I rented a Hoogar I won't be sleeping in...so if you need one.

Ooh, cryptic. Who will get points?

Well...the person getting points here isn't going to be the one you expect... Originally Posted by Wakeup
fun2come's Avatar

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-29-2014, 09:01 AM
How much do you wanna bet Bean replies with something like her roommate posted this, or her account was hacked, or she was falling down drunk?

No excuse. Sheesh. Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
I launched this as a fun little response to Shaylas extra room. I didn't expect it to be hijacked by a racist thinking OWOW.

Apologies to any ladies of color (you know who I'm talking to Aly), or esteemed John's (PID), sorry you were drug into this sordid mess...was not my intension at all.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Yes, the suggestion that one use the n-word in place of hoogar is grossly exaggerated considering the horror of the history associated with that word.

Words as an assemblage of letters have no weight and no value in and of themselves aside from the meaning and feelings we individually and collectively associate with them. As lighthearted or innocuous as it may seem to me, the term "hoogar" is an affront. Being subject to various ubiquitous banal slights is not an issue for me but can be a cluster bomb to the psyche of others.

There are hoogars here, courtesans, regal types, straight up motherfucking dick pigs, and any other provider one can dream of under the sun. There are hobbyists here make me want to sew up my hymen and turn myself into a nunnery. It seems to me a bit of a fool's errand to attempt to marshal how people are perceived and especially how they are addressed in a community completely based on lewdness and the dissolute. It is a disrespect for the usual and expected decencies that we have in common here.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-29-2014, 10:05 AM
Yes, the suggestion that one use the n-word in place of hoogar is grossly exaggerated considering the horror of the history associated with that word.

Words as an assemblage of letters have no weight and no value in and of themselves aside from the meaning and feelings we individually and collectively associate with them. As lighthearted or innocuous as it may seem to me, the term "hoogar" is an affront. Being subject to various ubiquitous banal slights is not an issue for me but can be a cluster bomb to the psyche of others.

There are hoogars here, courtesans, regal types, straight up motherfucking dick pigs, and any other provider one can dream of under the sun. There are hobbyists here make me want to sew up my hymen and turn myself into a nunnery. It seems to me a bit of a fool's errand to attempt to marshal how people are perceived and especially how they are addressed in a community completely based on lewdness and the dissolute. It is a disrespect for the usual and expected decencies that we have in common here. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Its my assertion that anyone looking for a politically correct opportunity to wag their virtual finger will find issue with any verbiage and twist it to their personal soapbox.

I shall continue to use Hoogar as a descriptive word in futute postings here and let each form their own personal thoughts on meaning and context.

Hooker has always sounded a bit harsh. Prostitute a bit too clinical. And courtesan a bit too formal. They all mean the same thing, its just how your personal sensitivities process the words.

At the end of the proverbial day I will continue to shake my proverbial head at those who can't have a laugh or poke fun at what we do here...
Good for you.

Its my assertion that anyone looking for a politically correct opportunity to wag their virtual finger will find issue with any verbiage and twist it to their personal soapbox.

I shall continue to use Hoogar as a descriptive word in futute postings here and let each form their own personal thoughts on meaning and context.

At the end of the proverbial day I will continue to shake my proverbial head at those who can't have a laugh or poke fun at what we do here... Originally Posted by Toyz
Wow, sure wasn't expecting THAT then I open up this thread...

I think we should replace "hoogar" with the "n" word, see how far we get? Care to to it, Toyz? In every instance since its illustrious inception on this board. Shall we? I mean that's essentially what your doing to people with that term, right? Let's do it. let's have a little fun. It'll be cute; it'll be adorable. You're always in to having a little fun, no?

I'm gonna start of with your thredAD.

As stated: "I rented a hoogar. I won't be sleeping in. so if in need of one.."

Then replaced to...

" I rented a . I won't be sleeping in. so if you need one".

You guys continue. It's so cute, right? Originally Posted by chelseabean
jb0006's Avatar
"straight up motherfucking dick pigs" hahahha, I LOVE IT!!! I'm gonna have to use that for some of the girls at the bar around here (friends of course) =D
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-29-2014, 10:54 AM
"straight up motherfucking dick pigs" hahahha, I LOVE IT!!! I'm gonna have to use that for some of the girls at the bar around here (friends of course) =D Originally Posted by jb0006

Oh to be a pig.
Bob McV's Avatar
Yes, the suggestion that one use the n-word in place of hoogar is grossly exaggerated considering the horror of the history associated with that word.

Words as an assemblage of letters have no weight and no value in and of themselves aside from the meaning and feelings we individually and collectively associate with them. As lighthearted or innocuous as it may seem to me, the term "hoogar" is an affront. Being subject to various ubiquitous banal slights is not an issue for me but can be a cluster bomb to the psyche of others.

There are hoogars here, courtesans, regal types, straight up motherfucking dick pigs, and any other provider one can dream of under the sun. There are hobbyists here make me want to sew up my hymen and turn myself into a nunnery. It seems to me a bit of a fool's errand to attempt to marshal how people are perceived and especially how they are addressed in a community completely based on lewdness and the dissolute. It is a disrespect for the usual and expected decencies that we have in common here. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
I hold that words aren't hurtful, intent is. If one can find hurtful intent in Toyz use of the term "hoogar" I feel one may be misplacing some deeper issue.

While I agree that there are ladies here that fulfil a wide range of desires, fantasies, and I am sure in some cases even need; at the end of the day this is a collection of people drawn together to discuss the various aspects of prostitution. Which is simply a sales job, and as any used car salesman will tell you that the stereotypes may be true, people still buy a lot of used cars even while calling them names.

Point being there isn't a lot of room to be vocal when you are personally offended, and still be a good salesperson.

The inference I draw from your statement about wanting to "get thee to a nunnery" is that some make your work enjoyable if not somewhat rewarding. Personally I would love to see more celebration of the positive.

I agree that only a fool would want to enforce much of a moral code with such a diverse and carnal fueled group, but to find disrespect in Toyz use of the word "hoogar" I think you have to look well past his intent.

"straight up motherfucking dick pigs" hahahha, I LOVE IT!!! I'm gonna have to use that for some of the girls at the bar around here (friends of course) =D Originally Posted by jb0006
For me I get a mental picture of the quintessential truffle pig rooting around for cock, and a look of disappointment and frustration when they dig up a flaccid one.
fun2come's Avatar
So what is the root of the word: Hoogar?

I always thought of it as Cougar for Hire ..

I'll withdraw my question, I am happy with my assumption
cckid2006's Avatar
For the curious types - origins of the word "hooker" - those thinking it came from a charismatic American Civil War general called ‘Fighting Joe’ Hooker are in for a surprise:

Bob McV's Avatar
General Hooker! my atf just got a new nickname!
Guest110715-3's Avatar
That pussy has me hooked!
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Don't y'all shady apes be a'waggin' your fingers at me. I should have said that the term hoogars is an affront to SOME. One for whom intent-less insults all too readily drips forth from my brain to keyboard or Montblanc cannot throw stones.

Since it's intent that has been determined to comprise a slight, do I have license to let loose some of my better ones without y'all being chagrined since there is nothing but humor behind it?

Please say yes because goddamn I have some good ones hahaha