You Tea Nuts are slipping. Zimmerman needs 30k a month, donate donate donate!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-31-2013, 07:21 AM
Zimmerman won the fight. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Zimmerman mighta won the battle but he hasn't won the war yet! He needs 30k a month, donate Tea Lover, donate.

I'm sure Zimmerman's life has been a living Hell since the killing. I'm convinced he killed Trayvon in self defense. I don't see killing someone to protect yourself from being beaten to death as a tragedy, more of a public service. Originally Posted by joe bloe
This does not sound like winning to me.

I see following some kid around and then shooting him when they confront you as really stupid on your part....especially when you now need 30k a month for Defense of that action! Had he fpllowed the 9/11 operator instructions , neither would be where they are.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-31-2013, 07:52 AM

Put your money where your racist mouths are! LOL....sorry the racist part was uncalled for but I just couldn't help myself! Originally Posted by WTF
Hmm, I don't see WTF's post saying anything about party affiliation.

Zimmerman was (and still may be) a registered Democrat. Do I need to bump my Democrat killing Democrats thread that's over 30 days old? Originally Posted by gnadfly
So one has to wonder why YOU bring it up. Are you saying all the love & blind support for Zimmerman on this board wasn't honest? Are you saying that standing up for principles doesn't count if a person is registered in the wrong party? Just what was the reason you DID have to add "he's a Dem"? One would think the highly moral posters on here would support him without regard to his party, and for all the supposed vigilante zealots folks on here claim there are, it would only be a penny per person per month or so. Are you saying since he is a Dem then his stand--that was and is still being praised on here--isn't worth a penny a month?

Wow, that's loyalty for you!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I'm sure Zimmerman's life has been a living Hell since the killing. I'm convinced he killed Trayvon in self defense. I don't see killing someone to protect yourself from being beaten to death as a tragedy, more of a public service. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Not so fast, bud.....

Like yours and the whole bunch of Teawipe Parrotriots whose mental fecal matter litters this section, Zimmerman's life was ALREADY a living hell before he ran across Travon. Why, you say? Because he was, like the rest of you jokers, already eaten up with paranoia and a little-dick hero complex that drove him to wandering around half the night, every night, calling in bulls*it to 911 making a general nuisance of himself to the local authorities. His "defense" of his so-called "life" is a joke.

Well joey, regarding whether or not a tragedy was involved, I guess one shouldn't be stirring up shit that they can't handle in a non-lethal manner. Maybe if you guys either had bigger dicks or could figure out what do do with what you've got there would be less nonsense drizzling from your keyboards.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think WTF has made it pretty clear. If someone is a democrat then you will go to the mat for them but if someone is a republican then he would just as soon allow them to be killed. When he thought Zimmerman was a republican he wanted his blood but...things didn't work out right. So now WTF (the Jew hating liberal) just stands back on the sidewalk and yells insults or racism to the passing cars.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-31-2013, 09:49 PM
I think WTF has made it pretty clear. If someone is a democrat then you will go to the mat for them but if someone is a republican then he would just as soon allow them to be killed. When he thought Zimmerman was a republican he wanted his blood but...things didn't work out right. So now WTF (the Jew hating liberal) just stands back on the sidewalk and yells insults or racism to the passing cars. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I never knew Zimmermans party affiliation...but i do know you Tea Nuts took up for him! Donate JD, donate. The man needs money.
Hmm, I don't see WTF's post saying anything about party affiliation. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're an idiot. Look at the thread title.
So one has to wonder why YOU bring it up. Are you saying all the love & blind support for Zimmerman on this board wasn't honest? Are you saying that standing up for principles doesn't count if a person is registered in the wrong party? Just what was the reason you DID have to add "he's a Dem"? One would think the highly moral posters on here would support him without regard to his party, and for all the supposed vigilante zealots folks on here claim there are, it would only be a penny per person per month or so. Are you saying since he is a Dem then his stand--that was and is still being praised on here--isn't worth a penny a month?

Wow, that's loyalty for you! Originally Posted by Old-T
Again, like you proved on the Democrats killing Democrats thread you're an idiot.

Just like when the Gabby Giffords shooter was wrongly claimed by the left to be a TEA Party member...
Just like the Colorado Theater shooter was wrongly claimed by the left to be a TEA Party member...
Just like the New Town shooter was wrongly guys finally learned and didn't wrongly attribute this guy to the TEA party.

So, I guess ya'll felt you MISSED an opportunity and are going to associate Zimmerman with the TEA Party.

