Obamacare Decision: Disaster for Liberals

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WE, I never said Gary Johnson could beat Obama. I may have said Gary Johnson should beat Obama, but the media is stacked in support of the Democrats and Republicans.

And you may have said all those things about Perry. No one would have expected you to be telling the truth for a change. It was an honest mistake.
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama is going to regret this day. Obamacare was passed with lies and trickery, against the will of the American people. The American people still do not support Obamacare. There's no way Obama will be reelected after this ruling. The huge GOP victories in the 2010 mid term elections will seem like nothing after November.

Romney will not be outspent, three to one, like McCain was, and Romney is a far better candidate than McCain. Obama is finished. Now the task is to repeal Obamacare.

He who laughs last, laughs best. The Republicans will have the last laugh.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-28-2012, 02:31 PM
2. Government now has unlimited power to make you do anything they want, so long as they threaten to tax you if you don't. Imagine what a Republican President and Congress can do with that. Do you want an abortion? Go ahead, but we will tax you if you do. We want you to buy American cars. If you don't, we will tax you. The mind boggles at what some of these ridiculous Republicans could demand. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They've had that power all along.

I bought a new car in '09. If you didn't buy one, you paid a tax that i didn't.

I bought a new furnace in '10. If you didn't buy one, you paid a tax that i didn't.

How is this or how are your examples any different?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-28-2012, 07:28 PM
That's ok COG. If you don't care to answer the question, i understand.
we kinda hijacked the thread

IMO this thread was supposed to be a rant and rave outlet for circle-jerkers and COF was the pivot man Originally Posted by CJ7
He is adept at playing the pivot!
  • Laz
  • 06-28-2012, 07:52 PM
They've had that power all along.

I bought a new car in '09. If you didn't buy one, you paid a tax that i didn't.

I bought a new furnace in '10. If you didn't buy one, you paid a tax that i didn't.

How is this or how are your examples any different? Originally Posted by Doove
Great examples of incompetent government policy.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-28-2012, 08:13 PM
Great examples of incompetent government policy. Originally Posted by Laz
So tax breaks are incompetent government policy. Got it.
A tax is a tax, unless Otaxtax says it is not a tax. BUT it could not be a tax and Otaxtax says "you could be hit by a bus". Hope you Taxocrates can look your kids in the eye and say, Just tax your kids some more...Lets do this...fuckers
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-28-2012, 08:37 PM
Obama is going to regret this day. Obamacare was passed with lies and trickery, against the will of the American people. The American people still do not support Obamacare. There's no way Obama will be reelected after this ruling. The huge GOP victories in the 2010 mid term elections will seem like nothing after November.

Romney will not be outspent, three to one, like McCain was, and Romney is a far better candidate than McCain. Obama is finished. Now the task is to repeal Obamacare.

He who laughs last, laughs best. The Republicans will have the last laugh. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Jb, your right on. And maybe Justice Roberts was doing this so that cocksucker wouldn't get re-elected.
  • Laz
  • 06-28-2012, 09:18 PM
So tax breaks are incompetent government policy. Got it. Originally Posted by Doove
Those were not tax breaks. They were government give away's to encourage people to buy things. That is not the role of the federal government. People should buy a product if it is in their best interest. Stealing money from everyone to redistribute in that manner is wrong and what was even worse is they borrowed the money dumping the cost on kids.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They've had that power all along.

I bought a new car in '09. If you didn't buy one, you paid a tax that i didn't.

I bought a new furnace in '10. If you didn't buy one, you paid a tax that i didn't.

How is this or how are your examples any different? Originally Posted by Doove
Are you serious? This bears no relation to Obamacare, or what I posted. It's not worth my time to explain things to you because you refuse to pay attention.

Enjoy your victory. Hope you're just as happy when the Republicans start making you buy stuff you don't want. They can do that now, you know.

budman33's Avatar
No they can't. The ruling was very careful about that. But I expect nothing less than from the right wingers who claim to think for themselves but really don't.

if the mandate had been ruled unconstitutional then you'd all be claiming a huge victory, but it wasn't so what does the right wing media do... claim victory. You are bigger sheep than you accuse the left of being.

My insurance hasnt gone up and I am glad I can cover my kids till they get their shit together. Kids think they are invinceable and then if they get sick they find themselves tens of thousands of dollars in debt. just a few days in the hospital easily goes into 5 figures. How is that bad?

Pre-existing conditions not being a reason to let people suffer and die... hmmm how is that bad? it's only bad for health insurance companies who's profits make Exxon look like chump change.

I'm sorry but I havent seen anything... Bad about it. health insurers were never going to do the right thing for sick people, only the profitable thing.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They will still need to make a profit, or they will close.

But we will check back in 3-4 years. Hope you're still happy.
joe bloe's Avatar
They will still need to make a profit, or they will close.

But we will check back in 3-4 years. Hope you're still happy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Profit is theft. Corporations are supposed to go into business to provide jobs and benefits, not to make money. I'm sure if Obama forces the health insurance companies to operate at a loss, they'll stay in business just to make him happy.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-29-2012, 04:21 AM
Are you serious? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

This bears no relation to Obamacare, or what I posted. It's not worth my time to explain things to you because you refuse to pay attention.
In other words, you got nothin'.