How many does this REALLY offend?


I like to display perspective and range for the newbies Louigi!.....

C'mon man! When are we having that beer? Originally Posted by Whispers
I like a range myself! But my my tastes are much more eclectic than yours - except in beer perhaps (I stay with dark beer, with a few Pilsners now and again and NEVER an IPA)
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Soooo off topic but si?
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Here's one for mi raza...
Don't care about Urban Dictionary. This is not The Provider's Civics Class. Try using Websters. If you say it, I will remove it and point you again. Boo hoo

If it's posted anywhere on the board the Moderators will remove it. You are no exception to this rule.

Last time I checked, this was a Board for Men to review Hookers/Providers. Not a music studio for rappers to express their Urban Vocabulary.
Don't care about Urban Dictionary. Try using Websters. If you say it, I will remove it and point you again. Boo hoo Originally Posted by Von Spieler
LOL - we're all waiting for Bonn to edit or point! Please don't steal his thunder!
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  • savak
  • 11-03-2014, 09:50 PM
I think it's spelled guey. Lol :P I don't know. Yeah, I prob should have said ese! Originally Posted by Darcy Darling
I've seen it spelled "Guey", "Buey", 'Wey', all kinds of different ways from my family and in spanish movies and tv shows.

so either way works
initial d's Avatar
One for the geek in me....
Don't care about Urban Dictionary. This is not The Provider's Civics Class. Try using Websters. If you say it, I will remove it and point you again. Boo hoo

If it's posted anywhere on the board the Moderators will remove it. You are no exception to this rule. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Your Picture has been removed. Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. I see a quick vacation on the beach coming for a stubborn girl - VS

I feel like this is happening to Originally Posted by Darcy Darling


A girl like me can understand where you're coming from. Whoooo Caaaares!
Some people might take offense tough, and rightfully so.
Either way its breaking the rules so you just can't say it here I suppose.

But you can say it in real life! Wait, there are rules there too.

You're fucked!

Free speech is a power tactic. By creating a facade of giving you power, when really it working against you.
Look who's talking though.


A girl like me can understand where you're coming from. Whoooo Caaaares!
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Thank you VERY much! That's exactly what it is.

Posting pictures of Minors violated ECCIE Guidelines. Picture removed - VS
I especially luv old ladies who cuss. They crack me up..... Originally Posted by Darcy Darling
OMG me too! I swear I just posted about this the other day.

Ok, girly moment is over.
Back to being whores, being evaluated.
Thank you VERY much! That's exactly what it is.

Posting pictures of minors violates ECCIE Guidelines. Picture removed - VS Originally Posted by Darcy Darling
People gotta stop just reading my first sentences.

I really need to perfect my one sentence replies.
My brain + concision = yeah right.
I am working on it, and I'm getting better everyday.

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Remember boys and girls....
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  • savak
  • 11-03-2014, 10:19 PM
Thank you VERY much! That's exactly what it is.
Originally Posted by Darcy Darling

otra vez Darcy??!!??