WRONG! HE'S A DEM! OWN HIM! Do I agree that Zimmerman had every right to defend himself from getting his head bashed in. Yep. Does that make me or Zimmerman or Zimmerman's supporters TEA Partiers? Nope.

He one of yours! And he killed (justifyably IMO) another one of yours!

BTW, old-T you also hate guns and are a racist.
Who is Ekim008 you little dick gobbler? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Tell your helper monkey to turn off the oxygen and pull the plug - you'll never recover from your head injury.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I know I'm talking to the deaf (and dumb) but here is a link that explains what happened that night. Forget the terrible memory of some posters here and the smear by the networks.
Chica Chaser's Avatar

Put your money where your racist mouths are! LOL....sorry the racist part was uncalled for but I just couldn't help myself! Originally Posted by WTF
Fuck that, the people are already paying for his lawyer, if he needs one.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to be speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense."
Tell your helper monkey to turn off the oxygen and pull the plug - you'll never recover from your head injury. Originally Posted by gnadfly

what I thought ass nat ,you don't know.On top of that you can't even spell it right.
I know I'm talking to the deaf (and dumb) but here is a link that explains what happened that night. Forget the terrible memory of some posters here and the smear by the networks. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Bottom line is if you can't fight and can't follow common sense carry a gun.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-01-2013, 10:49 PM
You're an idiot. Look at the thread title.

Here's the title: "You Tea Nuts are slipping. Zimmerman needs 30k a month, donate donate donate!" Hmmmm, does it say "Dems" or "Reps"? No it doesn't. 0 for 1, gnaddy.

Just like when the Gabby Giffords shooter was wrongly claimed by the left to be a TEA Party member... Did I say that? Did I even post about that? No. 0 for 2.

Just like the Colorado Theater shooter was wrongly claimed by the left to be a TEA Party member... What does that have to do with this thread?

Just like the New Town shooter was wrongly guys finally learned and didn't wrongly attribute this guy to the TEA party. So now you admit you're posting shit that has nothing to do with the thread. Well done.

So, I guess ya'll felt you MISSED an opportunity and are going to associate Zimmerman with the TEA Party. Never have. I said he was a vigilante, I've said he was a macho guy who violated all the basic tenants of Community Watch groups that I have been a part of. But unlike many, I really never cared what his party affiliation is.

WRONG! HE'S A DEM! OWN HIM! Do I agree that Zimmerman had every right to defend himself from getting his head bashed in. Yep. Does that make me or Zimmerman or Zimmerman's supporters TEA Partiers? Nope. Did I ever say he wasn't a Dem? No. I (and WTF) are pointing out that all those on here (and elsewhere) who rant about his right to kill people, defend what he did, call him an oppressed hero--all you fine hypocrits should have no problem donating one cent each a month to cover his legal fees. My post wasn't about him, but about people like YOU.

He one of yours! And he killed (justifyably IMO) another one of yours!
Wrong again (for what, the 6th or 7th time in this post?) I am not a Dem.

BTW, old-T you also hate guns and are a racist. Originally Posted by gnadfly
And you finish with a flurry: I don't hate guns, I have 4 in my house (all legal, all registered), but I do hate gun carelessness, gun macho, and gun stupidity.

Racist? Pray tell, what race do you think I am racist against? Show me one post where I have posted something racist? I make comments on individuals and actions--I don't make negaitve comments aboyr whole races. But you lie about me and don't care. It fits what you want to believe. Do you even know what ethnicity I am? Three guesses--and I know you won't be anywhere close.

You are pathetic, but I knew that long before this post. You lie about me, and just like IB, when you are called on it you crall into your hole. Show me where I slandered any race, and tell me my racial/ethnic heritage if you can. Otherwise quite your lies that I'm a racist. [And while you're at it why don't you tell us about the symbolism of your avatar....]
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm not sure what your point was with that last post but the Giffords shooter, the Aurora shooter, and Zimmerman were all cast as republicans with probably TEA backgrounds. Not just the media but some pols as well. I also think it should be noted the Trayvon Martin's background was sanitized for public consumption.
bojulay's Avatar
I'm against gun control except for Democratic Libtards,
they shouldn't own them. Per example.

If we're the tea then WTF is a little crumpet.

ha ha ha ha
bojulay's Avatar
Bottom line is if you can't fight and can't follow common sense carry a gun. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Another wonderful common sense post by i'va smallen.

ha ha ha ha