
I only create art with a signed contract......I believe in mutually assured destruction if one of us wants to blab, share, or is negligent enough that they end up sharing the other person's name or images.

Once, I brought the contract out and the hobbyist asked if I was a lawyer.
  • CS25
  • 11-10-2014, 07:10 AM
SAAngel27...the idea of a contract is smart but could it have teeth? Would you actually try to enforce it in the public court of law? That sounds like taking the chance on being "outed" by the other party.

CPalmson...I agree that having control of the video is the only way to do this. However, as you see from the post by SAAngel27 (who, by the way, if you follow her posts on the board shows to be astute about the way she conducts business), some providers would have the same desire to have (some) control over the final product. For a hobbyist to create and hold a video of a session with a provider, there would need to be some trust by the VP which would explain why this would primarily be done by VPs and Hobbyists who have gotten to know each other well.
JSSA007's Avatar
I love making vids both in the hobby and RW. Its one of those nice naughty things to do. I just recently arranged my collection to make way for new content and noticed i have a nice collection. Me and a few providers have watched ourselves on tv of a previous recorded session while we record a new video session. I have had a few comment on the closeups how turned on it makes them seeing themselves be penetrated.
I would absolutely enforce the contract if the art that was created between two consenting adults for private, personal use somehow got leaked or either one of us got careless or mouthy.

Call me a sheep, but I value my RW and hobby reputation and hope hobbyists do as well. I will take the proper precautions to protect us both. My friends should do the same.

Also, thank you for the compliment CS25.