Longhorns football 2017

preseason over hype.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I just got tickets to the Maryland game. Thankfully this weather will be behind us by then. I believe Texas will be a solid favorite against Maryland so it will be a good test to see if this team is good enough to be ranked.
They are 17 pt favorites
winn dixie's Avatar
I'm a bit of a football fan. Regarding Chuck Strong and how he'll do at USF? A bit more than mediocre the first year. After that? Probably worse. Why? Let me ask you this. How many times over the three years he was here did you see players lifting their arms at each other as if to say "what do I do"? How many times did we see a punt fair caught inside our own 10 yard line? I recall many. How many times did we have an extra point or a short field goal blocked? There were numerous. How many times were there questionable time management issues? Again, there were several over his three year span. These are all basic coaching fundamentals. You want to say he didn't have a loaded locker room from Mack? O.K, but that does not excuse players not knowing their basic responsibilities. He recruited well, but didn't know how to coach that talent. And let's face it, most coaches could get good talent to come to Texas. Even former players said the practices were a cake walk. He DID NOT coach them up well. Even after he took over as D coordinator the defense was anemic at best. Teddy Bridgewater made him look great at Louiseville and strong should be sending him an annual check to re-pay him. Oh, and regarding all that B.S. about raising good young men and being an example? Why was he almost served with a deposition to testify at the divorce proceedings between a L'ville board member and his wife? Why was he asked for his phone and travel records after he left for Texas? Why was he asked during the proceedings to return a Rolex given to him by the board members wife? Why would a board members wife give the head coach a Rolex? These are all facts easily found with a little research. Not covered well locally for a reason, but well covered in L'ville. I was for Strong at first. But after year two and all the dirty laundry came out, along with the poor coaching, I was ready for him to go. USF will keep him for three years because UT is paying his salary because of a stupid 5 for 25 mil guaranteed contract. After that, he will be gone because of poor results. Herman, I believe, will get this team popping again. Attention to detail is huge for him and he is already securing fantastic recruiting results. We'll see though. Originally Posted by nickjaguar
I totally agree!This ought to piss off pretty boi. That loser never could face the above facts. Fuck chucky!! Good riddance. Go Horns and thank you Tom Herman
I'm a bit of a football fan. Regarding Chuck Strong and how he'll do at USF? A bit more than mediocre the first year. After that? Probably worse. Why? Let me ask you this. How many times over the three years he was here did you see players lifting their arms at each other as if to say "what do I do"? How many times did we see a punt fair caught inside our own 10 yard line? I recall many. How many times did we have an extra point or a short field goal blocked? There were numerous. How many times were there questionable time management issues? Again, there were several over his three year span. These are all basic coaching fundamentals. You want to say he didn't have a loaded locker room from Mack? O.K, but that does not excuse players not knowing their basic responsibilities. He recruited well, but didn't know how to coach that talent. And let's face it, most coaches could get good talent to come to Texas. Even former players said the practices were a cake walk. He DID NOT coach them up well. Even after he took over as D coordinator the defense was anemic at best. Teddy Bridgewater made him look great at Louiseville and strong should be sending him an annual check to re-pay him. Oh, and regarding all that B.S. about raising good young men and being an example? Why was he almost served with a deposition to testify at the divorce proceedings between a L'ville board member and his wife? Why was he asked for his phone and travel records after he left for Texas? Why was he asked during the proceedings to return a Rolex given to him by the board members wife? Why would a board members wife give the head coach a Rolex? These are all facts easily found with a little research. Not covered well locally for a reason, but well covered in L'ville. I was for Strong at first. But after year two and all the dirty laundry came out, along with the poor coaching, I was ready for him to go. USF will keep him for three years because UT is paying his salary because of a stupid 5 for 25 mil guaranteed contract. After that, he will be gone because of poor results. Herman, I believe, will get this team popping again. Attention to detail is huge for him and he is already securing fantastic recruiting results. We'll see though. Originally Posted by nickjaguar

If you were just talking about record you had a point. But talking about him allegedly cheating is kinda weird when you're on a hooker board. You must think a portion of this board are bad because they are cheating.

As for record, they should win a minimum of 8 games. Strong may have dropped the ball on the field but he stacked the team with really good players. If Herman is anywhere as good as we think he is, then adding 3
wins shouldn't be too hard.
National Champs and Heisman.
popser's Avatar
tu is gonna stink up the place again and squander the usual top 10 recruiting taken you get year after year. If you put pet to paper you will see that tu pays more $ per point than anyone else in college football not to mention how many millions you pay per win. Horrendous waste of $ and your arrogant asses have ruined the big 12.
popser's Avatar
Damn! tu is just as good as last year
popser's Avatar
Hello 4-8.!
Looked just like Strong's no defense, special teams' gaffs units.
Did you see article about what a control freak Herman is? He chooses the songs played at DKR on game day and tests urine to check for "championship hydration". T.H. brought his on DC from Houston and had 9 months to make changes on defensive side of ball that had two worst units in history of Texas football. Well, the defense looked looked like it was being coached by theses guys:
5-7. But i think it may be worse. Could realistically end up @ 3-9.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Fukk'em! Turns out a plain-ol' lilly-white white coach kin stinck up tha joint jus' as much as an uptight, mocha-frappacino, stick-up-his-butt coach. Ah'd laik ta be a fly on a wall whar all tha big-munny alumni is pitchin' a fit o'er gittin' fukked up tha butt by a piss-ant Yankee team! Ah hopes they chokes on they own flaccid dikks, if'n they gots enny!

GO, HORNY FROGS!!!!! 63-0!!! Thet's how ya blow out a set-up openin' game!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Looks like remodeling the locker room has paid dividends.
I am sure we can find a way to still blame all this Mack.
I thought that Texas would win but not by the 19 point spread. USC is going to be bad. But hey at least they didn't lose to Liberty.