Working class voters: why America's poor are willing to vote Republican

Hey newbie shut the fuck up Originally Posted by gary5912

Attention whore much?
The word you were looking for was "inject" not "interject", you pseudo-intellectual mope.

Budman didn't say something abruptly or interrupt anyone. Originally Posted by ExNYer

I just can't take you seriously after your 401K debacle and yes I'm known for incorrect spellings and bad sentence structure. I will concede that to you and let you wonder why.

After-all you need something to hang your hat onto.
The poor people from Vicksburg, Mississippi in this video vote. The last person interviewed is unemployed, gets food stamps and votes for the republicans. LOL. Originally Posted by flghtr65

^ Yes this one I posted awhile back and yet these folks are still in denial. It's really sad on a human level watching this.

I cringe every time.

^ Yes this one I posted awhile back and yet these folks are still in denial. It's really sad on a human level watching this.

I cringe every time.
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps they vote Republican because they want jobs instead of welfare.
Perhaps they vote Republican because they want jobs instead of welfare. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ha. I think they're happy to continue getting their welfare they're voting for republicans but getting their welfare because of the work Dems do on behalf of humanity. I don't think many of them are smart enough or even healthy enough to get quality jobs
LexusLover's Avatar
...because of the work Dems do on behalf of humanity..... Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Well, I guess it would be challenging for you to itemize ... 4 ... since Jan 2008.

I was more concerned about Obaminable's "humanitarian" efforts.

Other than keeping himself busy ....

I suppose that is why so many of the "base" the Democrats depend upon to be re-installed on the government tit failed to show up at the polls .... I think the explanation was by Obaminable's Propoganda Machine that they were actually FOR the Democrats and had they voted the Democrats would have "won" the elections instead of the Republicans ... so Obaminable has now "called" the elections a Democratic Party Victory.

How many Christians and Iraqi troops were butchered before Obaminable decided to get his ass off the golf course and back to work .... while he lied about the ISIS being a "junior varsity" group who would fade away?

Humanitarian? .... you don't like Christians or what?

Or is it you don't like women and children?
gfejunkie's Avatar
because of the work Dems do on behalf of humanity. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Care to explain this then, zany?

"The study, which compared IRS data from 2012 with data from 2006, showed that the 17 most “generous” states -- as measured by the percentage of their income they donated to charity -- voted for Mitt Romney in the last presidential election. The seven states at the bottom of the list, meanwhile, voted for Barack Obama."
LexusLover's Avatar
Care to explain this then, zany?

"The study, which compared IRS data from 2012 with data from 2006, showed that the 17 most “generous” states -- as measured by the percentage of their income they donated to charity -- voted for Mitt Romney in the last presidential election. The seven states at the bottom of the list, meanwhile, voted for Barack Obama." Originally Posted by gfejunkie

He can't. The teleprompter is turned off.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Most Blacks vote Democrat not because of government handouts but rather because they're running from the overt racism that Republicans gleefully allow in their party resulting in policies that work to harm them.

I think you would agree with conservative writer Thomas Paine born in the 1700's and died in the early 1800's he said:

He then went on to say:

The premise of my OP is that poor Southerners think the government is evil and intolerable but yet they require welfare and assistance and still don't want to give back. Most really don't support this Nation but rather they leech off it. I think the far right voters have been led astray with all this crazy religious thinking and beliefs they don't even practice by virtue of being on this very site.

Lasly, you claim Libs will run the country into the ground well guess what people who deny climate change despite the overwhelming evidence presented by the GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC community are far more dangerous to the country and to the world at large than any lib mindset
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You're an illiterate moron if you imagine that Thomas Paine was a "conservative", zany, and your delusional "premise" is not supported -- without deliberate and conniving distortion -- by the evidence you cite.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
First a quick lesson in political science; a "conservative" of the 18th century is the closest thing to a liberal of the 21th century and a "liberal" of the 18th century is the closest thing to a conservative of the 21st century.

