January 6th Show: Expectations and Observations

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-10-2022, 08:17 AM
I like the "Lock him up" chant...

Maybe Mike Flynn will come on tonight and rev up the audience with the chant of "Lock Trump up!!!".

He'll do anything if you pay him enough. Just ask Turkey. First he thought their pro Muslim leader needed to be disposed then he was hinting his enemies fir him here in the States for a few bucks.


When a faction of the Turkish military attempted to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in July, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn celebrated the coup effort as something “worth clapping for.”

But a Dutch company headed by a man with ties to Erdogan’s government hired Flynn’s intelligence firm about two months later. Since then, Flynn has dramatically reversed his public position on the failed putsch in Turkey. Earlier this month, he wrote a piece in The Hill hailing Erdogan’s Turkey as a critical U.S. ally and calling on the Obama administration to extradite the cleric Ankara has accused of orchestrating the coup.
Lol n omg n wtf...no life cult bots talking to themselves

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
A circle-jerk of options? I expect the DOJ to charge the dumpster fire after he decides to run again. Hiw about that?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I like the "Lock him up" chant...

Maybe Mike Flynn will come on tonight and rev up the audience with the chant of "Lock Trump up!!!".

He'll do anything if you pay him enough. Just ask Turkey. First he thought their pro Muslim leader needed to be disposed then he was hinting his enemies fir him here in the States for a few bucks.


When a faction of the Turkish military attempted to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in July, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn celebrated the coup effort as something “worth clapping for.”

But a Dutch company headed by a man with ties to Erdogan’s government hired Flynn’s intelligence firm about two months later. Since then, Flynn has dramatically reversed his public position on the failed putsch in Turkey. Earlier this month, he wrote a piece in The Hill hailing Erdogan’s Turkey as a critical U.S. ally and calling on the Obama administration to extradite the cleric Ankara has accused of orchestrating the coup. Originally Posted by WTF

Just sayin'. Been sayin'.

It's the key.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We're talking about LAWFARE instead of warfare. The democrats are trying to use radical interpretations of the laws to win political battles. As someone has said, very Soviet of them.
As for the January 6th select committee, there is an old movie called "Mission to Moscow" with Walter Huston. The main part of the movie is a Soviet show trial for three traitors. Huston is an elected political appointee that goes to Russia to be wooed by Stalin. Huston himself was a leftie who helped produce the movie. Of course, the three were convicted and ended up being executed with the seal of approval of the United States.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

matchingmole's Avatar

A shit show.....dumbshit Ashli.........
matchingmole's Avatar
Really a shit show when they show videos of this turd.............
eccieuser9500's Avatar

A shit show.....dumbshit Ashli......... Originally Posted by matchingmole

The only good terrorist, is a dead terrorist.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Hard to keep it straight. Bobbit's the one whose dick was cut off. Babbit's the one who got her head shot off.
... And Biden is still in the 30s for approval. ...

... While every bloke and his dingo surely KNOWS that
you Dems are gonna get SCHELLACKED in November. ...

### Salty
Hard to keep it straight. Bobbit's the one whose dick was cut off. Babbit's the one who got her head shot off. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
... Lest we forget those brave American service members
in Afghanistan - who got BLOWN UP due to Biden's stupidity.

Trying to help evacuate people - and

Thanks, Joe. ...

### Salty
Chung Tran's Avatar
... And Biden is still in the 30s for approval. ...
Originally Posted by Salty Again
So was your Orange Fetish...


The fucking World is collapsing in and around Biden, but his approval is no worse than Trump's. That underscores just how crappy Donald was. This number was before the 2018 bear market, and disastrous Covid mishandling.