Legality if a sting

ck1942's Avatar

Must have been very honest LEOs to let you walk away.

More than a few have been known to make a pop(**) just for walking into the room!

= = = = =

(**) and let the DA or the judge sort things out.
What sucks is down here in San Antonio (not sure about other places) they will splash your picture and information all over the news for being accused. Not convicted, accused. Originally Posted by mayorcastro

Partially incorrect... Even if other 10 were arrested, you must fall under the following categories in order for the media circus to crucify you:

• military
• educator
• firefighter
• politician

Everyone else will remain anonymous... Carry on, folks... nothing to see...

A while back in Houston, some poor john was all over the news because he was an exec at. Halliburton.

Another guy was a cop who got caught in his own department's sting!

You left pro athlete off your list.
ck1942's Avatar
And preachers, cops, etc. etc.

Arrest records are public documents and sometimes LEOs / DAs will tip off the police reporter.and the TV folks when a sting is going down. TV crews have figured this out, and usually only one station will show up. Nonetheless, tv is still tv, even if only a minor player in the local marketplace.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, good hobby 'spidey senses' there, Pipeliner. Thank God for great design. Sometimes your body just KNOWS some bullshit is around the corner, and it tries to warn you as much as it can.

It amazes me how much energy they put into this. Trafficking? Yes. I get it. General adult escorting? Oh, please. At worst, these things should be treated with a leery eye and a 'this could've been worse' warning, before telling you to get outta here and sending you on your way. P4P is merely a convenience for adults who, for whatever reason, don't want a serious relationship. Maybe they're already in one and aren't getting what they need.

If we're doing this for free, no harm no foul. But inserting legal tender earned through legal means, and of a sudden we're criminals? Fuckouttahere! Now, if it were ILLEGAL tender (i.e. robbed a bank, then tried to pay a hooker), sure. You used money that wasn't technically yours. Cuff 'em, but mostly for robbing a bank. It's just so ridiculous to me that this is a crime. For the life of me, I can't grasp why it's illegal, you know.