seeing a lot more women and their doctors in prison. Don’t kid yourself about this. The goal of the anti abortion movement is fetal personhood. Alabama already ruled that embryos are considered children under the law. If you have embryos stored from a previous IVF treatment you can’t just throw them away. They must remain frozen forever or implanted and turned into children.

2. Should government regulate abortion? If so, how? Where do you draw the line? No contraception? No Plan B (morning after pill)? Limit abortion to the first 6 weeks? 15 weeks? 24 weeks? Not at all? Originally Posted by Tiny
Absolutely not. It’s my opinion that Doctors and potential mothers are more ethical than politicians ever were. Let them make their own decisions that are right for them.

4. Was the Dobbs decision that invalidated Roe vs. Wade and returned the decision making to the states good or bad? Originally Posted by Tiny
A horrible decision overturning decades of precedent with very little legal evidence and a whole lot of partisan bias. The decision to overturn Roe was one more example of why the supreme court can’t be trusted to do their jobs without external bias.

5. Should states or municipalities have referenda to determine whether abortion will be banned or restricted? Or should this be left up to the legislatures? Originally Posted by Tiny
In states that allow citizen referendums you find that a majority of the voters have supported pro choice policies. They don’t want government to be involved in what most people think of as a health care decision. Unfortunately for many, including Texas voters don’t have a choice because only legislators can craft constitutional amendments to be voted on.

6. What effect do restrictions on abortion have on electoral politics? Do Republicans stand to lose or gain more votes by favoring restrictions on abortion? Originally Posted by Tiny
I think that the abortion issue is the strongest issue since women’s voting rights to affect voters. Republicans stand to lose more votes than they gain from this issue. I’m surprised that there isn’t more talk of resurrecting the equal rights amendment.
It has been too long now and almost impossible to find with the search engine propaganda agenda, but Roe v Wade was a horrible Supreme Court decision and even Ruth Bader Ginsberg said that it was decided wrong.

Now Ginsberg did think that women should be able to have an abortion, but I can't remember the exact reasoning. It would be nice to find that, but I can't find it reported accurately with quick internet searches.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is no reasoning to apply here. Or on Google, Bumble, Truth or wherever you get your information. It is a decision between a woman and her health care provider, period.

Government has no place in this decision. And political operatives should not have any access to a patient’s medical records.

You fellas can’t hve it both ways.

Again, let’s hear from the ladies.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
There is no reasoning to apply here. Or on Google, Bumble, Truth or wherever you get your information. It is a decision between a woman and her health care provider, period.

Government has no place in this decision. And political operatives should not have any access to a patient’s medical records.

You fellas can’t hve it both ways.

Again, let’s hear from the ladies. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


No shit.

This is a hooker board. First the men who pay for abortions.
There is no reasoning to apply here. Or on Google, Bumble, Truth or wherever you get your information. It is a decision between a woman and her health care provider, period.

Government has no place in this decision. And political operatives should not have any access to a patient’s medical records.

You fellas can’t hve it both ways.

Again, let’s hear from the ladies. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

WRONG, you didn't even attempt to replay to the point brought up.

Most of the people I know that are strongly against abortion are women.