An 18th century liberal believed in small government with enough power to do the important things that individuals could not do for themselves (collecting tolls, protecting the nation, maintaining a military, forging national treaties, and provide for the national welfare). An 18th century liberal was all about providing the most liberty for the most people at any given time. That translates into little government intrusion. An 18th century liberal also believed that charity started in the home and church, not government. It was the 18th century liberal who included the Bill of Rights to be attached to the US Constitution. Many the founders of the United States were "liberals" of their time.
A conservative believed in the power of the king, the power of government, and the lesser status of the individual.

Now that I've corrected your misconception, explain this; why does the military vote overwhelmingly for the Republican party when it is your assertion that the Republican party starts wars? I will go first by saying that both parties start war but only the Republican party fights to win them and in the process saving as many American lives as possible. Before someone says FDR (Stanza won't be someone will), I will point out that as a democrat FDR did not prepare the country for war but allowed the country to be dragged in unprepared (lack of ships, planes, troops, tanks). The only thing that saved FDR was the industrial might that he had spent eight years trying to control....and failed.

So are the men and women of the military brain dead Stanza or do you acknowledge that they may know something that you don't?
What many of you are missing is that contrary to the popular belief, it's not always "the economy, stupid".

I know quite a few middle to lower class whites and Hispanics on the East Side of Houston. Many are dock workers, truck drivers, road crew men, mostly labor intensive jobs that pay about $40,000 a year on average, maybe a tad less.

These are the "working poor".

They reject the social agenda that today's Democrat Party represents. They think the Gay Lifestyle is abhorant to their religious beliefs, they cling to "God and guns" as the President said , they reject the over sexual and liberal lifestyle that popular culture and Hollywood expouses, they think if you are going to have kids, you should get married, they believe that what is growing in a woman's womb is more than a clump of tissue, and all in all, believe that the Democrats are out to make the United States into a third world country.

Has any top democrat official ever been to a tractor pull, a swamp buggy race, a drag strip, a bowling tournament, duck hunting, deer hunting, to a gun range, to a car rally, a biker rally, a bar-b-que cook off, a rodeo, a local fair, etc.

Maybe the Democrats should get out and take a look at a part of America that they don't even know exist. Then they might understand why the Republicans get these people's votes.
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe the Democrats should get out and take a look at a part of America that they don't even know exist. Then they might understand why the Republicans get these people's votes. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The Liberal Democrats won't, because they are "better" than them.

During the period of time I assisted with the Katrina evacuees I got to see first hand the politicians and sports personalities doing photo-op walk throughs while those folks like you just described sorted donations, ladled food and poured drinks, and cleaned up the after mess from the guests ... contrary to desires it was NOT THE RED CROSS EITHER.... it was the religious groups of the Houston area ... "those demons who fuck up the liberals' lives with their stupidity and ignorance" .... WHO ORGANIZED THE COMMUNITY TO HELP THOSE FORCED FROM THEIR HOMES WITH NOTHING.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Liberal Democrats won't, because they are "better" than them.

During the period of time I assisted with the Katrina evacuees I got to see first hand the politicians and sports personalities doing photo-op walk throughs while those folks like you just described sorted donations, ladled food and poured drinks, and cleaned up the after mess from the guests ... contrary to desires it was NOT THE RED CROSS EITHER.... it was the religious groups of the Houston area ... "those demons who fuck up the liberals' lives with their stupidity and ignorance" .... WHO ORGANIZED THE COMMUNITY TO HELP THOSE FORCED FROM THEIR HOMES WITH NOTHING. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I was under the impression that is was Sean Penn and Brad Pitt that saved New Orleans.
Care to explain this then, zany?

"The study, which compared IRS data from 2012 with data from 2006, showed that the 17 most “generous” states -- as measured by the percentage of their income they donated to charity -- voted for Mitt Romney in the last presidential election. The seven states at the bottom of the list, meanwhile, voted for Barack Obama." Originally Posted by gfejunkie

He can't. The teleprompter is turned off. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Stop asking stupid questions. Had you read the article you'd be able to answer your own question.

Leviticus 27:30

The article even concludes they're likely giving to their own churches and religious causes which explains the wealth of the churches. That money isn't going to the gentile nations it's going to those amongst the ranks. LOL

Simple explanation nothing further is needed.