So Ladies?? What's been your strangest request?

SweetDulce's Avatar

Sploshing: Let someone pour a tub of pudding over my head and lick the goo off my nude body.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I'm down for sploshing. This sounds like a fun doubles activity
SweetDulce's Avatar
.. His request was for me to play the dominate role .which was for me to TIE HIM UP AND THEN FORCE FEED USED CONDOMS FROM PRIOR SESSIONS!!! my shock and surprise, THIS WAS NOT AN ISOLATED INCIDENT

so i'm curious to know if anyone has ever heard of this type of fantasy before or rather or not someone has heard of this being some sort of fetish ?! Originally Posted by Brittanybellastar
I have had similar requests multiple times.
Saving condoms and making the guy eat the cum, but most guys want fresh cum , either to lick out or off me.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Interesting fantasies I've fulfilled in the Hobby:

Necrophilia: Sat in a tub of ice for several minutes, then laid naked, cold, still, and quiet under a sheet in a dark room with a toe tag. (Not one I would repeat.)

Sploshing: Let someone pour a tub of pudding over my head and lick the goo off my nude body.

Little Bo Peep: Put one of my Renaissance costumes on, held a stuffed sheep, and got rammed while saying "Baaaaaaa!"

Vampire: Every Halloween I don a black dress, blood-red lipstick, spiderweb cape, bat jewelry, wax Dracula teeth, then I suck stakes.

Broad-way: Me and a crossdresser at a bar in sparkly cock-tail dresses, high heels, and lots of makeup, 2 skanky, er, swanky broads out on the town.

Sassy sex-cretary taking dick-tation; tempestuous teacher giving a hands-on biology quiz; naughty nurse doing a full physical with ample tongue depressing; genie in a belly dancer outfit who's escaped from her bottle after 500 years celibate; carnal cavegirl dragging her man-catch back to her lair; shoe saleslady modeling her wares wearing little else; shy virgin on her wedding night in a white satin dress and lace veil. (Yes, that last one was a considerable stretch of acting talent, permeated by frequent bouts of laughter.)

Roleplay I've turned down:

Call me Mommy: NO mother/son scenarios. Makes me feel old and incestuously predatory.

Literal *****: I'm never going to bring a ********** with me, and I threatened one fellow's life for making lewd suggestions involving ** *** *****.

Countess Bathory: One guy wanted actual bloodletting, terribly unsafe and a possible prelude to most unsavory sociopathic behavior.

Chain Gang: Serious request (with a serious cash deposit plunked down in front of me) by a former regular that I be chained up as the subject of a gang bang by his friends for his viewing enjoyment. Nope, I was born free and intend to remain so. Too much can go wrong here if nobody else is around to watch out for your welfare and make sure boundaries (like NO anal, yeah, right) are respected, plus the participants would all have to be screened. Some wet dreams are best left as fantasies for safety's sake.

Staff edit, Spice- The mention or discussion of bestiality is a forbidden topic on Eccie.

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#22 - ECCIE Staff will go to great lengths to avoid editing, deleting, or censoring our members posts or threads...unless absolutely necessary. Forbidden topics such as underage sex, illicit drugs, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, or images not in compliance will be removed from public view.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
So, I get a warning for warning the depraved NOT to involve my beloved **********?!?

By that logic, none of us should be using the terms doggy, pussy, kitty, and puppies on the board, as those descriptive words related to *** bring the **** right into the bedroom.
I got a warning as well lady, my first! Oops.

I can understand the need to be strict about these types of things. Super "no go" areas, so they'd rather not have mention of any such things.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
So, I get a warning for warning the depraved NOT to involve my beloved **********?!?

By that logic, none of us should be using the terms doggy, pussy, kitty, and puppies on the board, as those descriptive words related to *** bring the **** right into the bedroom.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

Seriously? I think your use of the words "literal" and "lewd" made it quite clear what was meant. Your argument comparing that to using figurative and descriptive terms is therefore invalid.

Sorry but it's a forbidden topic. One of extremely few on this site. That some people have trouble avoiding those very few topics is beyond me.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss it further.
Mother fantasy.......I'm floored. Originally Posted by cum1more
Really? This is very common, more than you think. For most, it is simply that; a fantasy they would never actually do.

I personally feel it is actually pretty natural. Your mother is the first woman you feel comfort with. You feed from her teet and also bathe with her until a certain age.

I think it is probably different for men than it is for straight women.

They say that a lot of fetish develops from things we once found comforting as children; then as adults, those feelings transform into sexual stirrings. That is merely one theory on the subject, but I feel it probably has at least some bearing.
I have had similar requests multiple times.
Saving condoms and making the guy eat the cum, but most guys want fresh cum , either to lick out or off me. Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Cum fetish is a big one too. Not only clients, but past bf's have loved this sort of stuff.
  • cr76
  • 05-10-2016, 07:43 PM
Some of these are gross - but to each their own- I too have been told that mother fantasies are quite common .
Some of these are gross - but to each their own- I too have been told that mother fantasies are quite common . Originally Posted by cr76
You should see how the British men are. So many kinky fuckers who love to be spanked and the such. The French call spanking, "Le Vice Anglais" (The English Vice.)

I swear it is because they all went to prep school and were caned and spanked, lols.

BDSM fetishes are like child's play to me nowadays though, lols. It is hard to shock me anymore. I keep trying to figure out if this is a good thing or a bad thing....
Damn...never realised how tame my proclivities were until I read some of this kink. Heh, as long as no one gets

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Seriously? I think your use of the words "literal" and "lewd" made it quite clear what was meant. Your argument comparing that to using figurative and descriptive terms is therefore invalid.

Sorry but it's a forbidden topic. One of extremely few on this site. That some people have trouble avoiding those very few topics is beyond me.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss it further.
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Oh, I have no trouble avoiding this, as it's inhumane and one of few topics that offend me to the point of extreme anger. THAT was the point I was making initially. However, "some people" should stop joking about this subject when contacting me. "Some people" evidently find it humorous to jest about, knowing that I'm an animal advocate, but the completely serious worry me the most, as they truly ARE "sick puppies."
You mean besides them wanting me to pee on them and in their mouths?
How about wine enimas? or sharing bites of their frozen cum saved in Tupperware for our eventual enjoyment? Or them asking me to save other men's cum for their enjoyment?

Piss seems so vanilla now. The other stuff...not my thing, but thanks for asking...???
Fancyinheels's Avatar
...or sharing bites of their frozen cum saved in Tupperware for our eventual enjoyment? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
My, I had forgotten about the "popsicle" guy! Early on I had a fellow who froze his cum "on a stick" and wanted to watch me lick it like a DQ Dilly Bar. Last I heard from him he was looking for a lactating lass to donate some breast milk for his next chilled treat, something to do with bananas in a sundae dish.

He, of course, was going to add the nuts.

Whipped cream and chocolate syrup seems so blase now!
rmrstyle23's Avatar
Wow Cum Popsicles and the likes that's a first interesting. I just don't get it but hey they like it sighs
  • cr76
  • 05-11-2016, 06:59 AM
Wow - I'm one vanilla motherfucker over here.